![]() Your Bartender
Nick: Maeve
---My Yahoo profile
Happy Hour Specials....
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![]() Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Yes, I am definitly sick. My nose is stuffy/runny. It feels like I've got shards of glass in my stomach. I'm tired, why am I up? Pudd'n won't fall asleep yet. I can't wait to crawl into bed.
posted by Maeve at 10:03 PM
I think my hang over is really a cold. I can't smell anything, can't breath and my throat is beginning to hurt. Waiting for Venus & Dru to get their sweet butts over here. I took the kids to the mall so I could get pudd'n some new shoes at Stride Rite. As I was sitting on the floor, fiddling with a shoe Lisa said to me "boy Aunt Maeve, you don't look so good". Gee thanks.......... I then obsessively kept looking in mirrors we passed by to see if I truly DID look that bad. Oh well, at least I showered today.
Animal control came by and put Jack on a 10 day in home quarantine. Giving his age and the fact he's on meds, they'd rather keep him here. I'm looking forward to the long holiday weekend, we'll be spending the weekend at Aunt Selma's on the beach. I plan to catch up on some sleep.
posted by Maeve at 6:46 PM
I am soooooooooo hung over right now. Will some one come over and clean up my house for me? It looks like a bomb went off in it. Kerry left a message on my cell phone last night, thanking me for the great time at the shower. I wonder how SHE is feeling this morning? She was as drunk as I was and now she has stiches in her lip.
posted by Maeve at 8:05 AM Tuesday, June 29, 2004
The Bridal party ended up in stiches.........literally.
Everything went great, the food, the gifts, the music. Everything. Then kerry and her husband to be came over after everything was cleaned up. We hung out on the patio with Steve. The adult company was great. It was a good time, until Kerry gave Jack a kiss goodbye. Kerry loves animals. She always petting, kissing and such. Well since the surgey, jacke does not care for "hugs & kisses" much any more. He'd just rather be petted. Kerry ended up at the walk in clinic, she needed two stiches to close the gap Jack left in her lip when she gave him a hug & kiss. We were trying to make light of the situation, laughing and cracking jokes. Hubby to be just rolled his eyes, he was the only sober one of the three of us. I had flash backs to when it was I that was the paitent and spaz was by my side. One trip home I managed to fall down a flight of stairs (and I was sober!). The Dr. had asked if there were going to be any adults at home. Spaz and I laughed hysterically and told him "yes, my friend's 5 year old son is the adult right now". Something to that effect. Any way, poor Kerry has 2 stiches in her lip and no wild stories to go with it. I say she should tell people she cut it on the sequined G string the stripper was wearing.
posted by Maeve at 9:58 PM Monday, June 28, 2004
Right now my huband is on the top of my shit list. And that's all I'm going to say about that............
Bart & Lisa are with relatives for the next 3 days. I've been busy baking,cooking and getting sex toys & stuff ready for tomorrow. I need about 12 more hours........
posted by Maeve at 7:55 PM Sunday, June 27, 2004
My life truly began 8 years ago today. I have learned more in the 8 short years that you have been a live than the 30 that I had lived before you were in it. You are the light of my life. You are the sun, the moon and the stars. I love you with all my heart and soul my precious son.
posted by Maeve at 7:13 AM Saturday, June 26, 2004
Tomorrow at 10:35 am pacific time, Pudd'n will be 8 years old. Where the hell does the time go? We are going to Knott's Berry farm to celebrate. Lucky for us, Steve's company picnic is being held there, so we get in for free. I will pick up some of those fancy cup cakes Pudd'n likes so much. He likes to just eat the frosting off of them. That is fine, what ever makes him happy. We spent most of the day at the beach.
It was so nice to kick back and relax. I was relaxed for the rest of the day until we went to Verison to see about getting me a new phone. Since we did not have insurance on it and no "credit" for a new phone yet. We will have to pay full price. $200 was the cheapest. OUCH!
posted by Maeve at 9:23 PM Friday, June 25, 2004
What is it about the Scottish brough that makes me all wet in the panties? A good Irish one does the same, but the Scotts just sound so much NASTIER. They can be butt, fucking ugly.......but once they speak...forget it. I'm putty. I'm a big quvering mass of giggly, girlieness. Oh and I drool too. Just call me "special ed".
