Well I blew that one.........

Yesterday I went to an open interview for a new restaurant and absolutly bombed. After waiting an hour and a half in the swealtering heat I was called up with nine other people for the first round of interviews. They asked the following questions:
1. what is your favorite tv show and why?
2. who could you meet dead or alive and why?
3. if you were a cartoon character who would you be and why?
They were looking to see how out going and perky you and your answers were.
My responses?
1.True blood because it is wicked.
2. Alexandar Skarsgard so I can do several naughty things to him
3. The cheshire cat, he always looks like he's up to something.
I was second in line to be giving my answers and I hated that. I would have liked to have been last so I could formulate better answers. What ever the case, I didn't make it and got to walk through the loser door with those who didn't make the cut.
When I got to my car I had noticed that after sitting an hour and a half in the intense heat with no a/c my make up had melted off and my hair......ugh.
I was one hot mess.