Strange ass dreams.
Last night I was plagued again by weird, strange, make no sense what so ever dreams.The one that sticks out in my mind is I was showing a photo I took to Steve. The photo was of a sliding glass closet door or was it a dresser mirror? Any way, it was a large piece of mirror, lets go with that.
In the photo there were many skulls in the glass. They were faint, ghostly images. We were living in a house that was haunted and I kept telling Steve that we had to move out now because Pudd'n would get scared.
The panic continued when the dream jumped me in to a laundry room with a window in the door of it. I had changed out this woman's laundry and I started to freak out because I could see her and I didn't want her to know that I did that.
The night before last I dreamed of ghostly images, a farm and police. Every one was dressed in the era of the 40's or 50's. Smack dab in the middle of that strange dream "I love New York" (yes, I am a loser that watched both of those shows!) was swimming in an above ground pool.
Any arm chair Freud's out there wanna take a stab at what is going through my twisted Psyche?