![]() Your Bartender
Nick: Maeve
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![]() Saturday, April 30, 2005
There are four great festivals of the Pagan Celtic year and the modern Witch's calendar, as well. The two greatest of these are Halloween (the beginning of winter) and May Day (the beginning of summer). Being opposite each other on the wheel of the year, they separate the year into halves. Halloween (also called Samhain) is the Celtic New Year and is generally considered the more important of the two, though May Day runs a close second. Indeed, in some areas -- notably Wales -- it is considered the great holiday.
May Day ushers in the fifth month of the modern calendar year, the month of May. This month is named in honor of the goddess Maia, originally a Greek mountain nymph, later identified as the most beautiful of the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades. By Zeus, she is also the mother of Hermes, god of magic. Maia's parents were Atlas and Pleione, a sea nymph. The old Celtic name for May Day is Beltane (in its most popular Anglicized form), which is derived from the Irish Gaelic 'Bealtaine' or the Scottish Gaelic 'Bealtuinn', meaning 'Bel-fire', the fire of the Celtic god of light (Bel, Beli or Belinus). He, in turn, may be traced to the Middle Eastern god Baal. By Celtic reckoning, the actual Beltane celebration begins on sundown of the preceding day, April 30, because the Celts always figured their days from sundown to sundown. And sundown was the proper time for Druids to kindle the great Bel-fires on the tops of the nearest beacon hill (such as Tara Hill, Co. Meath, in Ireland). These 'need-fires' had healing properties, and sky-clad Witches would jump through the flames to ensure protection. Sgt. Howie (shocked): 'But they are naked!' Lord Summerisle: 'Naturally. It's much too dangerous to jump through the fire with your clothes on!' --from "The Wicker Man" Frequently, cattle would be driven between two such bon-fires (oak wood was the favorite fuel for them) and, on the morrow, they would be taken to their summer pastures. Other May Day customs include: walking the circuit of one's property ('beating the bounds'), repairing fences and boundary markers, processions of chimney-sweeps and milk maids, archery tournaments, morris dances, sword dances, feasting, music, drinking, and maidens bathing their faces in the dew of May morning to retain their youthful beauty. In the words of Witchcraft writers Janet and Stewart Farrar, the Beltane celbration was principly a time of '...unashamed human sexuality and fertility.' Such associations include the obvious phallic symbolism of the Maypole and riding the hobby horse. Even a seemingly innocent children's nursery rhyme, 'Ride a cock horse to Banburry Cross...' retains such memories. And the next line '...to see a fine Lady on a white horse' is a reference to the annual ride of 'Lady Godiva' though Coventry. Every year for nearly three centuries, a sky-clad village maiden (elected Queen of the May) enacted this Pagan rite, until the Puritans put an end to the custom. The Puritans, in fact, reacted with pious horror to most of the May Day rites, even making Maypoles illegal in 1644. They especially attempted to suppress the 'greenwood marriages' of young men and women who spent the entire night in the forest, staying out to greet the May sunrise, and bringing back boughs of flowers and garlands to decorate the village the next morning. One angry Puritan wrote that men 'doe use commonly to runne into woodes in the night time, amongst maidens, to set bowes, in so muche, as I have hearde of tenne maidens whiche went to set May, and nine of them came home with childe.' And another Puritan complained that, 'Of forty, threescore or a hundred maids going to the wood over night, there have scarcely the third part of them returned home again undefiled.' Long after the Christian form of marriage (with its insistance on sexual monogamy) had replaced the older Pagan handfasting, the rules of strict fidelity were always relaxed for the May Eve rites. Names such as Robin Hood, Maid Marion, and Little John played an important part in May Day folklore, often used as titles for the dramatis personae of the celebrations. And modern surnames such as Robinson, Hodson, Johnson, and Godkin may attest to some distant May Eve spent in the woods. Some of these customs seem virtually identical to the old Roman feast of flowers, the Floriala, three days of unrestrained sexuality which began at sundown April 28th and reached a crescendo on May 1st. There are other, even older, associations with May 1st in Celtic mythology. According to the ancient Irish 'Book of Invasions', the first settler of Ireland, Partholan, arrived on May 1st; and it was on May 1st that the plague came which destroyed his people. Years later, the Tuatha De Danann were conquered by the Milesians on May Day. In Welsh myth, the perenial battle between Gwythur and Gwyn for the love of Creudylad took place each May Day; and it was on May Eve that Teirnyon lost his colts and found Pryderi. May Eve was also the occasion of a fearful scream that was heard each year throughout Wales, one of the three curses of the Coranians lifted by the skill of Lludd and Llevelys.
posted by Maeve at 12:20 PM Friday, April 29, 2005 ![]() These are the beautiful hand crafted boxes that Sandy sent me. The gold medallion is from Msgt. Moses. ![]()
posted by Maeve at 3:25 PM
Goddamn was I whipped! I did a face plant in the bed and slept for 2 hours. Pudd'n only came in a few times to "check" on me. Figuring I slept enough, he got me up for a snack. I forget how exhausting an outing is with his classmates. Mind you, I'm there for the sole purpose of watching my kid, those teachers and aids have thier hands full with the rest! Demon seed only had a few melt downs, Jim peed his pants instead of asking to use the bath room (and he refused to go BEFORE they left for the field trip),David had a habit of wandering off too. The little shit would be sneaky about it too. Jim had peed his pants soon as we got there, for what ever reason, the back pack with the change of clothes was still on the bus. I had my pack with me (as I always do on outings like this)so I loaned Jim a pair of Pudd'ns extra pants. When we were in the bathroom, some one in the next class room from ours needed a diaper. Again, THIER pack was not with them. WTF people?! These are children with special needs that INCLUDE carrying diapers, clothes and other things at all times! Luckily I had diapers in mine, so I gave them one. I think I will go lay back down and rest some more before I have to go to work tonight. I think I'll be nice and do the dishes first.
posted by Maeve at 2:18 PM
Had a great time last night. Babs came over and we rented a movie, to accompany our movie, we had a nice dinner out of nothing but finger foods. We had buffalo wings, taquitos, 2 kinds of chips, 2 kinds of dip and italian cookies to top it off. We set everything up on t.v. tables and went at it.
