Got Carrots?

I was able to get out for a ride today. The winds were blowing and Kirby was a little goofy because of them. So I kept it simple and mostly rode around the stables. As I was riding along, I noticed that something was exciting a row of horses in their stalls.
Uh oh.
This is not good.
Sure enough a riderless horse came barreling through. When ever this happens any horse near by freaks out and trys to run with the loose horse. It is a heard mentality thing. If a horse is running out of control there must be something chasing it. So to be safe all the other goof ball horses try to follow. Luckily I was able to keep Kirby under control and GP out of the way of being trampled. All the horses in their stalls were acting up. I called it quits then. I had a good 1/2 hr in and did not feel like calling Steve if Kirby managed to dump my ass.
I still enjoyed my self.