We had our asses handed to us again............
I picked up a shift tonight. It started at 4 pm which means "first on first off".I don't know what the fuck happened, but when I got there it said I was to come in at 6pm and I was to close.
I don't think so people, can we all say "Ms. Maeve don't close!".
Not only did they screw up mine and Kyle's start time, they didn't take Melanie off of the schedual. She & Pat are in Vegas this weekend (hence my happy ass being there to cover Pat).
It is 5 pm now and the hostess is in. I tell her to go check with management what they want to do with station 5 because melly won't be in.
I don't know what the fuck that twit did, but she ended up seating melly's station!
Hello! Dumb ass!
Not only is she seating melly's station, she's not seating mine.
She is double seating the other people and seating in stations where there is no server.
I ask her what the hell is going on and she is dumb enough to say "I didn't know you were on".
Do you think I'm here for my health?
"Well it says you come on at 6pm" she stammered.
Did I not point out that Melly wasn't here, my start time was crossed out and rewritten in?? And did you not notice that stations were changed on the sheet????
From there it just went down hill. A waitress & hostess that had put their two week notice in did not show up for their shifts tonight.
They fucked us over big time.
At one point 10 of my 12 tables were filled.
Oh and aunt flo started too in the middle of all this.
Yeah, I'm having a big glass of whiskey right now.