Today I went with Pudd'n and his classmates to the fair grounds. They were having some sort of kid expo and the centennial farm part was open. I of course, was geeked out over the petting zoo. So many goats! Pudd'n could care less, he literally has his own mini zoo here at home. Speaking of which, I'd better go check on Speedy. Last night he dug himself into the mud pretty good, I had to give him a bath!
posted by Maeve at 12:12 PM Thursday, April 28, 2005
Kids back East get "snow day", my son is getting a "rain day". I do NOT feel like batteling the 5/405. So I'm dropping him off at grandma land for the day. Driving in the canyon does not thrill me either, but I think it is the lesser of two evils. Speedy is pissed off to be put in a box for the day. Oh well. Better get my ass in gear.......
posted by Maeve at 7:06 AM Wednesday, April 27, 2005
posted by Maeve at 4:34 PM
posted by Maeve at 6:23 AM ![]() "Cujo" checking out Speedy the turtle. ![]() Looks like we now have a pet turtle. I've named him Speedy, he really can move fast! I now have 3 dogs, 2 birds, 3 fish and a turtle. Jack (a.k.a Cujo) is my oldest. He is 12 now and deaf as a door nail, he's also losing it mentally I fear. Last year he had back surgery and that's when everything changed. He went from a hyper dog with stammina, to an OLD dog in the blink of an eye. He had blown a disk and was suffering from Myscina Gravis ( I KNOW I spelled that wrong). After the surgery, he did not liked to be hugged any more. Hence the new name Cujo, he bit my friend Kerry in the face 3 weeks before her wedding. Luckily it was a small cut and it healed nicely. And no, I'm not worried about him biting Pudd'n. Pudd'n has always ignored Jack. Any way, it has been hard watching my dog get old. It's hard for him to get up and he sleeps so damn hard now that our house could be robbed and he would not wake from his slumber. He saves all his energy for playing with the Goat puppy. Those two are bonded. Why do our pets have to grow old so quickly? Why can't they live much longer lives? It's just not fair........
posted by Maeve at 6:11 AM Monday, April 25, 2005 ![]() Yes, these are my tootsies........ ![]() It is sandal season ladies, time to paint your toes red and wear your favorite "come fuck me" sandals. The only problem with this season is that my feet seem to dry out faster. I'm forever putting lotion on them, trying to keep them from feeling like grade #3 sandpaper. What is your favoirte summer time "habit/up keep/ thing to wear"? Is it the bikin wax (not!), is it the laying out by the pool? Cute sundresses?
posted by Maeve at 8:56 PM
Sandy was a very popular girl in high school and it wasn't just because she was the town bicycle either! Oh no, our Sandy was in lots of other extra activities that didn't include her lying on her back or on her knees Just take a look at some of the photos from her year book...........
posted by Maeve at 3:22 PM
posted by Maeve at 3:20 PM
posted by Maeve at 3:18 PM
posted by Maeve at 3:17 PM
posted by Maeve at 3:16 PM Sunday, April 24, 2005 ![]() Isn't my Pudd'n handsome? ![]() A while back I had posted how a nice marine sent me a sticker from his squadron. I wanted to show my appriciation, so I took this photo of Pudd'n and sent it to him. Now mind you, Pudd'n does not care to pose for photos any more. Getting him to stand still is next to the impossible. Any photos you see on my yahoo site is the product of takeing several shots before finally getting a good one. So when Steve held up the sticker and said "pudd'n, can you hold this and smile for us" and Pudd'n COMPLIED I was in such shock, I almost didn't take the photo. I sent the photo off with a letter of thanks. Friday, when I got home, there was a small package for me. Inside were 3 t-shirts, a medallion with the Marine logo on one side and the squadron on the other and some koozies to keep my beer cold !! It was from the same Marine that sent me the origianl sticker. I can't wait to take some photos of Pudd'n and send them out. That was so thoughtful and kind of that man to do it. He said he would of sent something from Iraq, but did not feel like buying anything from people that are bombing him with rockets. Can't say I blame him. Any way, I am excited for this photo and touched by the thoughtful gift from that young marine.
posted by Maeve at 2:13 PM Friday, April 22, 2005
Catfish sent this to me today:
> > >A young biker walks into a seedy cafe in a small town in West Texas. He >sits >at the counter and notices an older biker with his arms folded staring >blankly at a bowl of chili. > >After about 15 minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the young biker >bravely asks, "If you ain't gonna eat that, mind if I do"? > >The older biker slowly turns his head toward the young rider and in his >best >brotherly manner states "Nah, go ahead" > >Eagerly, the young biker reaches over and slides the bowl over to his place >and starts spooning it in with delight. He gets nearly down to the bottom >and notices a rotten dead rat in the chili. The sight was shocking and he >immediately pukes up the chili back into the bowl. > >The old biker quietly says, "Yep, that's as far as I got too"...
posted by Maeve at 9:12 PM Thursday, April 21, 2005
Had a great time tonight!
Met Teri & Bables at c.c. for drinks & appitizers. Poor babs got a shipment of mold laced national geographics and was feeling like shit. After we stuffed our faces, babs went home & teri & I went to the Swallows Inn. They had a live c&w band playing. The lead singer was also playing a fiddle. Goddamn did we love it! I love, love, LOVE to two step and to watch seasoned vetrans of the dance was a real treat. An older couple that had to be in their early 70's were cutting a rug in matching outfits. They rocked! I finally got asked to dance by an older gent. He was one hell of a leader. That is what I need, if I sense you can't lead, I take over and I HATE that. Well, this guy kept twirling me everywhere. I finally figured out why, I had on a wrap around sari skirt and when he'd twirl me just right, the side would open up. Exposing my leg from my hip down to my toes. That stinker! I'd love to go again, maybe I can get steve to go next week. Only problem is he's not much of a dancer. :(
posted by Maeve at 10:43 PM ![]() Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell Jason that this was Sandy's FIRST husband! ![]() This is a photo of Sandy's first husband Peubert. They met in bible study, Peubert wanted to be a priest because of his small genitaila. But he could not resist Sandy's charms. It did not matter to Sandy that he only had a three inch penis (and alway prematurly ejaculated), the piercings he had in his penis more than made up for it. She claimed she got off right fine. If I remember correctly, his tounge was pieced too. Sandy loved to lay her head on his chest, she'd tweak on pierced nipple and they'd get the gospel channel on the radio. She'd tweak the other nipple and they'd get to listen to the police dispatch. They liked to see if they could hear if any of their relatives were getting arrested. But the biggest bonus of Peubert's pierced 3 inch penis was if you hooked him up to the t.v., you'd get all the t.v. stations. They loved to watch porn all the time, inbetween the bible channel you know. They soon ran off and got married, but happiness was not to last for the star crossed lovers. As they were walking along in DollyWood on their honeymoon, a freak thunderstorm came upon them. Peubert was struck by lightinging. Sandy was heart broken, she spent many a night crying into her beer at the local bar. Then one night a stranger came in and piqued her intrest. It was Jason. He was impressed with her spiting range of her chewing tabacco and the way she swallowed her bottle of beer on one gulp. Sandy was drunk and just was so lonely for a man, so she went home with Jason (plus she could tell through her drunken haze, that Jason was hung like a bull moose with that bulge in his pants) Little did poor Jason know, but Sandy was pregnant with Peubert's child. After a few weeks of serious head board banging Sandy "suddenly" became pregnant. Jason, being the stand up guy that he is, married her. They are all living happily ever after now.
posted by Maeve at 3:26 PM Wednesday, April 20, 2005
posted by Maeve at 9:43 PM
I owe my husband several blow jobs................
