I'm sure this is probably what my Freshmen students think of me.....

I swiped this picture from this lady .
![]() Your Bartender
Nick: Maeve
---My Yahoo profile
Happy Hour Specials....
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![]() Monday, June 30, 2008 I'm sure this is probably what my Freshmen students think of me.....![]() I swiped this picture from this lady .
posted by Maeve at 7:02 AM Saturday, June 28, 2008 Yep, it is for sure. I'm going to hell.Last night the phone rang. As I picked it up I read on the caller i.d. that it was the fucking moron calling. IIt turned out it was FM's daughter Lisa and she was actually calling to wish Pudd'n a happy birthday. After I picked my jaw up off the floor about that shocking news, I quietly reminded Steve to wish her a happy birthday too (he would of done that earlier, but she was too lazy to come out of her room to see him when he stopped by to drop something off). "So what are you up to tonight?" he askes Lisa. Upon hearing "oh, you have some friends over" I start to pantomime blowing coke up my nose and drinking. I start to giggle manically and Steve is shooting me the hairy eye ball and trying not to laugh him self. "Um, so did you do any thing special for your birthday?" he asks next. At that point I start to pantamime giving a blow job and then totally lose it. I'm laughing so hard tears are running down my face. Steve does his best to finish up the phone call quickly. You know you are pure evil Maeve and you are going straight to hell don't you? He tells me. As I'm wiping the tears from my eyes, I inform him that yes I know I'm going and I'm having a damn good time getting there.
posted by Maeve at 8:51 AM Friday, June 27, 2008 Happy Birthday to the BEST thing that has ever happened to me.As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving And the rosebuds know to bloom in early may Just as hate knows love's the cure You can rest your mind assure That I'll be loving you always As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow But in passing will grow older every day Just as all that's born is new You know what I say is true That I'll be loving you always (Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky) Always (Until the ocean covers every mountain high) Always (Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea) Always (Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream) Did you know that true love asks for nothing No no her acceptance is the way we pay Did you know that life has given love a guarantee To last through forever and another day Just as time knew to move on since the beginning And the seasons know exactly when to change Just as kindness knows no shame Know through all your joy and pain That I'll be loving you always As today I know I'm living But tomorrow could make me the past But that I mustn't fear For I'll know deep in my mind The love of me I've left behind 'Cause I'll be loving you always (Until the day is night and night becomes the day) Always (Until the trees and seas just up and fly away) Always (Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four) Always (Until the day that is the day that are no more) Did you know you're loved by somebody (Until the day the earth starts turnin' right to left) Always (Until the earth just for the sun denies itself) I'll be lovin you forever (Until dear mother nature says her work is through) Always (Until the day that you are me and I am you) Always (Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky Until the ocean severs every mountain high) Always mm mm We all know sometimes life hates and troubles Can make you wish you were born in another time and space But you can bet your lifetimes that and twice it's double That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed So make sure when you say you're in it, but not of it You're not helpin' to make this earth A place sometimes called hell Change your words into truths And then change that truth into love And maybe our children's grandchildren And their great grandchildren will tell I'll be loving you until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky. I love you Pudd'n so very much. I am so lucky to be your mother. You have taught me more in the short 12 years you've been on this earth than the 30 that I lived before you.
