interesting question
I got a fun email from my friend gayle. She asked "If you saw me in the back of a police car, what do you think I was arrested for?". You then told her what you'd think it was and then tag other people what they thought you would be arrested for.This is what I have so far from my friends on what they thought I'd be put in cuffs for:
1. For breaking in to Osgood's home.
2.It will be a misunderstanding having to do with nekkidness, booze, and mauling a hockey player. TOTALLY a misunderstanding. For sure.
3.For assaulting someone for saying something derogatory or disrespectful about Pudd'n.
4.Prostitution..... (gee thanks Pat!)
So what do you think I'd get busted for? Answers in the comments please.