when it rains, it pours
GP has been having a hard time getting up and slow to move.$800 later he has clean teeth & ears. And oh yeah, border line hip displaysia.
Just fucking lovely.
So we've got him on meds, am decreasing his food and upping the exersize.
Then the dishwasher stops draining. It turns out it is the same part that crapped out on us last year that Steve had fixed.
He fixed it again and we know we are going to have to order a part for it. There is no getting around it.
In happier news; Linda is going away this weekend so we'll be swimming.
The heat wave is over so we were able to take the room a/c out of Pudd'ns room & the living room. It is so much nicer having open windows & fresh air.
Cathy stopped by after interviews last night. First day alone they had 450 people show up. I'll be going in on Thurs. I know I'll pass this one; it is the "audition" I'm worried about. Ugh.