posted by Maeve at 6:23 AM Thursday, June 26, 2008 Because as usual I don't have shit and Leslie has all the cool quizzes & stuff.A Very Brief Q&AOnly ONE word can be used in your answer and it can NOT be used twice. 1. Where is your cell phone? Purse 2. Your significant other? asleep 3. Your hair? Gorgeous 4. Your mother? Awesome 5. Your father? Insomniac 6. Your favorite time of day? Twilight 7. Your dream last night? Bizzar 8. Your favorite drink? Whiskey 9. Your dream goal? Speech 10. The room you’re in? Comfortable 11. Your ex? Hopefully rotting in hell. 12. Your fear? Lonely 13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Content 14. What you are not? Shy 15. Your Favorite meal? Mexican 16. One of your wish list items? Wolfhound 17. The last thing you did? wrapped 18. Where you grew up? Michigan 19. What are you wearing? Nightie 20. Your TV is? Music. 21. Your pets? Obnoxious 22. Your computer? On 23. Your life? Magical 24. Your mood? Tired 25. Missing someone? Grandparents 26. Your car? Garage 27. Something you’re not wearing? Panties 28. Favourite store? Costco 29. Your summer? Hot 30. Your favorite colour? Red 31. When is the last time you laughed? Today 32. When is the last time you cried? Yesterday 33. Your health? Good 34. Your children? Blessing 35. Your future? Bright 36. Your beliefs? Mixed 37. Young or old? Neither 38. Your image? I don't know, YOU tell me what my "image" is. 39. Your appearance? Curves 40. Would you live your life over again knowing what you know? Yes. _____
posted by Maeve at 9:06 PM Better than sex..........With me being out of school; I can now have my favorite massuse at my chiropractor's office work on me.Jesus, Mary & Joesph! I forgot just how good Mike was. Last year he worked on the scar tissue in my neck & back. What a difference it made too. I know I am going to wake up tomorrow really, really sore. I've been drinking gallons of water and popping lots of ibuprofin. Gawd I can't wait to see him again...........
posted by Maeve at 8:51 PM Wednesday, June 25, 2008 GAWD I HATE PMS!!!Ugh, I feel like the Good year blimp! I am so bloated and uncomfortable. My knees hurt, my ankles hurt and I'm so moody.Pudd'n had a great time at gym class tonight. Traffic was a bitch. North bound lanes had a several car pile up. On the way home the South bound lane had car fire. Ugh. Pudd'n turns 12 on Friday. I baked some cup cakes in his honnor for snack tomorrow since they don't have school on Fridays. I can't believe my baby is turning 12.
posted by Maeve at 6:56 PM Tuesday, June 24, 2008 Trying not to freak out..........When I got my job at the restuarant last fall I was beyond excited. More money coming in and when school was out for the summer, I'd still have something coming in. I only recieve my vac. pay in Aug, otherwise I will not get a check from the school district until Oct. And even then it is just for a few days worth of work. I don't pull a decent check until Nov.Work has been beyond horrible lately. I brought home only $35 on Sun and $20 last night. People are sharing meals now and drinking water. Every single one of us wait staff got screwed on a table by people not even tipping 15%. Kim: check for $85- they left a $4.00 tip Danni: Check for $110- they left a $10.00 tip Myself: Check for $45- they left a $3.00 tip Trust me, it wasn't like these people had crappy service either. We were fucking slow last night. It wasn't as if we were slammed and understaffed, then I could see some one getting pissed off and leaving a crappy tip. Drinks were promptly refilled, plates cleared and no one wanted for anything. I hope tonight is better. I'm begining to regret taking Pudd'ns birthday off this Friday.
posted by Maeve at 5:53 AM Monday, June 23, 2008 Note to self, next time don't open it.........Today is the first day of summer school and I have to get back in to the routine of packing a lunch for Pudd'n. I reached up to on top of the fridge where we keep the lunch boxes and a thought hit me.Where is Pudd'ns thermos container that keeps his pasta warm? Oh holy shit. When Pudd'n comes home, he instantly puts his lunch box on top of the fridge. What I need to do is teach him to take out his thermos and put it in the sink. As I brought the lunch box down from its perch, I noticed how heavy it was. Shit! I forgot to empty it last week when he had his last day of school!!!! His last day was Wed. and we've had 90 degree heat all weekend. I was stupid enough to think maybe I could salvage it. It was beyond nasty. I'm headed to Tarjay today for a new one........
posted by Maeve at 8:22 AM Saturday, June 21, 2008
posted by Maeve at 8:57 PM Friday, June 20, 2008 Mid Summer Night's Eve...........Flash back:My Jr. year of high school we went to one act play competition. I won a varisty and jr. varsity letter for my costume designs and stage make up. Ah good times. Tonight's Mid Summer Night's Eve? I'm doing ritual in my back yard. I had made a promise that if there was a chance to get cut early, I'd come home and do a ritual tonight and tomorrow. What hurt about offering my self up for leaving early is that for once I was on a decent station. Ah well, the Goddess has spoken. I've been a very, very bad witch lately So I came home, got my drink on and my alter ready. when I was done I figured I'd take another shower, it was damn hot today and I was sweating bullets. At the same time Steve said he was going to bathe Pudd'n again (I gave him a bath right after the pool). Normally Pudd'n is all about get in and get out when it comes to showers. Not tonight. That kid actually played in the shower. He even created a small lake in the bathroom, that we happily cleaned up. Another small change, miricle, what ever you want to call it. We'll take it.
