Drum roll please...........things that bring people to this joint and for once Babs is not fornicating with some forgien object and or animal!
"aphrodite undercover" (Google) 2 : Uh, that'd be Venus's site
lovey-dovey fucks (Google) 1 : Makes me think of Lili & C.
"have you ever been tied up" (Google) 1 : Yes
"jungle juice reciepe" (Google) 1 :EWWWWWWWWWW
"my son" "my pussy" "touching myself" "caught" (Yahoo) 1 : That is just too many levels of WRONG.
men wearing dainty bras panties (Google) 1 : Would that be Zonker?
mr.pokey the monkey (Google) 1 : I hear those crazy Jawja bloggers bring one to their "writer's club".
Nauty hot girls using tampons (Yahoo) 1 :Ok, again EEEEEWWWWWWWWWW
belgin sluts (Netscape) 1 : Grandma?
penis cake templates (Google) 1 : Betty Cocker strikes again
bodiour photos (Google) 1: been there, done that.
pics of wet and horny sluts (MSN) 1: Lili?
picture hot bartender (Yahoo) 1 : Kerry?
pictures of brendan shanahan's wife (AOL) 1 : Who the fuck wants to see his wife? I want to see HIM!!
queer eye for the straight guy creme brule (Google) 1: Would that be classified as "cream of sum young guy"?
And there you have it folks. I bet your day is now complete!!