These are Irish Wolfhounds. This is the next breed of dog I will get. They can weigh 150 lbs and up. Aren't they stunning? Steve says we will DISCUSS getting one. I smirked at him and said "we WILL get one".

![]() Your Bartender
Nick: Maeve
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![]() Thursday, June 30, 2005 ![]() These are Irish Wolfhounds. This is the next breed of dog I will get. They can weigh 150 lbs and up. Aren't they stunning? Steve says we will DISCUSS getting one. I smirked at him and said "we WILL get one". ![]()
posted by Maeve at 11:19 PM Wednesday, June 29, 2005
My mom gave me a coffee table book on Andalusian horses. The photography is stunning. Andalusians are my favorite horses and I had the pleasure of owning one when I was in my 20's.
Flash back: I was working at the theraputic riding center for the disabled (how ironic that my own son would be a rider there) as a stable manager. We leased out the "pasture" (big hunk of nothing but dirt and a few trees) next door to people who wanted their horses turned out 24/7. Two people stopped paying boarding fees and legally became property of the center. The director told me to bring one of the horses over so they could evaluate it, it was going to auction. I walked out there and I picked the sorry thing out of the bunch. He was a big bay horse with a very long tangled thick mane & tail. His hooves were over grown and his winter coat was starting to shed. He let me walk right up to him and lead him off. I brought him back to the center and started to groom him. There was an instant bond with this poor thing. The director came out and looked at the horse, she then looked at it's teeth (that's how you guess the age). She mumbled something about "dog food" and that brought my attension real quick. Seems the horse was in advanced age and his legs did not look sound. I offered to buy him on the spot. The center sold him to me for $1.00. Yep, ONE dollar. I named the horse Whiskey and he was the kindest and gentlest horse I've ever known. Even though his legs looked like shit, he was sound. I ended up showing him at little local fun shows, the kids in our family all learned how to ride before they could walk and Whiskey even appeared in a promotion for our local cable company. Every time I'd come up to his stall, Whiskey would whinney to me. That horse saved me from self distruction and a bad relationship. And in a round about way, it was because of that horse I met my husband (but that's another story). Cancer finally took that nobel beast, Whiskey was well into his 30's when he crossed the rainbow bridge. I miss that horse with the kind eyes and the velvet nose.
posted by Maeve at 10:37 PM
I want my mommy!
This cold has officially kicked my fine Irish ass. My throat hurts, my head is stuffy, nose runny, sand feeling in eyes and it feels like my fat cat Tozer is sitting on my chest (well, if she were still alive). For a while, I was camped out in Pudd'ns room. He seemed to know I didn't feel well and wanted me to lay in his bed. I slept as best I could with him getting in & out of bed while he watched t.v. It then got time for me to make the SHORT trip to my mother's house........ Exit the toll road, pay my $1.75 and I'm on my merry way. Sort of. We hit traffic from El Toro in to the canyon. Ok, no problem, it's just the morning rush hour right? We inch our way down and after 20 min (should take 3 min tops) I see cop cars. Ok, accident, nothing unusual in the canyon. Get closer, oh SHIT! They CLOSED the canyon!!! I get up to the police officer and he tells me I'm going to have to go BACK the way I came and get into Laguna by coast. FUCK! Well, I knew a shorter way via cost to get there, only it was going to cost me another $4.00 in toll! Fuckers! I've slept all morning and feel WORSE. I have to go get Pudd'n now, I have to leave extra early because I have no idea if the canyon is open. I'm just taking the coast in and I will try to enjoy the view. So far this vacation is sucking wind. I'm SUPPOSE to be horseback riding EVERY DAMN DAY! I'm SUPPOSE to have my ass on the tread mill! So far I've only done those things ONCE. Why does life have to get in the way??
posted by Maeve at 1:46 PM
Screw the field trip, I'm sicker than a dog. Pudd'n is going to grandma land for the day so I can sleep.
posted by Maeve at 8:02 AM
Oh man, do I REALLY feel like shit today. This cold is starting to kick my ass.
Work was thankfully busy last night, word must of got out to Slappy #2 that I'm starting to look else where for employment. I was talking to the chef last night about the latest train wreak in our little establishment. On Sat: Slappy #2's granddaughter comes in, she's 3, cute as a button. He sets her up on the counter where the food comes out. We keep the grated parm. cheese up there to put on cutomer's food. He starts to feed her FROM THE SPOON that is resting in the plate of cheese and he just sticks it back in when he's done. Customers see this and get grossed out. His take "oh it's just a little girl". Um HELLO! Children are GERM FACTORIES (I'm living proof here with a damn head cold). Out of 5 tables he had, 4 had complaints and meal screw ups. On Sunday we only served $300 worth of food & drink. Not good. The chef asked if I would talk to the partner if he arranged a meeting. I said I would. I'm tired of carrying Slappy #2's ass. Who is Slappy #2 some of you barflys might ask? He's the manager. Believe it or not, he's been in the business as long as I have (23 years).
posted by Maeve at 6:41 AM Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Since I was a good girl and "rested" most of the day, I can go horse back riding tomorrrow? Right? WRONG!
As I picked up Pudd'n today, there was a little note in his cubby. They are going on a "field trip" to Tarjaye tomorrow. Ok, let's review this. There are 9 autistic kids in his class: 2 are agressive 1 elopes (in layman's terms, the kid runs/sneaks off) There is 1 teacher and 3 aides for all 9 kids. I think I'm going to take a shopping trip to Tarjaye tomorrow! I don't want any one distracted and not keeping an eye on MY kid. Pudd'n is a good boy, but all it takes is one good distraction and one fucking whacko and my kid disapears. Yeah, sick to think about, but I have to be one step ahead. A non verbal, compliant child is Micheal Jacks*n's dream come true.
posted by Maeve at 3:34 PM
Ok, so far I have:
cleaned my key board rearranged the linen closet made some baths salts cast a banishing spell did the dishes did some laundry added THREE new sites in my blog roll I rested inbetween all that. Honest I did. I commented on your blogs did I not? That's sitting and resting (and the only time my head would stop pounding). I guess the only thing left for me to do is sit down and make a grocery list. Yuck. Soon I will go get Pudd'n and smother him with kisses.
posted by Maeve at 12:10 PM
Ok, it looks like I'll let common sense rule and I'll stay home. Well, only because the pressure in my sinuses are building up and some how sitting on the back of a trotting horse does not sound like fun. So I think I'll try and give myself a day of beauty. I'll break out a new blade for my razor and shave my sasquach legs and give myself a pedicure too. Hell, maybe I might even do a facial. Or I could just go back to sleep all day.
posted by Maeve at 8:46 AM
Ok, should I go horseback riding? I'm feeling a LITTLE better, not much. I want to go horseback riding, but am afraid I'll be pushing it and be too wiped out for work tonight. Commonsense (the bastard that it is) is telling me to stay home. But Goddamn it! It's MY summer vacation! I want a horse between my thighs!
posted by Maeve at 6:49 AM Monday, June 27, 2005
Well, what ever Pudd'n had, it has now worked it's way to my sorry ass.