Work sucked hot sweaty ass tonight. I was out by 8 pm and headed over to C.C.. Mikey hooked me up with an awesome Margarita and I got some nice cheezy cheezy nachos. I asked for extra beans, it's pay back time for Bart. I'm going to eat some garlic too, he is going to rue the day he ever thought it was funny to fart. I'm going to put him to shame. I can do it too! We are going to the beach tomorrow. I need to recharge and the kids love to play in the sand. Athena was feeling down and I sudgested to her that she go there. I was wishing I could do the same, when it hit me. DUH! I can go tomorrow and spend ALLLLLLL day there. I can take a nap, drink some wine and play in the sand with Pudd'n. Bart can go surfing and Lisa can play her sax. I'm just thankful I don't have to drive any long distance tomorrow. I am starting to get nervous about the shower. I hope everything goes well and everyone has a good time.
posted by Maeve at 10:07 PM
Why do teenage boys think it is funny to fart? And how the hell do they get so much gas in them? Last night Bart & Millhouse would not stop sitting on each other's head to fart. Then they's stick their butts by the fan and fart. Of course this is followed my hysterical laughter (from them). Ugh.
posted by Maeve at 6:30 AM Thursday, June 24, 2004
For those of you who may want to reach me on my cell phone, you won't be able to. I either left it on the roof of the rental car (van in shop) or it's in the rental car. I won't be able to find out until 7 am tomorrow. Steve is calm about it all. I'm falling apart. Can't handle much more. The van, the kids, the custody, the extra $$$ for the extra bodies, the lack of customers at work..........the list goes on. I'm pouring a double, does any one want any???
posted by Maeve at 8:18 PM
posted by Maeve at 7:06 PM ![]() You Are Asia CarreraSexy and brainy. More comfortable behind a webcam than in a porn shoot. You've got mad sex appeal, and you've been known to have dirty sex. Anal, lesbianism, facials, group sex... nothing is out of the question. On most days, you're just happy to hang out in sweats flashing people on the internet. What Porn Starlet Are You? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
posted by Maeve at 7:02 PM
Apparently, I've been SO bitchy, Steve brought me home a 5th of Jack Daniels. My "cure all". I'm a "happy drunk". I just want to kick back, eat and go to sleep. If there is a good comedy on, even better. Sad to say, but it takes the edge off and I'm REAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL edgy lately.
The pool party went well, 7 kids total. It was a bit chaotic when we got back here, Pudd'n wanted to be fed NOW and the pizza was not cutting it. He wanted pasta vazul, only problem is, we were out of it! Luckily my mother in law made up a fresh batch, we just had to wait for her to bring it down. Bart and his friend went to hockey practice. Luckily for us, Tia Ida came and picked the boys up. I just hope I can get the boys to sleep tonight. They like to play "who can stay up the latest". They'd better finish the pizza...........
posted by Maeve at 6:51 PM
I have one nerve left and the whole world is getting on it. I'm going to have 6 teenagers and one autistic child at the pool today for Lisa's pool party. It's her birthday. I'm seriously thinking of getting a beer or something WAY stronger and putting it in a nice big plastic cup to help me deal with the rest of the day..............
posted by Maeve at 10:53 AM Wednesday, June 23, 2004
So I drive down to Con. Rev to meet Venus & Dru. I slap on some conceiler to hide the bags under my eyes. I'm exshausted and just want to go to sleep. We all arrive at the same time and I go straight for the section to get what I need. The are OUT of the clitoris cream!!! They only have 3 body chocolates left and no more 80 cent massage oil. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. So instead of having fun with my girls, I'm pissed and bummed out. They call to the S.C. Con rev (10 min from my house) and they inform me they have the clitoris cream. So I buy Kerry a Tokyo Rose vibrator and we go out for some food. Well, they ate, I drank a glass of wine and headed to the other shop. I get there and they have a total of THREE clitoris creams and it is $3.99 a small tube instead of $1.99. I was really pissed by now. FUCK FUCK FUCK! So I just got some other stuff as party favors. Wasn't what I wanted, but what am I to do? So now I sit here, exhausted, pissed and gagging on the fumes that is emitting from my dog's ass. Sorry I was such a wet blanket tonight girls, I hope I'll be in a better frame of mind next time we get together.