posted by Maeve at 9:52 PM HOT, HOT, HOT!Time to break out the room a/c, it is in the upper 90's. Gawd how I hate the heat.On a happier note, I did get Pudd'n in to our community pool 3x now. I'd rather not use our pool because it is so crowded, but after what happened last year at Aunt Selma's, I was too nervous to use hers. The first time we went, he "cried" and fussed for a good 1/2 hr pool side. I then threw his ass in. He pouted for another 10 and then played for 40 min. Next day he quietly went in, stemmed about a bit and when A. showed up, I threw him in. Today we walked in and he sat with his feet dangling in the water for 20 minutes before he slid himself in. One of our "pool rats" commented on how she was shocked Pudd'n didn't jump in like he normally does. For 10 years this woman has sun bathed pool side and watched Pudd'n swim for hours on end. We were there for 1 1/2 hours today and had a great time. What ever bug that has crawled up Pudd'ns ass seems to be dieing. I'm finally getting my kid "back".
posted by Maeve at 2:09 PM Thursday, June 19, 2008 My favorite bus driver has the best quizzes!
posted by Maeve at 6:38 AM Bitter sweetYesterday I went to watch several of my students graduate. I did a good job by not bawling my eyes out. There were over 600 kids taking the walk down the isle. It was also hotter than hell out too. The bleachers were packed, so I just stood off to the side. I held out for an hour before I called Steve to come get my hot & sweaty ass. Lots of parties were going on in the 'hood last night.Only if I knew now what I didn't know then.
posted by Maeve at 6:23 AM Tuesday, June 17, 2008 R.I.P. Beloved RockyThis picture was taken on our last trip I wish there was something I could do to ease Evil Auntie & Uncle Mike's pain. They have no children, the dogs were their babies.
posted by Maeve at 4:44 PM I am going STRAIGHT to hell............I'm sure you've all heard in the news at one time or another about a teacher bagging her student. I've worked in the high school for four years and not once have I ever had the thought of " Mmmmm, I'd like me some of that" towards a student (a few staff members, yes. Students, NO.)Well this past Sunday found me & Pudd'n in the pool. It is his normal day for his "buddy" to come for some peer group playing. Pudd'ns buddy is "A", he's 17 yrs old and they have been meeting for a few months now. Normally they play games in Pudd'ns room. But since it is warm out now, I'd rather they be out doors in fresh air getting exercise. A. met us at the pool, we were already in and having a good time. A. took off his shirt. Thank all that is holy that I was already in the water. I visibly drooled. This young man is already over 6 ft and he's cut. Tall, dark hair and the body of Adonis. HOLY. SHIT. When he'd pull him self up out of the pool to do a cannon ball or dive, I heard the song "picking wild flowers" run through my perverted mind. I did my best not to leer and size him up as if he were my next meal. I am so going to hell for the unclean thoughts I had while gazing at him.
posted by Maeve at 4:32 PM
posted by Maeve at 4:28 PM Sunday, June 15, 2008 2.4 lbs of holy terror............It is a good thing Ozzy is so damn cute or I'd have to kill the little shit. Yesterday I got Pudd'n in the pool for about 2hrs. He was aptly covered in sun screen, I was not.My shoulders and back are a nice bright red. Guess who jumped on those shoulders with tiny sharp claws all last night? We are headed to Wally world today to get a much needed bottle to fill with water so we can squirt Ozzy's fuzzy butt when he gets up on the counter. It is loads of fun to be cooking dinner over a nice hot stove only to be scared shitless as 2.4 lbs of terror comes jumping on your shoulder! Yeah, good times. NOT.
