Just shoot me now
My friend and former mngr. Cathy got a job as a shift supervisor with the new place that is opening down the street. She just gave me the heads up on what the hiring process is going to be.The first round will be how perky some one is! What kind of unique answers they give for stupid ass questions!
Since when did this become a requirement to schlep food to a damn table? Yeah sure you want your server to be personable; but come on!
After round one of perky you get a 2nd interview a week later where you get to do more stupid shit and if you are one of the lucky 400 people (yes, they expect to have to weed through that many people) you get a third and final interview.
Fuck me running.
And this damn heat wave is continuing until next Wed. I don't do heat people. Makes me more cranky that what I naturally am.