posted by Maeve at 9:44 PM
Steve went over to Fucking Moron's place last night to have him sign the paper work that would give us guardianship for the next time he fucks up and kills himself. The Fucktard would not sign it. He briefly read it and accused us of trying to take custody of the kids now. He has the audacity to be pissed that his mom cleaned out what little he had in his bank account when he went in to rehab. Uh, HELLO! Rehab is not free! We are feeding, clothing and sheltering YOUR kids. This ass wipe expects everyone to pay for the clean up of the messes he creates. And to top off our lovely evening, The Cunt calls to whine on our shoulder that she has not talked to her children (she does not know that they are living with us). Hats off to Steve, he CALMLY informed the diseased twat that when ever F.M. was late for child support, she KEPT the kids from talking to him. The kids did NOT want to talk to her by their own free will. He then pointed out that if she was so caring and so worried, then where was HER payment of child support. Then he informed her we knew of the crap she did to her own kids. Stuff like letting her boyfriend force Bart to drink whiskey & take a hit off of a cigar. Then there was the time she made Bart take his dog out to the woods to tie it to a tree so her crack head friend could shoot it. The dog snapped at the guy (probably for a good reason). The list goes on & on. It sickens me to think of what else they have not told us. I am done with my rant (for now).
posted by Maeve at 6:37 AM Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Starting to get things together for Kerry's shower. Got the table center pieces yesterday. Picked up the table cloths, balloons and other such stuff today. I'm also having a pool party for Lisa's birthday this week, I have to bake a cake for that. Tomorrow I'll take her to get a manicure & pedicure. Looking forward to Condom Rev. tomorrow night. I need some nachos, big pile of cheesy nachos, smothered in pico de gallo.
posted by Maeve at 10:17 AM Monday, June 21, 2004
Went down to the beach to do some spell work after dropping off the kids at school. Only a few joggers gawked at me. Time to go mow the lawn!
posted by Maeve at 9:41 AM
posted by Maeve at 6:43 AM Sunday, June 20, 2004
Had a nice father's day. We went to the movies while my mother in law watched the kis. We saw Shrek 2, it was really cute. Work was really slow. Bart & Lisa got Steve a really beautiful father's day card and some gifts. They only got their dad a humours card and that was it. Fucking Moron was not happy to hear the kids would still be with us this week (he gets out of rehab tomorrow). We'll see where things go. The kids really don't want to back at this point. We've consulted a lawyer and have things in motion to get guardianship. Lisa has dropped so much weight, both kids are blossoming. Pudd'n likes to have them here too. He loves to touch Bart's spiky hair. They went to Big Lots today and got a waffle cone maker, so next time the witches come over, we'll have to make waffle cones/bowls and fill them with ice cream and other goodies. This week is road trip to Con. Rev. I can't wait!!!
posted by Maeve at 9:17 PM Saturday, June 19, 2004
I am so cranky today, I can't even stand being around myself. My mother in law was kind enough to come down and take us shopping for clothes & food. Pudd'n got some shorts, Lisa got a new swim suit & jammies and Bart got a shirt & swim trunks. Lisa has lost so much weight that she got a Halter top kind of swim suit. Bart kept trying to stear her to somthing that covered a way lot more. He's always trying to monitor her clothes. He does not want her to look like their mom. I got her the halter top, it covers her just fine. I told him to let me worry about what Lisa wears.
I checked out the hotels that are offered to me for my Vegas trip. Turns out it is 4 days 3 nights. Hot damn! I can't wait to go.
posted by Maeve at 3:04 PM Friday, June 18, 2004
Yesterday I was one of the first 100 callers on a radio station and I won a 3 day 2 night stay in Vegas!!! Steve got all the info today because my brain farted and I could not remember my own cell number to leave. Now we just have to pick a date and buy our own air fare. HOT DAMN! Had a great time doing spell work with Venus & Dru this morning. We even went down to the beach to do one. Venus is a puss when it comes to the beach though. She whined the entire 15 minutes we were there. And on to other good news. Lili was able to get a hotel room for the night before and the night of her wedding! So now we have a place to party and get ready for her big day! It is going to be fun. I'm starting to look forward to Kerry's shower. It will be a blast going to Con. Rev with Venus & Dru. Hopefully we will not get kicked out for being too obnoxious.
posted by Maeve at 12:47 PM Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Maeve: So where DO babies come from smarty pants? Bart: (laughing) well, first you go to bed. Maeve: Bed? Hell, the kitchen table! Bart: (looking confused) Maeve: Think of that the next time you sit down to dinner.
posted by Maeve at 10:14 PM
OMG! I need a good hair pulling, ass slapping and to sink my teeth into that spot where your neck & shoulders meet. I'm going to explode all over the damn place! I am definitly going horseback riding tomorrow, one way or the other, I'm getting an animal between my legs!!!
