A mother's intuition is ALWAYS right.
Pudd'n started high school this summer. We were a bit nervous but really like the program & his teachers.I hate his bus driver.
Thank all that is holy that this is just a temp driver and we won't have her in the fall. First impressions are huge with me and hers alerted my mommy radar.
I closely watched Puddn's body language and manner on the way to the bus to further my suspicions. We have to walk out to the main road in the 'hood since the driver has one of those huge ass busses that you can't get in & out of our cul de sac. I bring the goat puppy with us because that is one of his services; keeping Pudd'n calm. Well this bitch bus driver starts pictching a fit that I brought the dog on the bus. GP didn't have his vest on and I told her that it was a service dog and yes he was allowed on the bus.
Then bitch bus driver tells me she wants Pudd'n to sit up front because she can't get him off the bus. I ask all the teachers & aides seperatly and at different times if this is true.
It is not.
So B.B. not only hates dogs (she'd give GP the stink eye), she is a fucking liar.
Now since she is insisting that all the children sit up front as I get Pudd'n on the bus yesterday GP sticks his nose by Rick ( a fellow student). Rick does not like this and tells GP "no dog!".
So of course when I get home there is a phone call from transportation.
I inform the supervisor that GP is a service dog, he has a tag and a leash that states it. I also inform her that service dogs do not have to wear a vest at all times as long as you have some sort of other identification.
She asks if I would show the tag to the bus driver. I told her I would and I also let her know that her driver is a bald face liar.
So this morning the bus was 15 mins late (it was raining of course). I took GP's collar off to show the bitch the tag. Pudd'n asks to sit in the back of the bus. I tell him it is ok. Fuck it and her.
As I get off the bus I notice that it is not driving off. The driver gets up and goes back to my child.
Is she checking his seat belt? Probably not. I'm guessing she is saying something nasty to my kid. And speaking to teachers & staff today confirm my belief. I have a message in to the supervisor and I'll keep call that bitch until I talk to her personally.
I'll be driving Pudd'n the rest of the summer.