I have an aunt, I love her. But she drives you crazy, she gets you on the phone and you CAN'T get her off of it. You are her prisoner. Steve had the unfortunate luck of answering the phone with her on the other end. Lucky me, Pudd'ns little friend from down the street was out, so I merrily grabbed my kid and high tailed it out the door. Pudd'n is at grandma land tomorrow, so I just might bake steve's favorite cake or get him his favorite ice cream and give him a big beefy blow job. He deserves it after that phone call......
posted by Maeve at 8:14 PM
Please tell me your are joking............
I get a phone call today, Pudd'n tripped and fell AGAIN on his left wrist. Fuck! Pleeeeeease tell me you are joking part deux........... 2nd phone call is from steve. When he was driving home for lunch, he saw a turtle in the road. So he picked it up. Luckily the filter on my potty mouth was working and I didn't blurt out "fuck, you are joking me right". Instead I said "please tell me you are joking" the kids in the classroom were all ears........ We are going to drive around the neighborhood of where he found it. The turtle is good sized and pretty clean. Maybe he escaped? I hope we can find the owner. I DON'T need a turtle!! *insert Twilight Zone music here* Last night I woke up screaming. Scared the shit outta steve, he asked what was wrong and I just told him I had a bad dream and left it at that. What I haven't told him, or anyone else for that matter is lately I've been seeing a lot of spirts. Mostly just out lines of them. Last night I woke up to a deep green colored one and for what ever reason, it scared the shit outta me. I told it to go away and I wanted to sleep. It was a bit before I felt the it's presents go away. I really haven't seen anything that detailed since last year in Mexico. Well today I took Pudd'n to the healers and I'm sitting there reading my book. I don't like to chat too much with Bill, I want his focus on Pudd'n. (Bill normally works with cancer paitents, he heals them). All of a sudden Bill asks "Do you have some sort of witchie celebration coming up? an anniversary maybe?". I'm floored at this point, he knows I'm a witch, but we barely even talk about it. I told him that yes, there is a celebration AND my anniversary of when I started to follow the Goddess. Beltane is my 3 year anniversary and that is coming up on May 1st. Bill then says "you are seeing spirits more aren't you?". He then proceeds to tell me that soon my powers will be moving up a level. Kind of like earing your belts in karate. Needless to say, I'm excited! Bill assured me that soon the spirits won't be scaring the shit out of me. I'll get used to it. Damn I hope so!
posted by Maeve at 2:39 PM
You know Sandy, I am going to feel sorry for you. It is not fair to have a battle of wits with some one who unarmed like you.
I will get you and your little dog too........... Oh yessssssss I will. Just wait until I get home, I've got ALL day to think of ways to dish YOUR dirt. Muh ha ha ha hahaaaaaaaaaaa (whispering fiercly, goddamn it Lili! You have to show me how to post threads & photos on this thing!!!!) Go on over to The Dirty Ash Tray and see what the lovely Sandy cooked up. Let the games begin!!
posted by Maeve at 6:43 AM Tuesday, April 19, 2005
posted by Maeve at 8:49 PM
So I will do my civic duty as a mother of a child with autism and give you a taste of what my world is like. My son was born normal, nothing tramatic, normal pregnancy.....EVERYTHING. He developed normally for the first year of his life. And then something went horribly wrong. He stopped playing with toys, stopped seeking out other kids to play with, would hysterically melt down if I went over to some one's house and he stopped talking. I knew something was wrong, I just didn't know what. The peditrician didn't know jack shit, I was in an HMO at the time and they suck wind. Everyone had the "let's wait and see" approach, well, 2nd birthday is coming around and things are not getting better. Guess what! Your son may have Autism! I go see a neurologist and he confirms our worst fears. It is like the old Irish tale of "make sure you get your baby bapitized a.s.a.p before the Fey come and change it out with one of thier sick babies". I lost the child I once knew and I was now going to have to learn everything all over again. For those of you who are parents, remember those sleepless nights before your child would sleep through the night? Well try seven years of that shit. Seven years of waking up every few hours and some times pudd'n would STAY UP. It would not phase him to function on 3 hours sleep. Then there was the feces smearing. Yep, put pudd'n to bed and soon he'd have a nice big load in his pants and he'd smear it ever where! We bought a video servalence camera and set it up in his room to catch him before he could get the diaper off. Then there is the behavioral vomiting. Never knew when that little gem was going to hit. Don't want to go some where or do something? PUKE! Eat too much and try to make it out of the food court......PUKE. Get an air bubble from your soda? PUKE. And yes, I had everything checked out. We did an upper g.i. and there is nothing wrong. We tried the 3 day intensive potty traing 4 years ago, they GARUNTEED us he'd be potty trained. I followed it to the letter........to this day, pudd'n still shits in a diaper. While some parents complain that thier kids talk too much, I say be fucking thankful. I'd KILL for my son to tell me what he wants to eat, where it hurts if he's fallen. P.E.C.S. does NOT lead to language like Miss Perky told me all those years ago. Oh yes, we've also tried the casin free & glutin free diet. Eliminate that from your child's food and he will emerge from his prison of autism! Yeah right, did that for 1 1/2 years with no results. What is glutin you may ask.....any thing with wheat, rye, barely or oats in it. I dare you to find something in your cubbords or freezer that does NOT have that shit in it. Now adays you can find a nice selection in your health food stores of glutin free foods. When I was doing it, I had to mail order because I had no selection in the stores. Most autistic kids have no concept of fear or danger. It is coming upon the anniversary of one of Pudd'ns class mates that had died. Mia was a beautiful little girl with blue eyes that would straight into your soul. One day out of the blue she crawled through the dog door, climbed over the 3ft fence, went down an embankment of ice plant and walked straight in to the path of an SUV. While the nanny was franticially searching the house, she heard the commotion out on the street below. Imagine her horror when she saw little Mia's body out there on the street. It was a horrible accident. So, needless to say, you always have to be on guard. Then there are the kids that have dents in their forheads from banging them, the kids that hit, bite and kick. Luckily, Pudd'n does none of these things. I won't go into how scary the future is. No one can tell you how your child will turn out. Will he beable to live on his own or in a group home? Who will love him when you are dead? There is a peek in to my world for the past 8 years. Progress has been slow for my Pudd'n, but he's made it. He is slowly coming back into our world. We had an excellent day at speech therepy today, pudd'n actually blew into the little flute and we cheered him on. The pride in his face was evident. Pudd'n cannot blow bubbles, blow his nose nor does he know how to spit out toothpaste when brushing his teeth. I love my son with all my heart and soul. I have learned more from him in the short 9 years that he has been alive than the 30 that I have lived before his birth. Welcome to my world. For those who have judged me, I dare you to live in my world for a week, think you can handle it? Actually, you'd have to live the first few years of the hell known as autism. Pudd'n is MUCH easier now. 1 in 166 children are being diagnosed with Autism ever day. Go check out my links for autism. I dare you.