Dinner with the girls was an absolute RIOT. I almost shot beer out of my nose at one point. Venus said something about "mudd butt" just as I took a swig of beer. I'm trying not to spit it. Lili is coaching me "come on, just swallow it. you are great at swallowing". Venus is making faces and Dru is egging Venus on. Beotches! For some reason the kids at the table across from us were totally enamoured with us. They kept staring at us. So being the adults we are......we started making faces, talking louder about "wangage" and sexual positions. Lili ups the anti and starts to fondle my breasts. Venus is picking her nose and poor Dru is on the floor with laughter (egging Venus on even more). Lili and I start to act like we were going to make out (at this point I think we caught the eye of several fathers). The waiter sucked hot sweaty ass. You would think with the clevage that Dru and I were sporting, we'd gotten a little better service. The damn managaer was even walking around, and that was about it. Did not help at all. The food was awesome. I'm stuffed to the gills. Maybe next time we'll sit in the bar. Maybe we'll get our drinks faster. A girl could die of thirst by the time Mr. Pokey got to our table! I haven't felt this relaxed (but still horney as all hell) in a long time.
posted by Maeve at 9:01 PM
And I LOVED to be spanked, thank you very much. Some one was smoking some serious crack when they made this test up!! ![]() Your Erogenous Zone Is Your ButtYou may or may not be into full on anal You'll probably work up to a jumbo butt plug in time You definitely love getting your butt massaged And spanked? Well, at least a little! What's Your Secret Erogenous Zone? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
posted by Maeve at 8:59 PM
posted by Maeve at 9:51 AM
I get Pudd'n all day to myself! His yearly regional center I.E.P. was today, so his case worker came out to evaluate and up to date Pudd'ns file. I finally got our old case worker back, he's great. They transferred him to a different office a few years back. Now that Pudd'n is in a school district closer to the case worker, I bitched & moaned until I got him back. Bart & Lisa are in school, next week is Lisa's birthday. We'll have a pool party for her.
I get my hair cut tonight and then meet the girls for food & booze. My 3 favorite things. Food, booze and girlfriends. Thank Goddess I got to see Venus & Dru last week, I'm ready to explode. I need to get out and get the potty filter off of my mouth. I need to laugh and be raunchy. I need a good escape.
posted by Maeve at 9:51 AM Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I am truely shocked that the Pistons walked off with the championship. I thought for sure the Lakers would bounce back and get it. Tonight was a true blood bath. This is the first time I've ever watched B.B., I'm not a fan. But it WAS fun razzing Lili over it. My favorite was when I called her house and she made crackling noises and then proceeded to tell me she was going through a tunnel before hanging up on me. I spent the afternoon at the pool with the kids. 2 1/2 hours of relaxation for me. I read my new book, finished it too. It was Janet Evanovich's "to the 9's". It finally came out in paper back. I absolutly love her books. This one took place in Vegas, my favorite of all places. The main character stayed in the Luxor and it reminded me of when I stayed there (and threw Spaz's thong over the balcony, trying to hit the food court below). The character talked of seeing the Rio from her hotel (Pecan Pie! Redrum! Phuck my Pussay!). Oh so many good memories of Vegas. I need a trip there so damn bad it is not funny. I need to order room service at 3:30 am with Bables again. I need to "pimp" out Spaz & Misslissa to some farm boys from Iowa again. I want to eat some awesome Mexican food at the Rio, eat at the buffet at the Palms ( Las Palmas), go on the 3d movie ride at Cesar's and go see if T.Fox is still performing at the Tropicana. I stayed at the Trop. one year with Spaz. We renamed it the "moldycana". Lots of mold in that hotel. Our favorite thing about that place was the lounge lizzard T.Fox. He had this group of old ladies that was sweet for his chocolate thunder. They also had this cool bird show, I got to see a Condor up close. What a wing span that bird had! OOOOO! Another fond memory, threatening to crush up Venus' oreos if she did not pick up the magazines when the plane landed. The sheer look of horror on that face. *Heavy sigh*
posted by Maeve at 9:33 PM
I am so fucking tired, I can't see straight. I came home and took a nap as soon as I got the kids off to school. I'm going to have to leave soon to go get Bart (Lisa is going over a friend's house). I haven't been feeling to close to the Goddess at all either. It does not help that I can't have my alter "in order". Dumb cat won't stay the fuck off of it, or stop playing with things on it. The girls and I can't seem to get it together to practice once a week, why does life have to be so busy right now? I know Dru wants that love spell, if there is no v/c in the moon on friday morning, I may sudgest she come over when the kids are gone. That idea is sounding better all the time to me, hope it works for her. I know Venus could probably get her sweet ass up and over her too.
