Too many levels of wrong.......
At the house of the fucking hat where I work at night there are actually some students that work there that also attend the high school where I work during the day.Taylor is one of those kids.
It is always fun to see him and harass him in the halls.
Tonight while working I needed assistance for yet another birthday song so I use my best "mom" voice to get Taylor's attention so he can help me out.
Taylor: don't talk like you are my mom.
Me: I AM old enough to be your mother and I'll use the damn "mom" voice if I want to.
Taylor: Oh yeah? Well in two months I'll be old enough to be your husband.
Me: ???WTF???? EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
He knew this would cheese me out; the little fucker. I'm all "sorry dude, I'm not that kind of teacher".