White Christmas
The view from my dad's front porch.
The view from my dad's back porch.
Spaz's view on the drive home from Grand Rapids yesterday. Okay, maybe I don't miss driving in the snow.A few years in a row I was able to go home with Pudd'n for Yule. Air fare was real cheap and it was so much fun to be with my family on Yule morning (we always flew out Yule Eve). Now I make my own fun with my "extended family" here in CA.
As usual, I thought I was going to piss my pants with laughter Sat eve when the girls came over. Aussie made the most delicious ham eveah! I happily traded all of my left over soup for their ham. I couldn't believe all the food we had. I also couldn't believe half of my house didn't have electricity; but we made do.