I brought pizza, salad, chicken wings, sodas and cup cakes for a birthday lunch in his class room. It was a big hit, the boys really liked it, so did the teacher and her aides. I took Pudd'n to Aunt Selma's for a little bit. Surf was up and there was a bit of a rip tide, so we did not stay long. I'm drinking some tea right now, thought I'd make it a little fun and use loose leaves so I can read them when I'm done drinking.
posted by Maeve at 3:40 PM
My life changed for the better nine years ago today at 10:35 am. Pudd'n was put into my arms and right then I knew what true love was. Pudd'n, you are my sun, the moon and the stars! You have taught me more in the short 9 years that you have been on this earth than the 30 of them that I lived before you. You are truly a blessing and the greatest gift.
posted by Maeve at 6:13 AM
posted by Maeve at 6:12 AM Sunday, June 26, 2005
Can I have some cheese to go with my whine?
It is going to be a bad PMS month. I can feel it already. I'm trying to look at the positive, not the negative. Some days it's just harder than others. I am trying to stop feeding negative energy in to not having enough money to cover things. I wouldn't be freaking out so bad if I had made decent money on friday and if Ken didn't cancel on me on Thurs. I took yesterday and today off, which means.......no money. I started freaking a bit when I realized that tomorrow I'm suppose to bring cupcakes & pizza for Pudd'ns birthday party at school. Then I remembered that I still had the cash my dad sent me for Pudd'ns birthday. Pudd'n does not need anything (my mom has covered all those bases) so I'll use the cash for that. See? problem sovled, quit worrying. Yesterday Athena lost a good amount of cash at the spa. I'm ready to freak out and she says "it's ok, it's just money, I'm not going to let it have power over me. Who ever found it must of really needed the money". So I'm trying that train of thought right now.
posted by Maeve at 1:34 PM
The photos of Mr.Stuffed Sausage (man in neon pink thong) did not turn out. Oh well, the image is burned into my brain, I'm going to need therapy after seeing that yesterday.
posted by Maeve at 7:34 AM Saturday, June 25, 2005
Today Dru, Athena and I drove over the mountain to Lili's new digs. The house is STUNNING! The sunken bath tub is exsquisit! She has a beautiful view of the mountains and a huge, light & air kitchen. We then piled in to Lili's car to head to a day spa for a day of relaxation. Lili & Dru had made appointments for facials & massages right off the bat, so Athena and I went poolside. We were there for 10 minutes when I spied this guy on a raft. I just about pissed my pants. This guy was DEFINITLY not from around here. He had a nice body, but he was wearing a neon, screaming bright pink THONG!!! His shit was all bunched up in the little piece of fabric and it looked obscenly gross! I grabbed Athena's camera phone to snap off a few pics to send to Spaz. Have you ever seen the movie "Dodge ball"? And Ben Stiller*s character has that little air pump to pump up his package when the pretty blonde enters the room? Well that is what this guy looked like. I'm glad he felt all secure in himself, but he would of scored if he had worn a nice pair of board shorts. After facials & massages were done, we headed over to the mud pit. There is this small pool area you go into, in the middle is a big pile of red clay on a pedistal. Lili and I stick our hands in it and I say "oooohhh, it's gooey!". Lili, thinking she's going to be a smart ass, slaps a big gob on my back and says "yes it is!!". Well, the bitch should of known better, she barely blinks and my cat like/mom back hand reflexes hit and I slap her in the stomach with a gob of mud. "Yeah, it IS!". She called truce, but I could just picture us rolling around in that shit! After we were all done we headed to Don Hoser's for some fine Mexican food. It was like locus came and swept over our food, we were starving! I think we rolled out of there we were so damn full. All in all, it was a great day. I'm sure I'll have more to tell later, I'm too tired right now.
posted by Maeve at 9:39 PM Friday, June 24, 2005
I took some of my horse collection to an Ebay site to sell them for me. What they have shown is just a drop in the bucket. My mom would buy me model horses for Yule, LOTS of them. They have been sitting in boxes for close to 25 years now. It's glaringly obvious I won't be having any more children that would like these horses. With the (little) money I make on the sale, I'm going to put twards our Mexico vacation next month. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=7165048017
posted by Maeve at 2:23 PM
It's getting fucking hot again...........
Got laundry and other things done that needed to get done before the heat kicked in. Got my herbs planted, I want more roses too. I've clipped a few off the 2 bushes I got and damn, if they don't look pretty in the vase. Pudd'n is feeling a bit better, I'm going to take him out and see if I can get him to eat later. Right now I've got a great blues/jazz cd playing that Lili had made up for me. I'm relaxing a bit before I have to put laundry away. I have a bad habit of just throwing the clean clothes on the bed to be folded all at once. I'm ready for a nap........
posted by Maeve at 12:05 PM
Enough of my whineing. My dear, dear friend Lili's brother needs some healing white light sent his way. He was just diagnosed with cancer and goes in today to have it operated on. Please send a prayer his way today for a quick, speedy and full recovery to optimum health. Thank you.
posted by Maeve at 9:43 AM
Yep, for those of you who are an Erma Bombeck fan, that is where I got the title of this post from. I've been thinking of family dynamics lately and how they effect your life. Then over at Sandy's place she asked an innocent enough question and Goddamn if that did not open a flood gate of wonderfully suppressed emotions. Sorry Sandy for ranting at your place........ What was the innocent question? "what quirks do you have that you got from family?". My answer was the fact that I had to clean my plate. I stopped trying new foods because of this, even if I took a small portion and did not like it. I had to eat it. Then of course when you go out to eat, they give you big portions, too bad, eat it all. What does this teach you? Not to trust when you are full and to not to trust yourself. Top that with the fact that your father seems to love his other children from his other wives more than you and you have a nice self esteem issue brewing here. OH! and then to top off that crappy self esteem issue, your father tells you you need to lose weight! Oh joy! Who is he comparing you too? It was the era of "twiggy", that emaceated creature that so many women tourchered themselves to look like. Then there was my cousin, who was petite and pencil thin. At 12 years old I was 5'10, had big boobs and curves in all the right places. I had to shop in the women's dept, hell, I could wear my mom's clothes. And because I had to shop in the women's dept, I was labeled "fat" by my family. Well, everyone but my mother. She told me I was fine and beautiful. No, wait, it was my father's side (and wives) of the family that made me feel like shit. My Evil Auntie (my mom's sister) used to tell me "it's ok Maeve, you'll like your boobs soon enough, women pay money to get them". Ah fuck, I'm ranting here, but who cares right? Lack of sleep and a cranky sick child will do that to you. The moon is now starting to wane. For those of you who don't follow the craft as I do, to me this is a time to rid myself of unwanted things. Guess what I'm gonig to get rid of? Those self esteem issues that no longer fucking serve me. It's now my father's hang up, it's no longer mine.