The cobwebs are finally fadeing from my nap. I'm still a bit out of it. I'd better get going. With any luck, I'll get my ass on the treadmill this afternoon.
posted by Maeve at 11:07 AM Monday, June 14, 2004
Is it really Monday already? I'm still not "rested". I bought a new Yoga dvd for "stress relief". I'm going to give it a try while the kids are in school (in between the grocery shopping and other things I need to get done in the span of 3 hours).
We saw Harry Potter yesterday, it was real nice to escape for a few hours. Work was not TOO bad, slappy didn't say boo about me not showing up on Sat. It started out slow, but then we got a few tables and I made some decent money. I did get into it with a snot nosed bitch about a "to go order". She got her panties in a wad because I charged her for the sausage on her VEGETARIAN pizza. Hello! Dumb cunt! It is an EXTRA item!!! She huffed that we never charged her before. I explained to her that the prices have changed on the menu (and they have) and that we are starting to charge for stuff like that. On her way out, the crotch rot says "well there goes YOUR tip". I replied with "does it look like I care?" and I flipped her the bird. I was not in the mood to put up with her crap. I don't care if I'm a waitress, you don't treat me or any one else like that. I WAS pleasant to her up until her snotty comment about a tip I KNEW she was not going to leave me to begin with! The lieing bitch walking in with car keys and a gift certificate and NOTHING else. Luckily the only other person in the restaurant with me was Anne and the bus boy. Anne is an old lady that loves drama and I'm the only wait staff she like in the place. And yes, I did tell slappy what happened ( I did forget to tell him about me flipping her off, but her back was to me- pity).
posted by Maeve at 6:34 AM Sunday, June 13, 2004
I am soooooooo cranky today. Luckily the kids are going to roller hockey and then to the beach with some friends. My mother in law is coming down and taking care of Pudd'n. Steve and I are going to take in a movie. I need the distraction. Yesterday they went down to clean out the shit hole. I took Pudd'n to the beach and relaxed. He had a great time in the surf. I didn't go in to work, I was not in the mood (last Sat I only made $8.00) and Steve was drained from having to deal with cleaning all that filth. I would not mind spending the day at the beach again. Our aunt's beach house rocks, she is in Ireland & Scotland for the next 2 weeks. I gave her a list of things I'd like for her to bring me back. Well a list to choose from I should say. I told her, "if all else fails and you can't find what I have here, buy me some tacky cheap gift". I love stuff like that. Lili got me a cute/tacky voodoo doll when she went to New Orleans once.
posted by Maeve at 10:40 AM Saturday, June 12, 2004 ![]() Nightmare Before Christmas! What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Maeve at 9:26 PM
1.When did you lose your virginity?
The week after I turned 15. In a church parking lot. 2.With whom? My boyfriend Mark. 3.With whom is your best experience? WHY? So many to choose from. But I'd have to say the best was that time I went to Vegas. 5.What turns you on? Hockey players! I guess a better question is what does not? Tall, dark hair. Dark eyes, broad chest, nice ass. Killer smile, good hands..... , 6.What type of men/woman you prefer? Tall dark and evil. 7.Which is your favourite position? On top. 8.How many can you go for a night? Roses are red Violets are flowers I can go for hours and hours. 9.Do you like sex chats? Absolutely...with the right people of course. 10.What is your idea of the perfect date? I'd have to say April 21st. It's not too hot and it's not too cold.... "Shut up and do me"????
posted by Maeve at 3:51 PM
Last night at work, Mr. Beau Jangles asked why I haven't been dancing with him for the past few weeks. I told him what was going on and how I had to get out the door by 9:20 pm to go pick up the kids from roller hockey. He then went and requested a song and took me for a spin. It was a lot of fun, it wasn't the swing. But it was still nice to dance with a partner. While I was boxing up some food, he came up and slipped me a $20.00 (taxi dance? lol). I wasn't even waiting on his table. I thanked him and slipped it into my pants pocket. There was no way I was claiming THAT tip!