posted by Maeve at 7:32 AM Thursday, June 12, 2008 New BFFOzzy has warmed up to GP. They are now starting to play, although Ozzy can get a bit rough at times. Ozzy's right eye was all goopy, so I took him to the vet. He weighs a whopping 2.4 lbs! He was also so obnoxious the vet had to get some kitty toys to keep Ozzy from bugging her. "Precocious isn't he?" she said. "Is that a euphemism for he's a pain in the butt??" I replied. Osgood was attacking the vet's pen, climbing on her, grabbing the stethoscope, trying to play with his vet file and jumping up & down from the examination table. Oh yeah lady, he's real precocious! Ozzy has a slight infection in his eye, so I get to put drops in 4x a day. Lucky for me he's real easy going to do this.
posted by Maeve at 8:08 AM Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Crafty.........Our old tv finally gave up the ghost. We broke down and finally bought a flat screen tv. Damn, that was painful. We did not want to put out more money for an entertainment center to hold said new tv. Steve added two extra new shelves and now I have plenty of space for my photos and gew gaws. The hutch next to it? That beautiful piece of work belonged to Great Aunt Betty. She had it made to fit her apt. in New York. She had saved long to get a nice set of Mikasa china. I've got the china and the hutch. I just turned the hutch in to a witches' cupboard. I think I'll break out the china this Yule.
posted by Maeve at 10:03 PM HOW codependent is my new kitty?Not in your lap, but in your face and on your shoulder. Notice the paw prints on my back. Osgood just got done perusing the kitchen sink.
posted by Maeve at 9:44 PM Monday, June 09, 2008 If this kitten makes it to its' first birthday, I'll be amazed.![]() I forgot how spastic and annoying they can be. I haven't slept well for the past 2 nights because of this little booger. And it is getting in to everything. I was trying to get a chicken ready for the crock pot and that damn cat would not stay off my counters! I put the gizzards on a plate until I was ready for them and that little shit started to eat them! Fuck! It looks like I'll be buying a lot of Lysol kitchen cleaner to try and keep my counter tops clean. Damn cat.
posted by Maeve at 12:29 PM Sunday, June 08, 2008 And I thought Friday was bad.Tonight I worked a total of 2 hrs and had 2 tables before I was sent home. First on, first off. Oh well, Steve and I got the rest of our errands done.Osgood has settled right in to the swing of things. I can't believe how much this cat purrs.
posted by Maeve at 8:34 PM It is amazing![]()
posted by Maeve at 8:41 AM Meet the new member of the family.![]() This is our newset member of the family Osgood . He is a very sweet and curious kitty. And at 2:30 am we were wondering what the hell we got our selves in to. He went to sleep real nice between us and then he woke up wanting to play. Ugh. He's got big green eyes and instantly starts purring as soon as he's in your lap. He loves to sit on your shoulders and touch noses with you. My shoulders and chest are covred in little scratches from the boooger climbing all over me. GP is dieing to play with him, but so far Osgood is only tolerating GP. That will change soon. Even though Steve picked the kitten out, Osgodd has bonded with me. Now we are off today to go buy all those fun kitty things to entertain our newest memeber in hope he won't shred the couch (not that it matters since GP ate half of it any way).
posted by Maeve at 8:07 AM Friday, June 06, 2008 Are we having fun yet?I made $55 on a friday night.How many levels of wrong is that? It was a decent enough station, I've made $100 on it before (that is after tipping out too). Spaz is supposed to send me photos of the parade they had in Detroit today to welcome home the Stanley Cup. Her co worker had a zoom lense and leaned real far out the window to get some shots. I donated blood today at school. The tech was reading off the things not to do list and when he got to "don't skip any meals today" I told him: "Does it look like I skip meals honey?"