posted by Maeve at 7:10 AM Thursday, June 23, 2005
MY POOR BABY..........
Pudd'n is sick. Really sick. Hasn't eaten, barely had anything to drink and he's been cat napping all day. No horseback riding for me tomorrow. bummer. Looks like I'll be stuck at home all day until Steve comes home. I feel so bad for him, I wish I could do something to make him feel better.
posted by Maeve at 7:00 PM
posted by Maeve at 4:40 PM
posted by Maeve at 4:39 PM
I finally cleaned out the little bag of toys I brought for Pudd'n when we had gone out for drinks & appitizers with Babs. Babs had said the above statement, can't remember how it came about. But I thought it was funnier than shit. So I asked her to write it down because my memorie SUCKS. Well, she writes it and just as she's ready to hand it to me, the waiter comes by and rather LOUDLY Babs says "Gee Maeve, don't be shy and give the waiter your phone number". I think I told her to "fuck off" as I snatch the napkin out of her hand and stuff it in the bag. Babs was on a mission to embarass me that night. She succeeded. GOOD CLEAN FUN......... This sat, meeting "the girls" for some fun at a local day spa. This is not your run of the mill day spa, no kiddies, it's not. They have MUD baths there along with the usual massages, facials and what not. Only problem is, you have to book those extras in advance. I can't afford any , so I just planned on bringing a book and reading pool side while I wait for the ho bags, er, I mean my friends get their stuff done. Athena is on a waiting list to see if she can get a massage. She sudgested a mud wrestling match! Lili will bring the camera.
posted by Maeve at 9:44 AM Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Goddamn is it HOT!!!!!!
I did not nap like I should of today, it was Pudd'ns short day, so why bother? I went and got some beautiful roses, one smells heavenly. I got some daisies and some other flowers that are suppose to attract butterflys and hummingbirds. I also bought some herbs (no, not the smoking kind). I got chives, rosmary, sage, parsley, chamomile and some others I can't think of right now. I'll plant those tomorrow in the morning when it is still cool.
posted by Maeve at 4:58 PM
What is it about Wed. that Pudd'n has to get up at the ass crack of dawn? And he's wet the bed again, what's up with that??? He got up at 2:30 today and needless to say, I'm dragging ass.
I'm stopping off at the local "do it yourself home improvment store" to get some more plants to kill. Maybe I'll just skip it and come home and do a face plant in my bed instead.
posted by Maeve at 6:55 AM Tuesday, June 21, 2005
WHAT IS "YOUR SONG"??...........
When Steve and I got married back in '93, we had chose the song "Sea of Love" to dance to as "our song". Now, it is really not for the normal warm & fuzzy feelings that we picked this song. Oh no children, we are more twisted than that! We chose that song because of the movie with the same name. Remember back in '89 (I think) the movie came out with Al Pachin*? Do you remember the ending? The cable man was the killer. Steve WORKS for the cable company and at that time the movie came out, he was a the lead installer. THAT is why we chose that song. What would we pick now you ask? Puddle of Mudd's song "She fucking hates me". What is YOUR song and why?
posted by Maeve at 8:57 PM
I'm liking this summer vacation! The only thing that would make it better is if my friends didn't have to work too. I can only bug Babs, Athena, Spaz and Lissie so much on i.m & emails while they work. Then of course there is the always fun phone tag with Lili, even Dru has a job now. What's a girl to do? Ok, several things come to mind.......
Tomorrow will be yard work. Stuff needs to be cut back and other things need to be planted. I'll go ride the horses on thur & fri. Went to Sam's club today and spent a small fortune on things we needed. That is a very dangerous place. Well, I can't think of anything else to blather on about. Ta Ta for now.
posted by Maeve at 12:28 PM
Babs came over yesterday so we could trot up to the mall and take advantage of b&bw's sale. We had to take Pudd'n with us because Steve was working o/t. I was a little nervous, pudd'n is not a fan of shopping (what man is?) and can make it very difficult. Well I was in for a pleasant surprize, he was an ANGEL!! We stopped for a glass of wine and appitizers at the chinese place, I brought puzzles and books to keep him occupied. He smiled, sat down and happily played. We had a good time harrassing the cute waiter, turned everything he said in to some sort of sexual innuendo. At the end of the meal, Babs asked him how much do we tip for sexual harrassment? He said it was "pricless". We then hit up the food court for pudd'n, he ate some ribs at the chinese place, but not much. He was still a little hungry. And again at the body shop, he was an angel. Waited nicely while we ran around snorting all sorts of wonderful scents. Babs can now go out in the general public and smell good. I was so proud of Pudd'n, he was such a good boy!
posted by Maeve at 6:07 AM Monday, June 20, 2005
YEAH BABY YEAH! (insert sound of hand slapping on bare ass)
posted by Maeve at 4:29 PM
I don't want another dog, truly I don't. But it was glaringly obvious this afternoon that poor Jack (a.k.a Cujo) can't fill the job of watch dog any more. I could hear the tree trimming guys out back. No biggie right? Well, I hear the goat barking out our bedroom window, I go to take a look and some guy is in the back yard trying to get trimmings out of speedy's turtle habitat. Now I am grateful that he's doing this, but the goat is a big chicken shit and no threat to intruders. Jack, USED to be. He is so deaf now, he had no idea anything was going on. Did not hear goat barking, did not hear someone in the back yard. Damn! Getting old sucks!
Phone call from Lili......... Lili: what cha doing? me: drunk blogging Lili: in the middle of the afternoon? Me: yeah.... Lili: you are my hero. Goddamn do I like my summer vacation so far!
posted by Maeve at 3:10 PM
The picture above is of my good friend Sandy, it was her senior picture. Sandy is an admireable person, she marches to the beat of a different drum fo sure. She was real liked in school, never gave the teachers any problems. Did I ever tell you the time she almost got kidnapped?
