A trip, stumble and fall down memory lane...........
Found some old photo albums and sat down to look at them. I've HUNDREDS of photo albums, I'm not exagerating. I love photos, I love taking them and I love looking at them. This small photo album was from when pudd'n was almost 3 years old, he was already enrolled in a program for autistic kids. He looked SOOOOOOO little & cute! Me......? I looked like SHIT!!!
I was very depressed for a while after he was diagnosed. I blamed myself for his autism. Steve did not want Pudd'n to have his vaccines, he does not believe in them. I did, Pudd'n got them and now pudd'n has autism. Some studies suddgest that it was the thermosile in the vaccine that causes autism. Why else is it on the rise? Any way, I digress, this post is suppose to be about photos and outfits, not what I think went horribley wrong and fucked up my kid.
As I was saying, I was depressed and really didn't care how I looked. I packed on the weight and I did not wear flattering clothes. I squeazed in to what I had with the delusion of "I'll loose the weight soon". To quote Sandy over at Dirty Ashtray "I had more chins than a chinese phone book". I stopped trimming my hair, I just pulled it all back in a pony tail and I wore not make up. I'm looking at these photos and saying to myself "what the fuck was I thinking?" How could I let my self go out of the house looking like that?
Have you ever gone out thinking you look pretty damn good, only to see a photo of yourself at a later date and think the same thing?