posted by Maeve at 9:25 PM Thursday, June 05, 2008
posted by Maeve at 6:03 AM Wednesday, June 04, 2008
posted by Maeve at 8:08 PM Every one is a fuck'n comedian...........While in my meeting, I recieved the following voice mail from Spaz:Put down the scotch Step away from the scotch bottle. I repeat step away from the scotch bottle. Do NOT open the bottle until you see the cup in Linstrom's raised hands......... I'll get her and her little dog too........... Labels: smart ass bitches
posted by Maeve at 3:36 PM I need a stronger "happy pill"Today we do IEP battle again.It is time to break out the Xanax. Sure we just had his annual & tri, but we need to clarify a few things because people were not listening in the first damn meeting. If you can't listen, I'll be MORE than happy to ask for an IEP every.gotdamn.week. We are going over behavioral issues and the "go talk" machine. I emailed that bitch on May 8th that we needed the next level device and she never got back to me. She will be my captive audiance today. We had a great shopping trip last night. No tantrums and no soiling of self. It was actually a pleasent shopping expierence for a change. While we were gathering items on my list I stopped and hugged Pudd'n. I told him how much I loved him, how proud I was of him and how lucky I was to be his mom. He got the sweetest smile on his face and we snuggled in the soda isle for 5 min. Later on I was hanging with him in his room. He likes it when you just sit and read a book while he watches tv. He had asked for some spaghetti, so I made it for him. He was eating it off his tv table when he leaned over and gave me the best kiss on the cheek. Sure it was a sloppy one full of tomato sauce, but I'll take it. Pudd'n does not hand out those kind of kisses liberally. Normally you are doing the kissing and it is to the top of his head or his hand.
posted by Maeve at 12:45 PM Just HOW close are my neighbors??![]() This is the view I have when I sit on my couch. My neighbors are real close. And have I ever told you one of the occupants in the house you see is one of my students? Yep, she and her family got an earful on Monday, I'm sure they will get more tonight. At one point I was yelling that the only reason the linesman made that crappy call was because he had a small dick, didn't know how to use it and was a bitter little man. Steve got up and closed the patio door a wee bit after that tirade. He nervously laughed and said "I wonder what they think some times with what goes on here?" I told him I really didn't give a shit considering all the crap that goes on there. Lets see they: 1. have a teenage daughter that is unwed mother. 2. Their son has been arrested, violated probation and went to jail for a few months. 3. Just recently I've smelled some one smoking pot while in their yard. 4. The sheriff's dept & the gang task force broke down their front door with a battering ram and made several arrests. Yeah, I'm June fucking Clevar compared to them.
posted by Maeve at 8:09 AM Tuesday, June 03, 2008 Dinner & a MovieThis Thursday I'm hell bent on a real date night. Haven't had one since our Vegas trip two weeks ago. Of course I want to eat some Mexican food and go see the new Sex&_the City movie.Steve wants to know what is in it for him. I told him I'd swallow some baby gravy.......
posted by Maeve at 7:50 PM "Baby gravy"![]() I was checking out this funny ladie's site when I read the word "baby gravy". I just about pissed my pants I was laughing so hard. I've never heard sperm in that term. Jizz, love juice, throat protien and probably a few more I can't think of. But "baby gravy"??? BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...........
posted by Maeve at 12:59 PM A phone call this morning to my homie Spaz.I called Spaz this morning, she did not greet me with a "hello"..........Spaz: 34 seconds. Spaz: 34 fucking seconds. Me: Yeah, I know. She made it only 10 min into the second over time death. I watched util the bitter end of the 3rd period over time death. I would of whined that I ended up going to bed late because of watching it but then I remembered that she's 3 hours ahead of me. So she didn't get to bed until 1am. We are both amazed at the strength and determination of hockey players. Malkin (Pens) got hit in the face with a puck only to come back and keep playing. They jammed cotton in his nose and got the bleeding to stop and out he went. He's lucky he didn't get hit in the eye, it was real close. Another Pen's player has a concusion I'm sure. He hit the boards with his head and was really dazed. He too kept plugging on even though I'm sure he didn't know his own name at the moment. My all time favorite story though is S.Avery from the NY Rangers. In the race for the play offs he played an entire game with a ruptured spleen after getting hit with a puck. So now it looks like my ass will be planted on the couch again tomorrow night and my neighbors get another round of learning how to swear in English.
posted by Maeve at 7:13 AM Monday, June 02, 2008 My husband has a serious death wish........Him: Hey Maeve, do you think you jinxed the game because you broke in to your bottle of scotch too soon?Me: if you ever want me to suck your dick again you will shut the fuck up.
posted by Maeve at 8:42 PM |