I'm really ready for summer to be over with....
As much as Pudd'n loves the beach and it gives me endless amounts of pleasure to see him so happy; I'm ready for summer to be over with.There must be some sort of crack down or major consipiracty to harass me this summer.
To go to the beach I have to park at Aunt Selma's. There I don't have to worry about parking on a busy street and feeding the meter. From her place of residence we walk to an under ground walk way by the sewage drain off to the beach. Once on the beach we make our way to sit in front of Shit Coast Estates club house.
The city is working on the sewage pump and stuff in the under ground pass.
I've seen workers in there before and no one has ever said "boo" to me. I usually get a friendly smile as they see me loaded down like a pack mule with son & dog in tow.
Yestreday some one must of pissed in this guy's cornflakes because he starts in with the "no dogs" spiel.
When I tell him "service dog" he snottily said to me "you'll probably get a ticket any way". "Bring it on" I tell him "I'm sure the city wants to be embarassed by a law suit for discriminating against a child with a disability".
We trudge on and find a nice spot to camp for the day. A lady with a boy about 7 set up behind us and the four of us end up spending the next few hours chatting and playing. It was real nice to finally run in to a Shit Coast member that was nice this summer. 2 hours in to having a nice time the life guard comes down to tell me "no dogs".
I'm here 2 hours and you are now coming down to tell me this shit? I'm thinking.
It turns out his stupidvisor was there.
"service dog"
Uh, ok said life guard
He goes back tells stupidvisor what I said and she sends him back asking where my dog's vest was.
My dog's vest is in the van. I don't have GP wear it down because I don't want it getting ruined at the beach. I inform LG that I have GP's service dog card stating what he is. I show it and he goes back to stupidvisor.
She sends him back again.
"Well, I'm supposed to tell you that you can still get a ticket".
I truly felt sorry for this kid. He didn't want to be doing this. He really didn't give a shit we were on the beach. Some bitch had a hard on and wanted to play puppet master with him.
I inform him to tell his stupidvisor to quit harassing me. I've provided proof that my dog is a service dog and the city will end up with a nice law suit if they try anything else.
Today I'll have GP wear the vest down. I'll just keep it in a bag so it does not get ruined by salt water & sand.
Just 3 more weeks...............