Steve went over to Fucking Moron's place last night to have him sign the paper work that would give us guardianship for the next time he fucks up and kills himself. The Fucktard would not sign it. He briefly read it and accused us of trying to take custody of the kids now. He has the audacity to be pissed that his mom cleaned out what little he had in his bank account when he went in to rehab. Uh, HELLO! Rehab is not free! We are feeding, clothing and sheltering YOUR kids. This ass wipe expects everyone to pay for the clean up of the messes he creates.
And to top off our lovely evening, The Cunt calls to whine on our shoulder that she has not talked to her children (she does not know that they are living with us). Hats off to Steve, he CALMLY informed the diseased twat that when ever F.M. was late for child support, she KEPT the kids from talking to him. The kids did NOT want to talk to her by their own free will. He then pointed out that if she was so caring and so worried, then where was HER payment of child support. Then he informed her we knew of the crap she did to her own kids. Stuff like letting her boyfriend force Bart to drink whiskey & take a hit off of a cigar. Then there was the time she made Bart take his dog out to the woods to tie it to a tree so her crack head friend could shoot it. The dog snapped at the guy (probably for a good reason). The list goes on & on. It sickens me to think of what else they have not told us.
I am done with my rant (for now).