I want my mommy!
This cold has officially kicked my fine Irish ass. My throat hurts, my head is stuffy, nose runny, sand feeling in eyes and it feels like my fat cat Tozer is sitting on my chest (well, if she were still alive).
For a while, I was camped out in Pudd'ns room. He seemed to know I didn't feel well and wanted me to lay in his bed. I slept as best I could with him getting in & out of bed while he watched t.v. It then got time for me to make the SHORT trip to my mother's house........
Exit the toll road, pay my $1.75 and I'm on my merry way. Sort of. We hit traffic from El Toro in to the canyon. Ok, no problem, it's just the morning rush hour right? We inch our way down and after 20 min (should take 3 min tops) I see cop cars. Ok, accident, nothing unusual in the canyon. Get closer, oh SHIT! They CLOSED the canyon!!!
I get up to the police officer and he tells me I'm going to have to go BACK the way I came and get into Laguna by coast. FUCK! Well, I knew a shorter way via cost to get there, only it was going to cost me another $4.00 in toll! Fuckers!
I've slept all morning and feel WORSE. I have to go get Pudd'n now, I have to leave extra early because I have no idea if the canyon is open. I'm just taking the coast in and I will try to enjoy the view.
So far this vacation is sucking wind. I'm SUPPOSE to be horseback riding EVERY DAMN DAY! I'm SUPPOSE to have my ass on the tread mill! So far I've only done those things ONCE. Why does life have to get in the way??