posted by Maeve at 2:38 PM Monday, April 18, 2005
The Ren. Fair..........
This weekend we will be loading up the short bus and heading to the Ren. fair. I cannot wait! Here are some highlights of years past. Me, Lili & Venus are eating some fish at one of the stands. Steve is off at another booth getting some more food. This guy walks by and comments on how "naughty" us girls looked. I say back to him: "do you want to find out just how naughty we are?!?" I can tell by the look on Lili's face that Steve had chosen that exact moment to walk up. Guess I didn't use my indoor voice eh? Dru & Venus chatting up one of the workers. "Tree of life boy" they called him. I'm trying to watch Bart throw a javalin, I notice these two circling this poor boy like vultures on fresh kill. He's trying to sell them his "wares" and they don't want the pretty trinkets, they want to eat him alive. I walked up to see what I could do to "help out" heh heh heh heh........ I don't know how the hell we got on the subjects of names, but it went something like this: Tree boy: your friends are pretty, what are their names? Me: That's lady Hoover (pointing to Venus) Tree boy: Lady Hoover? Me: Yeah, she sucks like a vacuum Tree boy is blushing a bit. I smell fresh blood and go in for the kill. me:And her....(pointing to Dru) She's Countess takes it up the ass. That should be self explanitory enough! Venus & Dru are rolling with hysterics by now and Tree boy is blushing all the way to his hair line. Of course he wants to my know my name at this point. He's a sucker for punishment that is for sure. I can't remember what we told him it was, Madame Swallows? Fuck, any way, it was fun to toy with him and leave him speechless. Lili is sitting down and one of the regulars comes up to ask if she wants to pet "his goose". He's got this big fake stuffed goose under his arm. He's eyeing Lili as if she were a sweet meat. They chat a bit and she asks why his beard has the purple stripes in it. He asks HER what color HER beard was. (at the time Lili had a lot of red in her hair, he wanted to know if the carpet matched the curtains). She looked at him and coyly smiled and said "kind sir, I am beardless". He walked off with drool coming out of his mouth and a glazed look in his eye. Yes, many more good times, but it hurts the brain to think. I'm going to have to pull out the photos again to jog the ol' memory.
posted by Maeve at 9:21 PM
Well Spaz wears 'em, so I'll get a pair too...........
That was a fucking mistake. My friend Spaz it a petite girl and she wears stilettos ALL the time. I don't know how she does it either, the girl trips over air some times. Anyhooo, I bought a darling pair of shoes the other day, nice ones for summer time. They have a good 3 or 4 inch heel on them. It feels more like 6 inches when I tried to run some errands while wearing them today. When I tried them on, they sure made my legs look hot! With all the years of horseback riding and the yoga I've been doing lately, my legs are looking pretty well defined. Goddamn if I didn't feel like I was going to fall flat on my face. It is going to take some time before I get used to those shoes. I just hope I don't break a bone in the process!
posted by Maeve at 7:02 PM Sunday, April 17, 2005
Because this shit is so bizzare NOT to post.
Things that have brought people here...... bables porno (Google): Yeah, you thought you were dreaming that night when you got so drunk. Got it ALL on film girlfriend. BARTENDER OUTFITS (Yahoo): I wonder if they are any thing as slutty as what I wear to work? saturday night live mr and mrs asswipe (Google): Sounds like some of my regular customers. i'll fix your little red wagon (Google): And I'll get you and your littel dog too while I'm at it. biggest boobies on yahell (Yahoo): I resemble that remark. jungle juice: reciepe (Google): Ewwwwwwwww, no thanks, I'll pass on THAT one. blow job sandwitch (Google): Every man's dream severly autistic homes in michigan (Google): WTF??? catfish reciepe (Google): MMMMMMMMM Catfish....... ;) steve jobs seduction , charm and girlfriends of steve (Google): BUH HAH AH HA HA HAAA He fucking WISHES! primo's pizza novi (Google): Now I've lived in Novi, but that was a long time ago. The only Primo's I know of is in Ferndale by Spaz's house. They have the BEST ribs. mexican funeral braclet (Google): again......WTF?? Queer eye for the straight guy sniff smell (Yahoo): Um no. No works for me!
posted by Maeve at 10:28 PM
Wish I had something interesting to post about. But I don't. Work was insaine tonight, we were packed full with huge parties. I smiled, showed clevage and made good money. I am relaxing with a bottle of wine right now.