posted by Maeve at 8:20 AM Thursday, June 10, 2004
After a long day of errand running, I was on my way to pick up Pudd'n from Grandma land and I get a phone call from Dru. She and Venus want to know if I want some company? Sure! I'd LOVE for some adult company.......oh wait......it's you two. Ok, I'll settle for semi adults. I get home, feed Pudd'n dinner and in walks double trouble. And they are bearing gifts.........chocolate gifts!!! They got me liqueur truffles and each kid a little something sweet. It was a nice relaxing evening. The kids came home from the hockey rink, I swear those kids are "glowing". Bart sat down and pulled a few cards from some of my decks. He got two "change" cards ( I had 3 decks out) and one "protection" card. Yeah, that about sums up the kids life right about now. He needs to know that he IS protected and loved by us, he IS going through big changes too. None of us are hopeful that fucking moron will stay sober. Bart gives him a week, Lisa does not want to go home. Any way, thanks girls for stopping by. You really made my night! XOXOXOXOXOX
posted by Maeve at 9:02 PM
Had fun with Dru last night. It was great to hang out and pour over the books. She had the most awesome lipstick/gloss on. I could not stop staring at her mouth. I once asked Venus if Dru was ever "mussed up". That girl ALWAYS has a cute outfit on, make up & hair all in place too. It's not fair! Talked to Lili this morning, she sounded like shit. All of her life changes are catching up with her, she's pretty run down. (man do I know how she feels!)
Last night fucking mornon called to talk to his kids. They informed him if he starts drinking again, they were going to live with us permanently. So, we'll see what happens.
posted by Maeve at 10:29 AM Wednesday, June 09, 2004
My girlfriend in Texas wrote this to me today. She is probably right.
"I can't wait to see you in Oct.. I'll come home tatooed, pierced, and laid. " I was her parents worse nightmare in highschool. Well, at least her mother's. I dressed like a slut, so her dad was at least amused. Wore lots of black, low cut tops. I haven't changed much since high school. Well, I'm a hell of a lot more evil...........
posted by Maeve at 2:42 PM
Say my name Bitch
![]() You have a dominant kiss- you take charge and make sure your partner can feel it! Done artfully, it can be very satisfactory if he/she is into you playing the dominant role MEORW! What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Maeve at 11:28 AM
Starting to feel some what "normal" again. My legs are shaved, brows waxed, hair freshly colored, low cut top on and lacy undergarments to boot. No special occation, just am tired of looking the part (and feeling it) of haggard house wife. Looks like it is me & Dru so far tonight. I'm sure we'll come up with a great Love spell for her. Got lots to choose from, hell, maybe even make up our own!
Lisa is at Wild Rivers today with her class, the sun is finally out, so hopefully she is having a good time. I'm taking Bart to clean his Iguna cage today after school. Tomorrow they get glasses. Fucking Moron will only be in rehab for 14 days. He has HMO insurance and they won't cover any more days since he has 9 days in the first rehab under his belt (but we all know how THAT went!). Pudd'n is going to grandma land today, I'm sure he'll enjoy that. I had a great time with him at the park last night. Goat Puppy and I chased him all over the place while Jack barked at us. Jack wanted to run too, but I don't want to push it with him. That is the furthest distance he's walked since surgery. I think I'll make some Jello with fruit & whip cream for dessert tonight. Time to go get the love of my life.
posted by Maeve at 11:16 AM Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Had a great ride on Kip today. Was all nice and relaxed until I RIPPED my acrylic nail off of my thumb. My hand slipped as I picked Kip's hoof, the acrylic nail AND nail bed came ripping off. I spoke "in tongues" as I watched my thumb bleed. I went to get a bandaid from Becky. She asked what happened. I held up my bloody thumb and told her "I want my mommy!!!!". Thankfully it has stopped throbbing.
We are all finally settling into a routine of sorts. Fucking Moron is now in the HMO appointed rehab. This weekend Steve & the kids will go and clean out the shit hole. I know it is all in vain. Fucking Moron will fail and die a drunk.
posted by Maeve at 9:47 PM Monday, June 07, 2004
I am going to die! I have to keep the dogs locked either in the house or out of it. Since we have lisa's cat, we can't have the dog door unlocked. Spunky would make a nice coyote appetizer. So I left the dogs locked in because there was a light mist/rain thing going on all day. I thought nothing would be worse than 3 dogs smelling like "wet dog". Well I was wrong. Jack had diarrhea RIGHT next to my computer table. I've cleaned, scrubbed and have a small moutain of carpet fresh piled on top of the offensive odor. It's not helping. I even have every candle lit in the house. UGH!!! Lisa is out practicing her sax right now and Bart is rollerblading around the neighborhood. Pudd'n should be home from grandma land soon. I can't wait to kiss his sweet face.