The Russian circus was in town and they thought one of their clowns was trying to defect. Luckily, Sandy's daddy had a big gun and convinced them otherwise.
posted by Maeve at 2:49 PM
posted by Maeve at 2:49 PM
Drum roll please...........things that bring people to this joint and for once Babs is not fornicating with some forgien object and or animal!
"aphrodite undercover" (Google) 2 : Uh, that'd be Venus's site lovey-dovey fucks (Google) 1 : Makes me think of Lili & C. "have you ever been tied up" (Google) 1 : Yes "jungle juice reciepe" (Google) 1 :EWWWWWWWWWW "my son" "my pussy" "touching myself" "caught" (Yahoo) 1 : That is just too many levels of WRONG. men wearing dainty bras panties (Google) 1 : Would that be Zonker? mr.pokey the monkey (Google) 1 : I hear those crazy Jawja bloggers bring one to their "writer's club". Nauty hot girls using tampons (Yahoo) 1 :Ok, again EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW belgin sluts (Netscape) 1 : Grandma? penis cake templates (Google) 1 : Betty Cocker strikes again bodiour photos (Google) 1: been there, done that. pics of wet and horny sluts (MSN) 1: Lili? picture hot bartender (Yahoo) 1 : Kerry? pictures of brendan shanahan's wife (AOL) 1 : Who the fuck wants to see his wife? I want to see HIM!! queer eye for the straight guy creme brule (Google) 1: Would that be classified as "cream of sum young guy"? And there you have it folks. I bet your day is now complete!!
posted by Maeve at 11:01 AM
Looks as if we are going to Mexico for sure next month to celebrate Kerry's 1 year wedding anniversary. I'm alreay hyperventilating thinking about being away from Pudd'n for a few days.
Pathetic aren't I ???
posted by Maeve at 10:03 AM
I am on "Autistic Overload"..........
So many choices on what to do today! I like this being out of work until Aug 24th. Well, my day job that is. I think I'll get the house nice and clean so I can go guilt free to Bath & Body w*rks today. They are having the semi annual sale. That is the only time I buy anything from there, it is so damn exspensive. Had a great weekend. Babs came down to Aunt Selma's on sat. We hung out, got some mexican food and headed back here to eat. I had gotten one of those kits that you can make a hand impression in as a father's day gift for steve & grandpa. Just what every autistic kid wants to do, stick their little hand in some gooey stuff and KEEP it there for a full minute. The look Pudd'n gave me was priceless. It ran a long the lines "oh no you don't bitch! get my hand away from that shit!!". I managed to get a decent impression and it turned out nice. Now I just have to get paint so he can paint them up. Yesterday we headed down to the beach again and spent 3 wonderful hours there. I sucked it up and went in the ocean so the goat could ride the boogy board. Ah shit, gotta go pick up Pudd'n from grandma land. Will have to finis this warm & fuzzy post later!
posted by Maeve at 6:38 AM Sunday, June 19, 2005
We were slow at work, had two extra bodies we didn't need, so I left. Pudd'n is at grandma land, so I sudgest to Steve that we head down to C.c and get us some nachos & dessert. Kerry is behind the bar, so we catch up on stuff. The bar is crowded, the tv's are going....and then I hear it above the noise. The song "Unforgettable". That is mine and my grandfather's song, how fitting it is that I hear it on Father's day. My grandpa was a big influence in my life. I was never "daddy's girl", I was always "grandpa's girl". I had only seen my grandpa cry twice in my life. He was not one to show much emotion or a soft side. He cried the day I got married and the day his daughter died. In fact, I think that is what killed him. My aunt died unexpectedly, my grandpa WAS in good health. He died 4 months to the day later. After he had died, it had been a few months and I wondered how he was doing on "the other side". No sooner had the thought entered my mind than the song Unforgettable came on the radio. I had to pull the car over I was crying so hard. I miss you grandpa.
posted by Maeve at 9:01 PM Friday, June 17, 2005
A little note to the "customers from hell".............
You are lucky the kitchen is in full view of the dining room. Otherwise I'd be SPITTING in your food. You are NOT all that! Your money does NOT impress me, YOU try doing my job while serving people JUST like YOU. Fucktards...........
posted by Maeve at 11:54 PM
What a ride!
Had a great time on the boys today. Kirby was his usual lazy ass self and pushed all the buttons to see what he could get away with (nothing!). Kip was more than happy to work and thankfully did not spook at his shadow. The goat & old dog Jack were on a mission to see who could eat the most piles of horse manure. Then Jack loses his blance and falls into the drainage ditch for the wash racks. He came out looking and smelling gross. Guess who got a bath soon as we got home? There was a new horse shoer down there. Well, new to me, I've never seen him before. He actually flirted a bit with me, I even looked over my shoulder to see if he was talking to some one behind me. I was in shock because I sure as hell don't look like a beauty queen while riding! Maybe it is my sassy red boots I wear! LOL Any way, I think he's just like Coach, one of those guys that likes to chat the ladies up. A big flirt.
posted by Maeve at 11:23 AM Thursday, June 16, 2005
Last day of regualr ed!!!!
Today is the last day of school, for me that is. Pudd'n does not get out until Aug. I have not heard from the district at all if they needed me to work in the elemtary schools for disabled kids during the extended school year. So, I am going horseback rididng tomorrow and EVERY morning that I can! Yesterday I was feeling all sorts of guilty because I didn't take Pudd'n down to Aunt Selma's. I was exshausted from getting up at 2:30 and the weather was crappy. If it had been sunny & warm out, I'd put in the effort. Pudd'n is impervious to cold, he does not care if it's sunny out or not. I had forgotten to pull a card from my "happy, happy, joy, joy deck", so I pulled one. The card I got was "REST, you've been working hard take a nap and get some rest". Who am I to argue with that?? So I crawl into bed and not 2 min later Pudd'n joins me. We snuggle up together and took a nap. There we were when Steve got home. I just love snuggleing up with Pudd'n.
