Another long ass day.........
My day started out like this:
With in the first 15 min of waking up aunt flo arrived with a vengance. While cleaning THAT mess up, Pudd'n puts on a diaper. He doesn't have it on juuuuust right, so the pee goes out the side, all over my pillow and a big puddle on the bed. Ok, get THAT mess cleaned up. Get that done and he goes to get another diaper to poop in that one. Holy shit! Am I going to get a break? Get THAT mess cleaned up. It is then time to make lunches, feed dogs, feed fish, feed birds, medicated goat's ears and get us ready for the day.
Dropped Pudd'n off (late), went to my first job at the high school, came home, packed bags, picked up pudd'n, went to speech therapy, went to my mom's, got ready there and went to my new job at Ken's place.
Ken's place is unfucking believeable!!! Their primary buisness is weddings, secondary is the restaurant. It is in a beautiful setting, the chef is amazing and I have a feeling that place is going to do good. An averadge check for 2 people will be $100 or better. No fucking entertainment card!!! HOT DAMN!!! They are talking they want me to be banquet captin some nights, never done that, but I'm willing to give it a whirl.
So here I am trying to unwind from the day. Steve took the goat in to get more meds. The vet said I did a good job at cleaning & medicating the ears. Glad I had some stuff left over from the last time. Pudd'n is at my mom's tonight and I miss him.
Tonight we watched a documentary about a man trying to find out about his father that died when he was a baby. His father was a marine in 'Nam and he died when the son was 4 weeks old. It was a good movie, he found a lot of his dad's war buddies and old school friends. They showed pictures and old 8 mm film. It was hard to watch, such a young life cut short. Made me think of Derrik. Needless to say, I was crying pretty good when it was over. I wish this war was over. I wish we never have to send our sons & daughters to war.