Meet the "Butter Bitch"

Me in front of Mr. Hottie goal tender's house.
On my first day home my evil auntie took me pub crawling down town. In one of the local shops we spied "the butter girl". It is supposed to be used to butter your corn with out a mess. Well as you can see by the color & shape of it; we thought it looked like something you could get in a sex shop. Only instead of it being filled with butter, it is a battery operated pleasure device.
We of course had to buy them and make rude comments about them over drinks. Then I got the bright idea of taking my butter bitch to one of my favorite goalies that lives a short distance from my evil auntie. I could knock on his door and ask him if I could butter his corn cob! We cackled over the idea as we toasted to our brilliance. My poor uncle just rolled his eyes at us and muttered under his breath that my flight departure wasn't soon enough for him when we stumbled home and told him of our idea.
On my last day there we figured we'd "take the dogs for a walk" past said goalie's house. We snapped off a few pics and then high tailed it out of there. I was not in the mood for a cavity search if we had gotten arrested for stalking.