posted by Maeve at 6:29 AM
Kids, I wanted them. At least 2, possibly 3. After Pudd'ns diagnoses at 2 years of age, I had to let that dream go. He requires 110% of our time and it became glaringly obvious we made the right choice last year when we temporarily had custody of Bart & Lisa. I only regret the choice once in a while, mostly when I'm PMS'ing. I know families with 2 and 3 austistic kids in them, I don't know how they do it. Pudd'n is pretty easy going, he is not aggressive, sensitive to touch or defiant. I don't know how those parents do it with those kids of kids. We were not willing to take the gamble of having another autistic kid, only worse. So we just have Pudd'n and give him all of our love. Who knows, maybe one day we can adopt, but for right now, we'll just put all our focus on him. Pudd'n is our sun, the moon and the stars.
posted by Maeve at 6:20 AM Wednesday, June 15, 2005
My friend Aussie sent this to me. She works with kids just like Pudd'n, only she lives in Australia (for now). Aussie will be out here to live this Sept. providing that our earth quakes & tsunamis won't scare her off. It shouldn't, I mean, she's dating Athena. A little ground shaking can't compare to putting up with Athena! LOL
I never knew anyone disabled until my son was diagnosed six years ago with Autism. When he was just two, I remember asking my husband how kids get to ride the little buses – they seemed so child friendly – I couldn't picture my `baby' riding the big bus. Talk about living in a vacuum. What a laugh that story's become. I now have four sons and three get to ride the little bus. A few years ago, I was picking up my typical son from preschool and another mother complained to me that the boy next door gets a bus, while she has to drive her child back and forth every day. "And he hardly seems disabled," She said. I felt a twisting of my gut and my left eye probably twitched uncontrollably, but I kept my mouth shut. Unfortunately she started to seek me out, two or three times a week for this same discussion. Since I was PTA president then, she believed I could influence the district transportation policy. Finally, on a day where 11:30 am felt like 10 pm, I looked her in the eye and said, "I know it seems unfair, so why don't we trade? I'll take a typical child and drive aback and forth and you can have an autistic child who gets to take the bus." I didn't speak with her much after that. In that short conversation, I couldn't possibly pry open her world to what the little bus really means. Personally, on the `down side' that little bus means: watching typical children run and play and laugh while my child floats alone in his own world, spending over 15 hours each spring developing and Individualized Education Plan for each of my three children meeting every 4-6 weeks with each of those child study teams to exchange notes, support each other and maybe switch strategies, the silence of the phone – no calls for play dates here, huge meltdowns of pure panic because my son can't comprehend that today we are going to stop at Super G before going home, trying to explain to my sobbing 10 year old why he can't go on the big bus with his little brother, because he needs a different school, Concerta, Prozac, ear tubes, echo-cardiograms, EKGs, blood work, genetics, pediatric: cardiologists, ENTs, and GIs, intestinal biopsies, tonsillectomies, adenoidectomies, emergency surgery, special diets, picture schedules, sign language, social skills programs, sensory integration, evaluations, ABA, Verbal Behavior, DIR, physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, and waiting, hoping and praying for the miracle of achieving an ordinary developmental milestone. On the `up side' free transportation means: a heart that soars each time I hear "Mom" because it took four years to hear it, always believing in Santa Claus, finding joy in an unexpected kiss from my child who doesn't like to be touched, laughter that is genuine and deep, finding peace, understanding, tolerance and patience where I had none, unbelievable happiness when I hear "I did it" after weeks and months of trying joy and gratitude for every inch of achievement because no one works harder than a child learning to walk while his peers run by, a child learning to talk while his peers tell stories and a child learning his ABCs while his peers read books. I confess to have been ignorant and frightened of disabled people. Once after church, an altar server caressed my oldest son's cheek. He couldn't speak, he had Down Syndrome. I felt nervous and uncomfortable. What a shame! I had spent thirty years in darkness about disabilities and now I could write a book. Now, I live on the other side of the fence. I love my four sons, three disabled, one typical and for them, I am giving my life, so that there is a place in our community for them as happy contributing adults. Would I trade for the big bus? I don't think so, I'd rather we all ride the same bus – of comprehension of walking in another's shoes. Thank God, the little bus has taught me that. So, dear mother, whose angst is caused by unfair school transportation. I'm sorry I 'snapped' at you years ago. I wish for you a discovery: that the chambers of the heart become infinite when you know and love someone with special needs and that what matters most is not what you get, but what you give.
posted by Maeve at 2:27 PM
It is going to be a loooooooooong fucking day. Pudd'n got up at 2:30. Filled two poopy diapers and has stayed up. Goddamn if he isn't cranky worse than ususal.
posted by Maeve at 6:19 AM Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Ok, all the hoopla is up north. I think we are ok down here. Still freak'n me out a bit. Was planning on going to the beach with Pudd'n tomorrow.
posted by Maeve at 9:15 PM
We are getting a Tsunami warning???!!!?? Steve is calling aunt Selma right now to see if he needs to help her board up or load things to get outta dodge. This is too fucking surreal............
posted by Maeve at 8:26 PM
In our fridge, on the door, in the bottom shelf, I keep Pudd'ns flavored waters for his lunches. On Sat, Babs put some smirn*ff iced beverages. Well, she didn't drink them all and left them here. This morning while making Pudd'ns lunch, I grab what I think is his water and put it in his lunch. When I come back with the little cooler thing to keep things fresh in his lunch pail, I notice that something looks a bit.........off. It took a minute to register, I had put an alcoholic beverage in my kid's lunch. Yeah........that would go over REAL well at school.
posted by Maeve at 7:14 AM
Only 3 more days left of regular ed school. Pudd'n will go until Aug 6th. So far the district has not called me with a summer job. Part of me does not want one, I can spend my days horse back riding!!! But getting a pay check and not digging myself deeper into debt is even nicer. *Heavy sigh*
Had a nice weekend, the fence looks great. Steve busted his butt to get it up. Babs & Tom came over sat night, poor Steve could not visit. He worked on that fence until 9:30 pm. I got good & drunk and I bbq'd carne asada on the grill. It was nice to catch up on everything and spill the gossip on people that Tom used to work with (the four of us used to work for the same cable co). While catching up on stuff, I broke out the photo album of when I went to Vegas with Babs, Spaz and Melissa. Since my scanner STILL does not work, I think I'll go pay to get this one photo of Spaz scanned. It's fucking hysterical. I had taken it right before? or was it after? (too many beers) of when we got her thong off and I tried to throw it on the food court below in our hotel room. We were staying at the Lux*r, I'm sure they were VERY happy when we left.
posted by Maeve at 6:16 AM Monday, June 13, 2005
A trip, stumble and fall down memory lane...........