But I've got an itch.....no, not THAT kind of itch. I'm std free. I've got an itch to be bad........to go out and cut loose. I want to go dancing. Not dancing to the crappy music they got out now. I want to do the swing, the salsa. Something with a partner, more sexay that way. Maybe this thurs. I'll get me a side of Ben to go with my nachos. The bartender that works weekends at my place wants to go out and have some fun. She's tired of being the good little wifey and asked if I wanted to go out and stir up some trouble. Who knows, maybe we'll make it to the Swallows Inn (yes, that IS the name) and chat up some marines. I dunno, I'm just feeling mighty evil right now.........
posted by Maeve at 9:45 PM Saturday, April 16, 2005
Inside of my left knee. My first horse rammed me into a tree 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? Photos of Pudd'n & grandparents. Drawing of Andalusian horse 3. WHAT WAS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE? getting married 4. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? 80's, classical 5. DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME YOU WERE BORN? At 12:19 pm Michigan time, the gates of hell opened up. 6. WHAT IS THE WEIRDEST THING YOU HAVE EVER DONE? Shouldn't the question be "who was the weirdest person you've ever done?" 7. WHAT DO YOU MISS AT TIMES? My grandparents 8. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ON SOMEONE (OPPOSITE SEX)? height, butt, "package", hair color 9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SMELL Pudd'n after a bath, roses, horses, pine trees 10. DO YOU GET CLAUSTROPHOBIC? nope 11. IF YOU DIED TOMORROW? I would haunt the shit out of my husband. 12. THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU CRY? my son 13. WHO WAS YOUR FIRST CRUSH WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? My first boyfriend T. Sullivan 14. WHAT KIND OF HAIR DO YOU LIKE ON THE OPPOSITE SEX? black 15. WHERE CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF BEING PROPOSED TO? BUH HA HA HA HA HA. That's fucking funny 16. MAKE UP A QUESTION: Do you spit or swallow? 17. WHERE CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF GOING FOR YOUR HONEYMOON? see answer to question #15 18. CAN YOU PLAY AN INSTRUMENT? skin flute 19. DO YOU SPEAK A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE? spanish: only the swear words 20. WHAT WAS THE FIRST GIFT YOUR LAST B/F or G/F GAVE YOU? a headache 21. WHAT WAS THE FIRST GIFT YOUR CURRENT B/F or G/F GAVE YOU? Have to have one for the question to apply 22. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE SINGER? Nat King Cole 23. FAVORITE BAND(s)? ZZ Top, Puddle of Mudd, Enya, Stevie Nicks 24. WHAT KIND OF BOOKS DO YOU LIKE TO READ? anything with a hard throbbing shaft in it 25. FAVORITE PERFUME? fuck! I have to choose? Rapture by Victoria Secret 26. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR COFFEE? with a LOT of whiskey in it 27. WHAT's YOUR FAVORITE PHRASE TO USE? Goddamn it 28. WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE KNOWING THAT THE PERSON IS LEAVING? Yep 29. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO TELL SOMEONE HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO YOU? Give them a blowjob? 30. SAY A NUMBER FROM ONE TO A HUNDRED: 69 31. BLONDES, REDHEADS OR BRUNETTES?: Brunette/black. But there is a redhead I'd sure like to fuck silly too.. 32. WHAT IS THE ONE NUMBER YOU CALL OFTEN: My mommy 33. WHAT ANNOYS YOU MOST? people 34. HAVE YOU EVER DONE A PRANK CALL? fuck yeah. 35.WHO IS YOUR CURRENT CRUSH? Ben, Coach,Pedro 36: WHAT IS YOUR WORST scare? running out of toilet paper 37:SAY SOMETHING TO SOMEONE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN/TALKED TO IN AWHILE I've missed you and your touch. 38: HAVE YOU EVER SAID "I LOVE YOU" AND NOT MEAN IT: Yep 39: WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE YOU FILLED trying to get my son to sleep.
posted by Maeve at 9:50 PM Thursday, April 14, 2005
Have you..........
Ever called out some one eles's name in the throghs of passion? Has any one ever called you by some one eles's name?
posted by Maeve at 10:06 PM
Too fucking funny............
I'm sitting on my patio, enjoying a bottle of wine and reading tarot cards for Lissie in Texas. I've got the head phones on and I'm merrily chatting away. My scumb bag neighbors have friends over, oh joy, I'm sure I'll find more beer bottle caps in my yard. ANYHEW........I notice one of the snot nosed brats is throwing a ball around, it lands in MY front yard. I see him get it. The rug rat continues to throw this ball around and it lands in MY yard. I coolily look at it. I tune Lissie out a bit to catch what is transpireing next door. Child is crying, mother is asking where ball went. I see her go to the front of the fence, she THEN realizes that the ball is NOT in the front, but IN MY YARD. She tells the kid he is S.O.L, she is NOT going to knock on my front gate to get it. Yeah, Physcho man and Bruja live here........she wants NO part of that. Lissie hears the kid crying for his ball, she tells me to throw it back. The Evil part of me says "fuck the little bastard, I'm tired of shit being thrown in my yard". The mommy part of me hears the crys and wants to make it better. So I wait 20 min and then throw the ball back. fucktards......
posted by Maeve at 7:51 PM
Since Dru does not want to have a public journal any more, I've put Zonker's site up in her spot. Go check it out. He and Sandy are at it again and it's fucking funny. I don't know where the hell they get these photos, but goddamn if they don't write funny shit to go with them. My all time favorite will always be the peter pan one. You'll have to go a few weeks back in Sandy's archives for that one.
posted by Maeve at 6:36 AM
Whooooooooohooooooooo 4 am wake up call!
The epsom salt we've been putting in the bath to help with pudd'ns sprained wrist has finally gone through him. He went through 4 diapers. I figured since I was up, I'd make those muffins I've been promising steve. So I got those all baked up and some spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove. I figure I'll hit the tread mill, do some yoga and by then it should be light enough out to sweep & hose the patio. Fucking neighbor's kids threw crap in our yard again yesterday. We went out shopping and when we came home, there was a beer cap and the little fucks tore up thier OWN plants and threw them over the fence. Thank Goddess steve's on mood stabilizers because I'd hate to see what he WOULD of done had he not been on them. Of course the parents & snot nosed brats were not home. Only the teenager, Steve brough him into our yard and showed him the mess and told them to knock it the fuck off. I'm calling the assoc. today to see what else we can do. Of course, poor babs called right when all this was going on. Poor thing had serious dental work, I could only listen to her half heartedly. I was too busy trying to stay in the kitchen to keep the knifes away from steve. He was pretty pissed off last night. Feel better Bables!!! I have now lost a total of 8 lbs! Yeah me! I called Lili to give her the good news. She is such a cheer leader (yum, Lili in a cheer leader's outfit!). She always knows what to say wether I gain or lose. Pet Peeve: Don't come into where I work, sit down in my station and tell me you know the owner. BIG FUCKING DEAL!! I always reply with "Oh really!? Cool, I know him too!!!". Fucktards, I don't give a fuck if you blow the goddamn president. Don't fucking name drop with me, I am NOT impressed. I give damn good service to whom ever walks through that door. This sat I help Athena move into her new place. I'm excited for her, new job, new apt and her girlfriend got her visa! All sorts of new and exciting things are coming their way! Well time to get off my ass and go do something constructive. Ciao!
