More drama, only on the home front this tim.......
Ok, let me set the scenerio.By now I hope you have gathered that Steve is usually a calm individual. He puts up with me and his stupid brother with out so much as batting an eye. He has always been the calm one where as I will usually fly off the handle.
Our fucking scum bag neighbors a few doors down:
Last year they had a poor pit/sharpe mix that would bark non stop. That dog dissapeared and they got some sort of bassett/terrier mix to keep their long haired ankel biter company. Then they got a pit bull. As usual, the dogs would run through the streets. Several of my neighbors complained about this.
We have help on the weekend for Pudd'n. We always have the girls park in our drive way for saftey reasons. I don't live in an overly dangerous place, but why take chances? So the girls park in my drive way and we'll park Steve's car in the cul de sac.
Got that?
All righty then.
I'm at the beach, Jessie is parked in my drive way and Steve is off running errands. On his way back he hits the garage door opener and then parks his car in the cul de sac at the end of the street. With his hands full, the hound/terrier mix starts to charge Steve as he walks past. Steve does his best to shoo the dog off by swinging the bags and the damn thing keeps going for his ankles as he makes his way to our garage. He dumps the bags in the drive, grabs the first shovel he can and goes after the dog.
He chases it back to the house and the owner comes out saying "it's ok, it's my dog".
Steve tells him "no, it is not ok that fucking thing tried to bite me and I'm going to kill it".
The dog runs in to the back yard and Steve thinks this is the end of it.
Shhheah riiight.
As he makes it back to the drive way the gottdamn dog is on his heels again!!!
Now my husband is really pissed and he does his best to hit the dog up side the head. Now the owner's tune has changed to "it's not my dog".
Steve calls animal control and he tells them they'd better get down here quick because he's going to kill the damn dog. We have a lot of kids that play on our street and what if they get bit? These scum bags don't even get dental work for their kid that has black teeth; this dog is not fixed and probably does not have its shots. I've had to shoo this dog off several times with my walking stick when I'd take GP for a walk. And these fucktards let this dog roam every where.
10 min after this a tan SUV pulls up to their house and some one took the dog because when animal control showed up 15 min later the dog was no where to be found. Several of our neighbors came out to back up our story of how these dogs run free all the time. This is not the first time animal control has been to their house. Shit, 2 weeks ago they showed up twice in one day and one of those times was at 9pm.
The animal control officer cautioned Steve about "excessive force" because it is a small dog. I told the officer I don't care if it is a small dog. It could be rabid and then what would my husband have to go through? The damn dog is on MY property and if it is coming after us, we will defend our selves.
So much for the nice relaxing day at the beach....