Found some old photo albums and sat down to look at them. I've HUNDREDS of photo albums, I'm not exagerating. I love photos, I love taking them and I love looking at them. This small photo album was from when pudd'n was almost 3 years old, he was already enrolled in a program for autistic kids. He looked SOOOOOOO little & cute! Me......? I looked like SHIT!!! I was very depressed for a while after he was diagnosed. I blamed myself for his autism. Steve did not want Pudd'n to have his vaccines, he does not believe in them. I did, Pudd'n got them and now pudd'n has autism. Some studies suddgest that it was the thermosile in the vaccine that causes autism. Why else is it on the rise? Any way, I digress, this post is suppose to be about photos and outfits, not what I think went horribley wrong and fucked up my kid. As I was saying, I was depressed and really didn't care how I looked. I packed on the weight and I did not wear flattering clothes. I squeazed in to what I had with the delusion of "I'll loose the weight soon". To quote Sandy over at Dirty Ashtray "I had more chins than a chinese phone book". I stopped trimming my hair, I just pulled it all back in a pony tail and I wore not make up. I'm looking at these photos and saying to myself "what the fuck was I thinking?" How could I let my self go out of the house looking like that? Have you ever gone out thinking you look pretty damn good, only to see a photo of yourself at a later date and think the same thing?
posted by Maeve at 6:14 AM Sunday, June 12, 2005
You are SO fucking funny............
Steve and I are sitting outside on the patio. Enjoying the view of the new fence he put in. I'm playing around with my tarot cards. I have them spread in front of me and I pick one for a "yes or no" question. Steve picks one and it's the 5 of pents reversed. I tell him that is a good one to get. Steve: what does it mean? Me: financial worries are over. Steve: So I'll be rich? Me: yeah, money problems are over Steve: Really? Cool, I'll trade you in for a younger wife and I'll only have to give up half of my money. Me: Sorry slappy, your ass is MINE until death do we part. I'll be dancing on your grave. Steve: CSI will find you........ You think your so fucking funny #2. Me: Hey Lili! How's that Lakers doing in the play offs? Oh wait, they DIDN'T make it to the play offs! Lili: Yeah, how'd your Redwings do this season? Oh wait, you DIDN'T have a season.......... Eat me beotch!
posted by Maeve at 9:56 PM
Shake Rattle & Roll..............
I'm sitting here at the computer, reading emails when I feel something that is not quiet right. I stop reading and I look around, the air feels "funny" and there is a rumbling under my chair & feet. I stand up and call out to Steve, to see if he can sense it, when suddenly we got hit with a good jolt. We had an earthquake! I've got the news on to see if they broad cast about it and what magnitude. So much for animals "senseing" or "acting weird" before hand. No one in my small zoo even batted an eye. Goat was more interested in the tennis ball. It is so freaky to see you house move like that and to feel the earth under your feet shift.......
posted by Maeve at 8:46 AM Saturday, June 11, 2005
No more weddings............
Holy shit! I feel like I've been beaten with a 2 x 4 !! The wedding was amazing last night. Working for the catering company SUCKED! Holy mother of pearl! The work that needed to be done! The loading, un loading, set up , take down.......Goddamn am I sore. The location was spectacular, for $8,000 JUST FOR THE SITE, it better be! It was a little zoo/sancutary type place. On the drive in, I almost made my cousin crash the car. I saw a tiger! It was in a cage of course, but I squealed with delight, Ken looked and kinda swearved. I told him "sorry", he told me "I've seen him 20 times today already". Of course there were many levels to this place, at 10pm we had to move the festivities "in doors". Which ment dragging shit up to the upper level. I took a short cut, a dirt path up a hill. They had a chocolate fountain set up just like the one at Gil's funeral. Oh and I accidentally knocked over the father of the bride's 12 year old scotch! No body told me it was there, I kicked it by accident while cleaning the upstairs bar. Luckily our base operation was close by and they were able to replace the bottle. I left at 11:30 ( I arrived at 3) and there was still a shit load of stuff to do. I could not stay, I was whipped and I am the sole caretaker of pudd'n today. Steve is helping the neighbors replace the dividing fence between us. The weather is shitty, so pudd'n will not want to stay at aunt selma's long. At least I have tonight to look forward to, Babs & Tom will be stopping by.
posted by Maeve at 9:02 AM Friday, June 10, 2005
Kids say the darnest things..............
Yesterday as I walked in to the class room, Stan, who sits near my desk asked if I wanted some gum. I gladly accepted and noticed that the seal was broken on the packet of gum (it was the kind you pushed out, kind of like a getting OTC allergy meds out of the packet). Me: Heyyyyyyyyy, this has been tampered with(it was the last piece) you didn't DO anything to this and THEN offer it to me? Stan: Oh no! I'd NEVER do that, I'm afraid of you!!! Me: (laughing) you sound just like my husband. And he did not do anything to the gum either. Stan's a good kid, he even offered me a piece of gum from a new unopened pack.
posted by Maeve at 6:43 AM Thursday, June 09, 2005
In 18 more days the light of my life, the reason for my exsistance, my sun, moon and stars will be 9 years old. I've been reflecting upon the day of his birth. Pudd'n was born at 10:35 am weighing in at 10 lbs.
That was the first time I had ever seen Steve cry. At the time I had a stinking HMO and the peditrician I had selected came to see the new prince. She was an asian woman, barely 4 ft tall. She just checked over pudd'n. Nothing traumatic.......sort of. Pudd'n did not want to be checked over and he heartily let out a good wail. The urge to get up off the bed and beat that woman to a pulp because she made my child cry was over whealming. Momma bear kicked in and I was ready to kill for the slightest infraction. I never felt like that before. Well, until the girl came in to get pudd'ns big ass foot print in clay. He was not in the mood for it and fussed. Again, I was ready to commit murder. I am glad to say I'm a wee bit more relaxed, not by much mind you. I'm trying to think of something to do for Pudd'n to let him know it is a special day on his birthday. Pudd'n is not one for parties. I used to throw grand ones. Pinatas, food, dolphins, guy who has reptiles...... I tried them all, pudd'n could of cared less. So we will probably spend the afternoon at aunt selma's. That is his favorite place to be (next to grandma land) and I will celebrate in my heart. My life truley did not begin until he came into it. I love you Pudd'n with all my heart & soul......
posted by Maeve at 10:40 PM
Well I went into Ken's place tonight. I only had one table, but enjoyed myself none the less. The setting of this place is so serene. Lots of trees, greenery, stables right down the street. For those of you who don't live in this crammed to the brim state, you can't imagine how a little greenery is a slice of heaven. I grew up in Michigan. Lots of green there, it was always fucking raining. You had front yards, back yards and trees every where. Goddamn do I miss that. Out here your neighbor is right up your ass. It sucks. So I get my whole $4.00 tip from Ken and I jokingly say "well, I can stop by t.j's and get me some two buck chuck wine". Ken, feeling guilty that he is subjecting family to this boredom offers up some sample wine that the distributor left. I gladly accept it and tell him I'll see him tomorrow. I'm working a wedding, I'm suppose to start at 3pm. I ask ken "what time will I work until?" he tells me "midnight or so". WTF?!?! DUDE! I can barely stay up past 11! Oh well, the money is good and it's really a cake job. Plus he gave me some free wine........ Yeah, I'm a cheap whore.
posted by Maeve at 9:19 PM
Ugh, my back is threatening to go on strike again. It is going to be another busy day again. Pudd'n wet the bed for the 2nd night in a row, now I have a huge pile of laundry in the garage.
