Ozzy has warmed up to GP. They are now starting to play, although Ozzy can get a bit rough at times. Ozzy's right eye was all goopy, so I took him to the vet. He weighs a whopping 2.4 lbs! He was also so obnoxious the vet had to get some kitty toys to keep Ozzy from bugging her.
"Precocious isn't he?" she said.
"Is that a euphemism for he's a pain in the butt??" I replied.
Osgood was attacking the vet's pen, climbing on her, grabbing the stethoscope, trying to play with his vet file and jumping up & down from the examination table.
Oh yeah lady, he's real precocious!
Ozzy has a slight infection in his eye, so I get to put drops in 4x a day. Lucky for me he's real easy going to do this.