posted by Maeve at 6:01 AM Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Got the good news tonight when I schlepped home from work. Steve forgot the rest of the message that Athena left. Dork! And of course she is not up and on line for me to get it either. Any way, soon Aussie will be here and we'll have to drink LOTS of iced tea........with a shit load of Vodka in it. ;) Had a great time with Pudd'n & the goat at Aunt Selma's. The water was still a wee bit too chilly, but the weather was sunny & warm. I've got a nice base tan going already. Had a great ride on the boys today. Kip has been really depressed since Gil died. I think I'll pick him up some nutter butter cookies. Kippy really loves them. Kirby, well Kirby should be called goat #2. That fucking horse eats everything! I've got a nail appointment tomorrow. I think I will splurge now that it is sandal season and get a nice pedicure. I'll get my toes painted hooker red in honnor of Acidman over at Gut Rumbles. He gives me oodles of stuff to read at his site and a good belly laugh to boot. He also loves red toes. If I knew how to post pictures here, I'd post one of the beautiful shot glasses Sandy had sent me. I figured if I propped one up in my clevage, it would be a nice back ground. But alas, you will just have to use your imagination until some one can get their ass over here and show me how to do shit like that........
posted by Maeve at 10:30 PM
Living Will
I, _________________________ (fill in the blank), being of sound mind and body, do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means. Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of BOZO politicians who couldn't pass ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it. If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to sit up and ask for a __________________ (Sex and a Vodka & Tonic, Cold Beer, Margarita, Bloody Mary, Martini, Rum & Coke, shot of Wild Turkey, etc...you get the idea) it should be presumed that I won't ever get better. When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my spouse, children and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes and call it a day. Under no circumstances shall the hypocritical members of the Legislature (State or Federal) enact a special law to keep me on life-support machinery. It is my wish that these Bonehead IDIOTS mind their own damn business, and pay attention instead to the health, education and future of the millions of Americans who aren't in a permanent coma. They should get back to their regular duties of frivolous spending and piling up massive budget deficits. Under no circumstances shall any politicians butt into this case. I don't care how many fundamentalist votes they're trying to scrounge for their run for political office, it is my wish that they play politics with someone else's life and leave me alone. In most all cases, I didn't even vote for them when I was "pre-vegetative" I couldn't care less if a hundred religious zealots send e-mails to legislators in which they pretend to care about me. I don't know these people, and I certainly haven't authorized them to preach and crusade on my behalf. They should mind their own damn business, too. If any of my family goes against my wishes and turns my case into a political cause, I hereby promise to come back from the grave and make his or her existence a living hell. They should also forfeit any claim to my inheritance, meager though it may be, that they may have.
posted by Maeve at 10:11 PM
Uh oh..........
I think I "over did it". I did my power yoga this morning and then promptly got my ass on a horse. Two horses really. Brenda's assitant quit on her a month or so a go, so she asked if I could get both boys out today. Twist my arm! I'll get my nails done tomorrow night. Any way, I'm merrily riding a long and start to notice this SHARP pain in my upper back. Hopefully my mom will have some vicodin to spare. I had a great ride, there is nothing like having an anmial between your legs! ;) Now I am off to get Pudd'n and head to Aunt Selma's for a bit before I have to get ready for work. Goddamn I love spring break!
posted by Maeve at 11:01 AM Monday, April 11, 2005
Tomorrow I go horseback riding. I cannot wait! It has been too damn long since I've been riding.
Pudd'n is at grandma land tonight. I miss him, the house is too quiet. There will be too much room in my bed. Maybe I can get the goat to lay in bed with us, he's a couch hog. He'd probably make a good bed hog too.
posted by Maeve at 11:29 PM
THANK YOU SANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it Yule already? Because it sure feels like it to me! Sandy, over at The Dirty Ashtray sent me a package. It was filled with treasures! Her talented daughter drew me a picture of one of my horses Kip. There was an exsquised hand carved boxes. One is round with a beautiful pattern and the other is square with three horses. That one is for Pudd'n. She also loveingly put in some pewter shot glasses that have stags on them, I cannot wait to use those for ritual. Speaking of ritual, she also put in the box a darling ceramic pestel & morter. I will use that to hold my ritual incense. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! A lot of thought and care went into that package! xoxoxox
posted by Maeve at 9:04 PM
Ugggggghhhhhhhhhh........I'm hung over.
So much for my grand plans of getting up and starting my day with some power yoga!! I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep. I am so thankful that Pudd'n & I have spring break right now. We slept in until about 7 am or so. Yes, that IS sleeping in at my house. I entertained the thought of going to W.W., but a part of me is "what's the point?". I haven't been following it, I've failed again. I am doing my best to get out of this funk. I know what is causing it, I'm happy, yet insainly jelous of two good friends. Both have new lives with people that love THEM for who they are, warts & all. Their spouse are not with them out of a sense of obligation. Both good friends ARE MOVING TOO DAMN FAR FROM ME!!! Athena will now be 2 hours away and Lili is moving 1 hour away. We barely see each other now as it is, will we be able to make the time to get together at some meeting point? Life is busy and I know that even if I don't get to see them, I know I can talk to them. But some times you just need that hug from a girlfriend. Hell, Babs has moved CLOSER to me and I STILL barely see her (hint hint bitch! LOL) Ok, I'm going to stop my pity party. I'm going to go give Pudd'n a kiss and hug. He always makes me feel better.
posted by Maeve at 8:08 AM Sunday, April 10, 2005
This weekend on TBS, they were showing one of my favorite flicks, "Road Trip". It's not cheating when it's your dog.......get it? YOUR dog!! Ok, because I don't want to be a whiney bitch, here are the highlights of my weekend. Chatting with Dru Seeing Venus drive by and stalking her........sort of. I lost her. Chatting on line with Athena Having Lili, C and Jo come in to where I work to show off digital pics of the new home. Heh heh, when I served the calamari, Jo thought he'd be a smart ass and say "well it's about time!!" Lili and C, BOTH lean out of striking range. I just give Jo "the look" and make him squirm in his seat. Lili's fine ass has been on the end of one of swats. I'm sure she STILL has a mark to this day. Arguing with a co worker on who was going to take the boss' table IN FRONT of the boss........ You take 'em NO YOU take em.... Ok, I'll filp a coin with you....... I ended up taking the boss and his friends, I'm no fool. they tip good!
posted by Maeve at 10:03 PM
On a mission...........
