3 day weekend for me!I'll be getting my fine Celtic ass on Kirby again tomorrow. Hopefully the Santa Ana winds won't be blowing like they were today. They were making GP freak out, which made Kirby freak out.........Ugh.
Yesterday I took Pudd'n to the dentist and the doctor.
It was a disaster.
Pudd'n was 125lbs of "you can't make me go in there bitch".
Good times.
I drugged him up to get him to the doctor, I had a sneaking suspicion that he had a sinus infection like me. After having to hold him in a bear hug just so the doctor could check his ears I though my arms were going to pop out of their sockets.
The rest of the evening it felt as knives were stabbing me in my shoulders.
My nerves were shot too after having to listen to Pudd'n moan, whine and fake cry for a full hour before the doctor saw him.
So top that with Kirby playing "lets spook at every little thing", I'm really sore tonight.
I still plan on getting my freak on damn it!