Last day of regualr ed!!!!
Today is the last day of school, for me that is. Pudd'n does not get out until Aug. I have not heard from the district at all if they needed me to work in the elemtary schools for disabled kids during the extended school year. So, I am going horseback rididng tomorrow and EVERY morning that I can!
Yesterday I was feeling all sorts of guilty because I didn't take Pudd'n down to Aunt Selma's. I was exshausted from getting up at 2:30 and the weather was crappy. If it had been sunny & warm out, I'd put in the effort. Pudd'n is impervious to cold, he does not care if it's sunny out or not. I had forgotten to pull a card from my "happy, happy, joy, joy deck", so I pulled one. The card I got was "REST, you've been working hard take a nap and get some rest". Who am I to argue with that?? So I crawl into bed and not 2 min later Pudd'n joins me. We snuggle up together and took a nap. There we were when Steve got home. I just love snuggleing up with Pudd'n.