Yes, I am on a mission to get blind stinking drunk tonight. Why? you may (or may not) ask. BECAUSE, that is WHY. I'm just tired, tired of everything. Steve spent the day in a pissy mood and I'm goddamn tired of it. Pudd'n fell off the slide teasing the dogs with a pop tart on friday. He sprained his arm pretty good. Today it was much better, so steve took him to the park when I went to work. Pudd'n fell........on his already sprained wrist!!!! So now it is REALLY swollen & bruised and he can't go play with his new friend today. Goddamn, mother fucking, cum sucking punetya sauce! Is life EVER going to go smooth? Will the bumps in the road EVER be filled? Is this all there is to life? One dissapointment after another? Exscues me while I go get more cheese to eat with my WHINE.......
posted by Maeve at 9:03 PM Saturday, April 09, 2005
What a nice evening............
Tonight after dinner we took the dogs for a walk. As we got back on our street, one of our neighbor's boys started to talk to Pudd'n. boy: Hi friend, do you want to play? Steve: I'm sorry, he does not speak boy: you don't have to talk to play....... We took the dogs home, I grabbed a ball and pudd'ns scooter and we went to go play! Pudd'n had a great time, it was so good to hear him laugh. It turns out that Jose had called the assoc. on our neighbors for the cars parked on the lawn!!! Our neighbors got some nice tickets for that one! I told Jose of the other problems that we've had with them so far. I've always admired Jose, he is a real family man. His property is always kept clean, his kids are polite, he spends time with his family and when his kids are outside playing, he is there watching over them. It is so refreshing since most of the people here just let their kids run wild. They are more concerend with detail their cars than keeping an eye on the kids they keep squirting out. Any way, it was real nice to watch pudd'n "play" and we will definitly do it again. Now it is time for me to curl up with my son and help him fall asleep. I love to snuggle up with him. :)
posted by Maeve at 8:19 PM Friday, April 08, 2005
Hee hee, tell you something you don't know eh? We have a new radio station and lately I've been hearing an old favorite song of mine. Back when I used to work for Crappy Creek, on Thursday's we'd all go down to the local dive bar and sing kereokee. My home girl Melly and I would always sing the song "I touch myself". And yeah, we'd WORK it while we were on stage. "I Touch Myself" I love myself I want you to love me When I feel down I want you above me I search myself I want you to find me I forget myself I want you to remind me I don't want anybody else When I think about you I touch myself Ooh I don't want anybody else Oh no, oh no, oh no You're the one who makes me come running You're the sun who makes me shine When you're around I'm always laughing I want to make you mine I close my eyes And see you before me Think I would die If you were to ignore me A fool could see Just how much I adore you I get down on my knees I do anything for you I don't want anybody else When I think about you I touch myself Ooh I don't want anybody else Oh no, oh no, oh no I want you I don't want anybody else And when I think about you I touch myself Ooh, ooh, oo, oo ahh I don't want anybody else When I think about you I touch myself Ooh I don't want anybody else Oh no, oh no, oh no
posted by Maeve at 10:55 PM Thursday, April 07, 2005
SCUM BAGS............
I am ready to move. Our new neighbors of less than a year are real scum bags. Out here in lovely So Cal, you don't have much room between yourself and your neighbor. So far these ass wipes have: Purposly antagonized my dogs Thrown orange peels over the fence we've found gum stuck to the side of the house (where it was, like the orange peels, it could of ONLY come from them) and the one that PISSES me off the most........the friends park thier cars on THE FRONT LAWN. come on mother fuckers! Get off your lazy damn asses, park down the street and fucking WALK to the house. Just like everyone else has to do in this place. It looks so Goddamn low life scum bag with the damn cars on the lawn. Everyone here keeps thier houses nice & neat. Then these dumb fucks move in. I'm calling the assosiation tomorrow. I've had enough of this shit. Yes, we've confronted them on everything but the cars on the lawn. We've introduced ourselves when they moved in, I've smiled at them when I see them out side. We've tried to be pleasant, but the fucktards don't get it. Hell they give me a blank stare when I smile & wave. fucktards.
posted by Maeve at 7:39 PM
What a long ass day yesterday................
After work I picked up Pudd'n and headed up to Carson to go see the healer. Then I came home, got the beach stuff and snacks packed, steve came home changed his clothes, grabbed the kid & dog and headed to Aunt Selma's. By then my clothes were changed and I jetted up to the mall to get a make over done with my mother in law. While en route, I found out Lili got the home she bid on (YEAHHHHHH!). I walked in and almost walked right back out. All the girls at the destined make up counter had more make up on than a $10. whore. Holy shit! Did they put this stuff on with a trowel?? Plus the asian gal that did my make up had something with garlic for lunch, just what you want breathing in your face eh? She askes me "So what is your make up routine?". I tell her usually by day I'm lucky to wear mascara. I work 2 jobs and have a disabled child, I generally don't have the time or the energy to put this stuff on. So she tells me "ok, we'll go for the natural look". I mentally roll my eyes at her, why wear anything to achive what you can do with OUT putting crap all over your face?? When she's done, the only thing that looks nice is the red lipstick. Yeah, I've probably got 50 shades of red, what is one more? Then mom and I head over to the fancy chinese establishment to meet Babs for some dinner. Oh man was that food good! It was nice to spend time with mom & babs, relaxed me so much I wanted to go home and skip ritual. But since I was calling the south qrtr., that would not look too good. Ritual was nice as always, but soon as it was over I high tailed it out of there, I was dieing to wash my face. Lucky for me, Pudd'n was asleep and I bee lined it for the shower. Steve stopped me and asked to see my make over. He took a good look and started laughing. Fucker...... "They made you look OLDER" he said. No shit shirlock! That girl had caked on so much foundation, bronzer AND blush that it settled in to the fine lines I have and made them look more pronounced. "you look like Aunt Dotty!" (the family drunk that wears 20lbs of make up). Yeah, I KNOW!!! It was bad enough I had to go through ritual looking like this! I washed my face twice and even used my face exfoliator. Ugh! Oh well, it was time well spent with two girls I love. I don't get to spend any time with my mother in law any more. She's usually our primary baby sitter. Babs, well, for once we didn't get blind stinking drunk and it was nice to remember our conversations! LOL.
