Great, now my damn cat smells like a douche....
As usual, when I get home after picking up Pudd'n I'm very busy.Feed the kid, pets and getting dinner ready.
So today after hastily putting away the groceries I start to make spaghetti sauce. The sauce is for tomorrow. Tonight we are having nachos. Oh and I also have to make a pumpkin spice dip for my seniors tomorrow.
Satan's Little Helper was hell bent on driving me crazy or trying to kill me. He would not stay the fuck out from underneath my feet. I've got the full PMS machine going to boot. My boobs hurt, my back aches and I just don't have the patience to deal with SLH.
I broke out the squirt bottle that has vinegar in it.
That little shit would not take "no" for an answer. He was completly drenched by the time I finished with every thing.
Some day he will learn..............sheeyah right.