I am so fucking tired, I can't see straight. I came home and took a nap as soon as I got the kids off to school. I'm going to have to leave soon to go get Bart (Lisa is going over a friend's house). I haven't been feeling to close to the Goddess at all either. It does not help that I can't have my alter "in order". Dumb cat won't stay the fuck off of it, or stop playing with things on it. The girls and I can't seem to get it together to practice once a week, why does life have to be so busy right now? I know Dru wants that love spell, if there is no v/c in the moon on friday morning, I may sudgest she come over when the kids are gone. That idea is sounding better all the time to me, hope it works for her. I know Venus could probably get her sweet ass up and over her too.
The cobwebs are finally fadeing from my nap. I'm still a bit out of it. I'd better get going. With any luck, I'll get my ass on the treadmill this afternoon.