posted by Maeve at 6:03 PM
"Hysteria" Out of touch, out of reach yeah You could try to get closer to me I'm in luck, I'm in deep, yeah Hypnotized, I'm shakin' to my knees I gotta know tonight If you're alone tonight Can't stop this feeling Can't stop this fire Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria Oh can you feel it, do you believe it? It's such a magical mysteria When you get that feelin', better start believin' 'Cos it's a miracle, oh say you will, ooh babe Hysteria when you're near Out of me, into you yeah You could hide it's just a one way street Oh, I believe I'm in you, yeah Open wide, that's right, dream me off my feet Oh, believe in me I gotta know tonight If you're alone tonight Can't stop this feeling Can't stop this fire [Repeat Bridge] [Repeat Chorus] Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria Oh can you feel it, do you believe it? It's such a magical mysteria When you get that feelin', better start believin' 'Cos it's a miracle, oh say you will Ooh babe Hysteria when you're near Come on [guitar solo] [Repeat Bridge] [Repeat Chorus]
posted by Maeve at 5:57 PM
Got some damn good memories to this song by AC/DC:
YOU SHOOK ME ALL NIGHT LONG She was a fast machine She kept her motor clean She was the best damn woman I had ever seen She had the sightless eyes Telling me no lies Knockin' me out with those American thighs Taking more than her share Had me fighting for air She told me to come but I was already there 'Cause the walls start shaking The earth was quaking My mind was aching And we were making it and you - CHORUS: Shook me all night long Yeah you shook me all night long Working double time On the seduction line She was one of a kind, she's just mine all mine She wanted no applause Just another course Made a meal out of me and came back for more Had to cool me down To take another round Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing 'Cause the walls were shaking The earth was quaking My mind was aching And we were making it and you - CHORUS And knocked me out and then you Shook me all night long You had me shakin' and you Shook me all night long Yeah you shook me Well you took me You reall took me and you Shook me all night long Ooooh you Shook me all night long Yeah, yeah, you Shook me all night long Your really took me and you Yeah you shook me, yeah you shook me All night long
posted by Maeve at 5:53 PM
So far so good, my day is pretty quiet. Got another load of laundry in and I got the yard work done. I think I'll head up to the mall for some "me" time. I'm looking forward to this Wed. and getting together with the girls. I sudgested a park or a beach this time, but I'm always open to the idea of some place that has happy hour drinks and appitzers. Stadium brewery Co. in Aliso has some great ones. I have to start to get the prizes ready for the bridal shower/bachlorette party at the end of the month. So maybe one of our "get togethers" we can go down to the Condom Revolution in Costa Mesa. I can just see us waving dildos at each other, or having mock dildo fights.
posted by Maeve at 10:22 AM
posted by Maeve at 6:22 AM Sunday, June 06, 2004
Jack is doing great. This morning he hopped up on the pull out sofa bed with Bart! At first Bart thought it was Goat puppy, but it was the "old man". Soon Jack will be able to go out on trail with me again.
posted by Maeve at 8:18 PM Saturday, June 05, 2004
Drama update (fuck how I hate this!)
We get a call from some one who lives by Fucking Moron. F.M. is still blind stinking drunk and Muscle man, who promised to help keep moron sober is drinkig with him. Infact, they've been drinking all night. Our day is blown to shit because we have to find a place for moron to go sober up before he can go to insurance appointed facility. Apparently you can't be drunk and go in. The only bright spot in my day so far is the fact I got to sleep in until 9 am. It was nice not having to rush out the door to get kids off to school.
posted by Maeve at 1:58 PM Friday, June 04, 2004
Just when you think you have it under control, it all blows to shit. Had a pretty good day. Got most of the issues resolved with the van, got the kids picked up and pudd'n to grandma land. I am about to get ready for work when I hear my front gate open. WTF?? In stumbles Fucking Moron!!! He's got some guy in tow. I instantly see red. Fucking Moron has the gall to show up blind stinking drunk to see his kids. Luckily Lisa was not here, just poor Bart. Muscle man explains he met Fucking Moron in rehab and was "helping him out". F.M. wanted to see his kids because "he loves them so much". I just about lost it when I heard that shit. We enlighten muscle man and to just how much of a loving father F.M. is. Don't listen to his bullshit, he uses his kids as an excuse. This poor guy thinks he's doing a favor and I'm blasting him. The filter on my potty mouth is off and I'm working up a good steam. I'm sick of this shit. I feel bad for dumping on this guy, but he needed to know that fucking moron was not some poor sap down on his luck. Steve, as always was the more calm of us two. I swear that man could win big money playing poker. He'll just hold it in and wait until it is the two of us before he begins his rant. If Bart had not been here, I would of beaten the shit out of fucking moron. I would of made what his crab infested cunt of an ex wife did to him look like a love tap.
posted by Maeve at 10:24 PM
Well this exsplains a lot.......