Reiki healing went well last night. Renee showed me a few more things to do for pudd'n myself when we are at home. Pudd'ns favorite is the foot massage, he is HIGHLY tickelish and the face he makes is hysterical. He wants the massage, but it tickels. So he's trying not to laugh & squirm, but it doesn't always last. I got some great egg shaped crystals from Bob to use on pudd'n when I practice reflexology too. Ugh, wish I was staying home. Better yet, wish pudd'n and I were at Aunt Selma's again today!
posted by Maeve at 6:32 AM Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Bent and Paul were right. It is a baby tooth, thank Goddess!!! So now pudd'n can chew away at his bath toys with great abandon. We had a nice day hanging out together, spent some time at Aunt Selma's.
Now I just have to get my house in order for company on sat. Tom, an old friend/room mate of ours will be in town for the weekend. Can't wait to see him.
posted by Maeve at 5:15 PM Tuesday, June 07, 2005
(No, the hockey strike is not over.....Bastards!!! ) Today I got a package from my good friend Lissie. She went to India on some buisness. I asked her if she could get me a nice Ganesha statue. Well, he arrived today and he is gorgeous! I was originally going to put him on my alter, but it is so small and I really don't have the space. Next best place? On my entertainment center, that way when I sit down on the couch I can always see it. Thanks Lissie!!!!
posted by Maeve at 1:50 PM
As most of you know, I've got three dogs. They are not the brightest pennies in the fountains, but I love them any way. And as most of you know, they are known (ok it's the goat, but we are not naming names here) not to do the brightest things.
Go check out Livey's story about her dogs. One tried to mess with a BEAR!!! She sure as hell has my "raccoon" story beat! Since I'm not bright enough to do one of those "click here thingies and it will take you directly to the link", you will have to go to my blog roll and click on "Livey". What are some of the dumb things YOUR pets have done?
posted by Maeve at 7:07 AM Monday, June 06, 2005
Snap, crackle and pop!
Went to the chiropractor this afternoon. feel a wee bit better. Now I'm just stressing over pudd'n. What now may you ask? He has a loose tooth. I can't remember if he's lost that one already or not. Steve thinks it's a baby tooth, to me it looks like his permanent. We won't be able to find out until wed@ 9am. FUCK. So I have spent the better part of the afternoon "stress eating". Now I feel bloated and gross. Still completely unsatisfied. I'm trying to stay the hell out of the kitchen. Making lunches for tomorrow turned into a mini graze fest for me. Ugh!
posted by Maeve at 8:57 PM
I am tired (so what else is new eh?) and I have lovely visions of taking a quick nap after bringing pudd'n home from school. But am I forgetting something, I know it. I can feel it niggling at the back of my sleepy,booze soaked brain..........
Fuck! Speech Therapy! I have to take pudd'n to speech therapy!! Damn! There goes my nap!
posted by Maeve at 12:25 PM Saturday, June 04, 2005
Good fences make good neighbors.............
A few weeks ago, Steve ran into who is probably the only English speaking person next door. He told Juan, that if his father wanted, we'd go halves on replacing the fence that divides our properties. Last week Juan shows up with his dad and an interpreter. Yes, they'd love to replace the fence. They are going to pick up everything (they have several pick up trucks) and they will help Steve replace everything. Today we went to the store to pick up sodas & water to have on hand for everyone. I'll take pudd'n & the goat to Aunt Selma's to keep them out of the way. I can't wait!!! The fence needed to be replaced when we moved in here 5 years ago. I think I will get me some regular sized roses when everything is done and plant them. I have mini roses that are doing well, so I think I'll give the big ones a try again....... What a great weekend! Went to Aunt Selma's, it was fucking FREEZING! The sun did not come out until 1:30 when we left. It did not phase Pudd'n or the goat in the least. We came home and cleaned up. Steve and I took a short nap, when we woke, we did the nasty. I was so horney, I was ready to come just when he was playing with my breastses. We then headed to one of my favorite places to shop so I could get some white dress shirts to work at Ken's place. Then it was to the grocery store so I could get what I needed to make Pudd'n his sauce for the week. Just feeling all sorts of happy over the fence being replaced, the new job I have, the new job steve has and just life in general right now.....
posted by Maeve at 7:22 PM Friday, June 03, 2005
How ironic, in my teens my nic name was "Bad Toad"........
![]() You are a Toad - croak! Meaning you are a fairly, normal person (well,if you can all anyone normal - that is.) You are mostly a happy person, getting on with your life with only a few croaks and moans along the way. You are also a very, practical person and probably quite a hard worker. You enjoy the simple things in life like the company of your friends, going shopping or to the cinema, reading a good book and being with your family or loved one. Your good points are that you Mostly
posted by Maeve at 2:21 PM
I shamelessly stole this from my friend Venus over at Aphrodite Undercover. This DEFINITLY applies to SEVERAL of my friends, in the blog world AND the real one. Get your heads out of the clouds ladies.......
Good advice you already know but don't always pay attention to. 30 Things Women Should Know 1. If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn`t want you, nothing can make him stay. 2. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. 3. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. 4. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that`s not meant to be. 5. Slower is better. 6. Never live your life for a man. 7. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve, then heck no, you can`t "be friends." A friend wouldn`t mistreat a friend. 8. Don`t settle. 9. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. 10. Don`t stay because you think "it will get better." You`ll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. 11. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. 12. Avoid men who`ve got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn`t marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? 13. Always have your own set of friends separate from his. 14. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. 15. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. 16. You cannot change a man`s behavior. Change comes from within. 17. Don`t EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or a better job. 18. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. 19. Never let a man define who you are. 20. Never borrow someone else`s man. 21. If he cheated with you, he`ll cheat on you. 22. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. 23. All men are NOT dogs. There are good men out there. Be patient. 24. You should not be the one doing all the ending...compromise is a two way street. 25. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage...deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. 26. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals... look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. 27. Dating is fun...even if he doesn`t turn out to be Mr. Right. 28. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and you`re always readily available to him - he takes it for granted. 29. Never co-sign for a man. 30. Don`t fully commit to a man who doesn`t give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others.
posted by Maeve at 2:14 PM Thursday, June 02, 2005
Another long ass day.........
