Ahhh my students know me so well.......
As we all know I'm working for several teachers this year. Linda is still my home base, I just get pimped out to others to help. One of my classes is full of seniors. A good portion of these kids I've had since they were freshmen. They still try to pull shit, they are teenagers after all. I usually just have to give them the death stare/hairy eye ball and they fly straight real quick.Well one of my girls Mary is bombing on the tests and just barely passing in home work. She's always been like this. As I approached my class room I notice Mary coming up from the other direction with a bathroom pass. I stop her before we enter the class and I tell her I notice she is not doing that well on tests. Can I help her in any way to study for them? She looked at me sheepishly and said no.
"Mary, are you studying for the testes?" *insert hairy eye ball here*
"Ummmmm, no" was her reply.
I continue to give her the hairy eye ball as I reach out to open the door for us to enter the class room.
She took a huge step back as she noticed my arm raising.
She wasn't waiting to see if it was going to the door knob or to smack her upside the head.