Your Bartender

Nick: Maeve ---My Yahoo profile

---Witches Brew!

Quote: ~Welcome to my bar, pull up a stool and have a few shots. I am the mother of a beautiful, yet challenging son with autism. And yes, I'm a witch.

Happy Hour Specials....

---Hawt Asian Chick
---Fetch My Flying Monkeys
---Attack of the Red Neck Mommy
---Charming, just charming
---V man
---Lelsie's Omnibus
---Great Reader!
---Evil Blonde
---Rainbow Wolf


---Cure Autism Now
---Surf Camp for Autistic kids
---Soldiers Angels
---Hearts 4 Heros
---A mom's view on Autism
---Operation Love from Home
---Talk About Curing Ausitm

In the wine cellar

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dru sent this to me tonight. No wonder I like Queen Maeve so much!

Maeve Goddess of Responsibility

Maeve commands that you resume responsiblity for your life. It is time
to take stock of where you give away your power through avoidance and
blame. Once again you must become accountable for, all that you do, all
that you are and all that you believe.
Are there circumstances in your life that you feel you are no longer in
charge of? Have you returned to a practise or past-time that you know
does not work for you? What habits and addictions do you refuse to let
go of because you feel helpless. Maeve reminds us that we are the rulers
of our own domain, and responsible for every response or situation that
occurs in our life.
The Goddess tells you that "if it is to be ... it is up to you". Maeve
symbolizes that only by taking responsibility, by acknowledging where
you are, who you are, what you are, can you create something different.

Maeve is a figure of Celtic History/Mythology and her name means "IntoxicatedWoman". Maeve was a great leader, warrioress, huntress and horsewoman,
her Domains include Protection, Luck, Trickery and War. Maeve is the
goddess of kingship, leadership, and the intrigue and struggle of
politics. Those who are or wish to be in power call on her for
assistance. She is the personification of feminine power and the
struggle against masculine dominion.
During the times of human sacrifice, she battled her suitor, Chuchulain,
and offered him as a sacrifice to her goddess, the Morrigan. Maeve
boasted about being able to exhaust 30 plus men in a single night, and
battles were paused while she menstruated.
Maeve's often appears as a stunningly beautiful, dark-haired woman with
an imperious manner, sometimes with a red bull. She frequently seduced
her chosen rulers prior to arranging for their installation, and has
even remained a long-term consort of several of the greatest kings the
land has ever known. In battle she wields a two-handed sword, and she
casts as a cleric.

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