I swear to all that is holy I have not been this infuriated since 1996.Seriously.
And no, I'm not going to tell you what pissed me off beyond all control back in 1996. Only a select few know of that dark moment.
What has pissed me off so bad now?
My son's fucking ipod.
Or should I say my damn stupidity of not knowing how to get my songs off his damn ipod.
Yeah, laugh it up.
We brought it in because we felt for the little amount of time that Pudd'n does use it in the car (if I hear C is for cookie one for gotdamn muther fucking time I will kill some one) the battery was not holding the charge long enough. Apparently the battery is fine, but it needed some new shit down loaded. Ok, Steve says. Down load what it needs to be up dated.
Oh but then you have to reload his music.
Fuck me running.
I can't for the life of me remember how to get my shit off his ipod. Yes, the ipods are labeled as mine & his, but some how my music got on there.
And I'm ready to spit nails.
I'm ready to tear off heads and shit down necks.
All because I'm too stupid to figure this shit out.
School can't get here quick enough so I can ask one of my students how to fix this shit.