![]() Which Historical Lunatic Are You? From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.
posted by Maeve at 10:24 PM
This morning on the way to Burger King I was telling the kids some of the things we did not have when I was their age. Stuff like cell phones, VCR, cable, remote control for the tv. Then I said "oh wait, we did have a remote control, her name was grandma". Just as I said it, I leaned forward to change the radio station, before my finger hit the button "Unforgettable" came on the radio and I broke into tears. "Unforgettable" was mine & my grandpas song. Well the phone won't quit ringing and I have to go get Bart from School. I'll have to finish this later...........
posted by Maeve at 2:48 PM Thursday, June 03, 2004
Idiot boy has now been up graded to "Fucking Moron" per Lili. She is very right (oh man, did I just admit an Aquarius was right??!). She pointed out that an idiot just does not know better. HE does and still continues to whimp out and fuck up. Fucking Moron's boss went down to rehab while F.M. was in and told him point blank "do a 30 day program or lose your job. We are not "band aiding" this again". So F.M. shows up to his job today to find out, his boss was not joking. F.M. called up Steve to talk to him, Steve asks "are you drinking?". Idiot boy does not answer, he does not have to. Not even 24 hours out of rehab and he's drinking. Needless to say, the kids are not going home this weekend.
posted by Maeve at 4:53 PM Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Ritual tonight was awesome! They did an Egyptian theme. I'm strictly a "Celtic gal", so it was neat to see a different point of view. We made little "mummy's" (can't think of the real word for the little buggers we made). We were given some clay to make little statues that we would anoint, put herbs on and wrap up. Well, give me a piece of clay and guess what I'm going to make! Made me self one nice big penis I did! Then I found out we had to present our claymations to the high priest & priestess to bless before we wrapped. Ummmmmm......ok, so I crumpled it up (it premature ejaculated!) and made a little figure instead. But of course I put a small penis on that one. Does any one else see a theme going on here? I thought trying to get laid with one child in the house was bad.....3 makes it impossible!
But soon that will be changing. Idiot boy got out of rehab today. His insurance won't cover a 30 day stay so he is going to do an out patient type thing. He stayed sober for 9 months on that before. So the kids go home on Sat. I'm still taking them to the dentist and I'll follow up with the glasses. Idiot boy was actually bent that I put his kids in summer school. Uhhhhhh......HELLO FUCKTARD! You're kids are FAILING! They are threatening to hold Bart back! Steve could not get over the fact his niece did not know how to read the words "whinny", "meow", clippity and perfume. The kid is 12 years old!!!!! At 12 I was reading smut novels! Stephen King! The jokes in Penthouse! Not much else is going on. I am hoping we can go see the new Harry Potter this weekend. I am hoping Idiot boy will pull his head out of his ass, grow up, take responsibility for his children and stop drinking. But I will not hold my breath.
posted by Maeve at 10:42 PM
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH a few minutes of peace. Lisa is at a friend's house and Bart will be picked up by Aunt Selma. He'll stay there for dinner and study his Spanish. I just have pudd'n and he is happily "stemming" in his bedroom. I could REALLY go for a glass of wine right now, but was too lazy to stop on the way home for some. I think I will hit up the Elephant bar before I go to Craft Connection tonight. I know Lisa would like to go, but I need some "adult" time. I don't know if the term "adult" is good for some of the people I hang with! LOL! I may even squeak a pedicure in first. I need stamps and luckily for me the postal annex I get them from has a new nail spa that just opened up. Hmmmmmm, maybe I'll get a glass of wine in a "to go" cup from work and get a pedicure. Yeah, that's the ticket. Nice dark red tootsies, sitting in a massage chair and sipping on some chardonnay. Then going to a witches meeting. Yep, that is how I'm spending my evening!
posted by Maeve at 2:52 PM Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Man am I beat! Spent the entire weekend at my aunt's beach house. Took Jack in for a check up today and the Dr. was impressed with his progress. Goat puppy has an ear infection. Steve and I made it out to lunch together. It was nice, we ate at a little Italaian deli place. They had out side seating and the dogs rested by our feet. We came home and I took a quick nap. I'm now off to take Bart & Lisa to a Dr. appointment.