posted by Maeve at 6:13 AM Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Over at Gut Rumbles, in one of Acidman's comments, some one talks about "Dingelberries". That is shit & tp stuck to the little hairs around your ass hole. Now for those of you girls brave enough to get a brazilian wax, you don't worry about those things. Last year I thought I'd suprize the hub and get one for our weekend get away to Mexico. Spice things up ya know? I went to the girl that Lili sudgested. So I trot on down to said salon and go into the little appointed room. The girl tells me to disrobe waist down and actually hands me this LITTLE piece of paper. It is suppose to be a "disposable underpants". Uhhhhhh.....WTF? So I slip this thing on and in comes the nice lady that will rip my pubes out for the next hour or so. She's chatting merrily along all the while I'm trying my best not to scream out "HOLY FUCKING SHIT, GODDAMN IT! MOTHER FUCKER BETTER LIKE THIS SHIT, GODDAMN!". My legs are going in positions that I never thought possible. THEN she tells me to get on all fours.........huh? Apparently that is how they get the hair from around your ass hole. I silently swear at Lili for not giving me this little nugget (pun intented) of information. After all is said and done, I walk out like the only whore that was left to service a ship full of sailors, curse Lili and go home to whimper over the pain. Yes, Steve liked it, would I do it again? Yeah, no dingelberries for a few weeks is sure nice! Only this time I'll have some one drive me so I can get blind stinking drunk before hand.
posted by Maeve at 10:44 PM
All sorts of excitement today!!
Steve and I were home for lunch as usual, he flips on the news and notices that there is a high speed chase on. Yeah, big deal. We get them all the time out here. Turns out the guy is on the 405 heading south. He just passed through Irivine. HOLY SHIT! This bone head is coming our way. Steve and I start joking about waving to the guy as he passing through our way. Sure enough, bone head goes from the 405 to the 5. I had to leave at this point and sure as shit, I'm driving north and what to I see coming in the opposite direction? Bone head!! Two helecopters are flying over head and several police cars are hot on his tail. I excitedly call Steve (yeah, I'm a geek, I need a life) and he asked if I waved at them. So I make it to the grocery store and I'm merrily moving along when I get a phone call from my mom. Mom: Hi honey (uh oh........she's got 'THAT TONE' in her voice) Me: Uh, Hi mom (getting nervous) Mom: Guess what I did? I'm wincing at this point, Goddess only knows what scheme my mom has cooked up or frivolus thing she has bought. Turns out there is a article in our local paper on Autism. So of course my mom calls the reporter and has a little chat with him. He's VERY intrested and wants to talk to me to get more information and maybe do a story on Pudd'n!!! I called him and all I got was an answering machine. So here I sit, with baited breath, waiting for this guy to call. I hope he calls SOON!!!
posted by Maeve at 1:47 PM
The way to a man's heart is not through his stomach, like mom used to say (ok, MY mom would say it's a few inches below his belt). But the true way to a man's heart is 3 inches below the breast with a paring knife.............
Those were my thoughts yesterday........ I love my husband, but am tired of his passive/agressive, mind fucking crap and I let him KNOW it after getting one of his emails. Yes, I KNOW he's under stress at work and yes I KNOW it's hard having a child with a disability (hello! I live here too!). Any way, I've had 15 years of hearing the same crap over and over. he does not have the job, car, house, wife and yes, even child he envisioned. yes, he is FINALLY taking the steps to deal with his problems, thank Goddess because I was ready to take those sissors and put it through his heart (I was cutting coupons when he came home). We sat down to talk things over, I did not yell, I would NOT let him push me into yelling. I kept my voice calm and level.......deadly level. He pissed me off for the last time. The next time he starts the crap of "maybe we should split/divorce" I'm going to GIVE it to him. Grow up! This is not high school! We both ended our talk on agreeing to work at things better. We'll see what happens. We've had this talk before. Seems he'll put an effort into it for a while and then stop. He fails to see that way I am is from the way HE'S treating me. I can't heal you Stephen, you have to want to heal YOURSELF. Took me a long time to figure that little nugget of wisdom out.
posted by Maeve at 6:08 AM Sunday, April 03, 2005
Had another fun day. Today we went to one of our regional parks for a fun family outing. We brought the Goat Puppy with us too. I feel bad for leaving Cujo & rodent behind. But ever since Cujo's surgery, he can't get in & out of the short bus with out help and he gets VERY disgruntled when you do help him. He can't go for long walks any more either, I'm having a hard time with the fact he's old.
Any way, I'm off subject. We get to the park and head straight for the train rides. Turns out they have pony rides too, so of course I plop Pudd'n on a large pony. He even got to trot, which he loves. We then head over to the train, Steve was going to wait for us, we didn't think they'd let us bring the goat on board. Turns out we could, I put goat with me in my seat and the boys sat behind us. All went well until the train left, then I shit you not, I ended up with 85 lbs of dog in my lap. Scardy cat! It was a lovely train ride and pudd'n got the biggest kick out of it. It was amusing trying to get OUT after the train stopped. Thank Goddess I've been doing yoga, because it was real interesting trying to extract myself with the dog. We then headed over to the mini zoo they had. Steve had to wait for us on that, no dogs allowed what so ever. Not even service dogs. As usual, I had more fun that pudd'n with this type of stuff. I was drooling all over the owls they had. The golden eagles were stunning and I creamed my panties over the big brown bear they had. Next time we'll pack a lunch and stay longer. We had to make it a short trip because some little person is growing at leaps & bounds and needed new shoes.
posted by Maeve at 9:53 PM
Summer time fun!
Spent five hours at Aunt Selma's yesterday. The water is still chilly, but at least the weather was warm. Aunt Selma and I proceeded to get hammerd, really didn't hit me until we left. I forget how powerful that sun is! Goat had a great time running around, he too was beat by the time we got home, hell we all were! Steve got us mexican food for the ride home, that was yummy! After dinner and a shower, I promptly passed out. I woke up around 8 to chat with Spaz and then after Pudd'n bath, we all went to bed. I'm hoping we go again today, we'll see, we need to get Pudd'n some new shoes and the damn time change just fucked us out of an hour.
posted by Maeve at 8:11 AM Friday, April 01, 2005
Getting nervous...........
I'm sitting here at my computer and all I can hear are the gut rumblings of my oldest dog Jack (a.k.a Cujo). Great, does this mean noxious gas fumes are to follow? Will he wake us up from a dead sleep with hisfarts? And why is it when animals get old, thier tounges hang out? Well, my horse Whiskey (yeah, real original name for me eh?) his bottom lip hung down, but no tounge. Oh yeah, and his ears would flap when we'd trot. Damn, I miss that horse.
posted by Maeve at 11:08 PM
It is now pay back time to the lovely lady Linda. I work with Linda in the high school. She is a riot, a lot of fun. But she has bagged on me one too many times that I don't have a hockey season to watch. So Linda, your cute little butt is mine today to play a nice April Fool's joke. Steve does not call me Evil Incarnate for nothing........ |