My day started out like this: With in the first 15 min of waking up aunt flo arrived with a vengance. While cleaning THAT mess up, Pudd'n puts on a diaper. He doesn't have it on juuuuust right, so the pee goes out the side, all over my pillow and a big puddle on the bed. Ok, get THAT mess cleaned up. Get that done and he goes to get another diaper to poop in that one. Holy shit! Am I going to get a break? Get THAT mess cleaned up. It is then time to make lunches, feed dogs, feed fish, feed birds, medicated goat's ears and get us ready for the day. Dropped Pudd'n off (late), went to my first job at the high school, came home, packed bags, picked up pudd'n, went to speech therapy, went to my mom's, got ready there and went to my new job at Ken's place. Ken's place is unfucking believeable!!! Their primary buisness is weddings, secondary is the restaurant. It is in a beautiful setting, the chef is amazing and I have a feeling that place is going to do good. An averadge check for 2 people will be $100 or better. No fucking entertainment card!!! HOT DAMN!!! They are talking they want me to be banquet captin some nights, never done that, but I'm willing to give it a whirl. So here I am trying to unwind from the day. Steve took the goat in to get more meds. The vet said I did a good job at cleaning & medicating the ears. Glad I had some stuff left over from the last time. Pudd'n is at my mom's tonight and I miss him. Tonight we watched a documentary about a man trying to find out about his father that died when he was a baby. His father was a marine in 'Nam and he died when the son was 4 weeks old. It was a good movie, he found a lot of his dad's war buddies and old school friends. They showed pictures and old 8 mm film. It was hard to watch, such a young life cut short. Made me think of Derrik. Needless to say, I was crying pretty good when it was over. I wish this war was over. I wish we never have to send our sons & daughters to war.
posted by Maeve at 9:23 PM Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Dru sent this to me tonight. No wonder I like Queen Maeve so much!
Maeve Goddess of Responsibility Maeve commands that you resume responsiblity for your life. It is time to take stock of where you give away your power through avoidance and blame. Once again you must become accountable for, all that you do, all that you are and all that you believe. Are there circumstances in your life that you feel you are no longer in charge of? Have you returned to a practise or past-time that you know does not work for you? What habits and addictions do you refuse to let go of because you feel helpless. Maeve reminds us that we are the rulers of our own domain, and responsible for every response or situation that occurs in our life. The Goddess tells you that "if it is to be ... it is up to you". Maeve symbolizes that only by taking responsibility, by acknowledging where you are, who you are, what you are, can you create something different. Maeve is a figure of Celtic History/Mythology and her name means "IntoxicatedWoman". Maeve was a great leader, warrioress, huntress and horsewoman, her Domains include Protection, Luck, Trickery and War. Maeve is the goddess of kingship, leadership, and the intrigue and struggle of politics. Those who are or wish to be in power call on her for assistance. She is the personification of feminine power and the struggle against masculine dominion. During the times of human sacrifice, she battled her suitor, Chuchulain, and offered him as a sacrifice to her goddess, the Morrigan. Maeve boasted about being able to exhaust 30 plus men in a single night, and battles were paused while she menstruated. Maeve's often appears as a stunningly beautiful, dark-haired woman with an imperious manner, sometimes with a red bull. She frequently seduced her chosen rulers prior to arranging for their installation, and has even remained a long-term consort of several of the greatest kings the land has ever known. In battle she wields a two-handed sword, and she casts as a cleric.
posted by Maeve at 11:09 PM
Ritual tonight was awesome! We had it next door to the G.G. instead of it's normal place at another new age store. It was roomier and a hell of a lot more quiet. I brought the darling pewter shot glass Sandy (Dirty Ashtray)to use as my chalice. I got half a dozen or so compliements on it. When it comes time for "cakes & ale" (similar to Catholic communion) we can bring our own chalice, or drink from the alter cup. Well, I'm not big into sharing coodies, so I always bring my own cup. Preferable a shot glass, so when the high priestess says "may you drink deep of life". I do just that, I flash her an evil smile, slam back the "ale" and tell her "and you as well my lady".
Sat. with the girls was the first piece of the puzzle, tonight was the final one. I feel much better after ritual. I worked with the element of fire tonight. Goddess knows, I NEED it. If I see a picture of a half naked man holding a plate of nachos, and the nachos interest me more than the man. Then I KNOW I'm missing some passion in my life. Passion in everything, every aspect. Only two more months and Pudd'n is out of school, so I will no longer have that long ass drive. That will free me up and not drain me so damn much. Got a new bloodstone to carry in my pocket for when I go to Ken's tomorrow night. I can't wait to give my 2week notice at my current job. It's time to step out of the darkness and into the light.........
posted by Maeve at 10:55 PM
Lili was here -
Ok - here's the thing - that picture is uber small. It needs to be at least this size to keep the correct formatting on the left hand column. I shrunk it down some more but it totally screws up the column it's in. You have a few choices - keep this picture but it will have to be blurry, find this picture in a larger size on the net - I can save it to my space so you can have it there - or change the picture. You decide girlfriend! Smooches... Update - I found the picture for you - you so owe me beotch!
posted by Maeve at 10:58 AM
Snif, Snif.........what's that smell???
I gave the goat a good bath on Monday. By yesterday he had a distinct oder about him. WTF? It did not dawn on me until last night, his ears. He's got a damn ear infection! Since we did not spend the winter down at the beach, he's been ear infection free for quite some time now. Fuck! Now I've got to get him to the vet. Got a lovely 4:30 am wake up call from Pudd'n. Beats 3:30 am I guess. Double fuck! You know you have bad PMS when: A) the song you and your husband danced to on your wedding day comes on the radio. Not only do you call him to share this with him, you get WEEPY. Steve wanted to know who the hell was I, and what did I do with his real wife. B) you are looking through Cosmo magazine and they have a section of young half dressed men. You are more interested in the plate of nachos in one pic than in the young man that is posing with them. Bring on the midol! Triple fuck! |