PSA to some fucktards at the SD Zoo today........
We are expecting heavy rains the next few days so I thought I'd take Pudd'n & GP to the Zoo today.Half way there Pudd'n shits his pants.
Ok kid, hope you enjoy sitting in it because I am NOT pulling over to clean you up. We get to the zoo and I clean Pudd'n up and tell him that since he pooped his pants he will not be getting any tv/videos when we get home today.
Yes, he does understand.
I make him carry the bag full of butt wipes and the piddle pad (cloth & plastic liners we've started to put where ever he sits in the van) to the trash. After we dispose of the waste, he starts to suck up to mommy.
He's all loving and wanting to hold my hand (what almost 12 year old male wants to hold their mother's hand???) or he's trying to put an arm around my waist as we walk.
Uh huh, riiiiiiiiiiiight. Puddd'n has not wanted to hold my hand since he was 5 years old.
Any way we have to stand in the member's line because we still have not received his current pass. He is waiting patiently in line( another clue he is still sucking up).
Ok, here is where my PSA comes in.
We all know I've been just a wee bit stressed lately.
I am also in full PMS mode. People should be glad I don't carry a gun or I'd be doling out my own brand of chlorine to your gene pool.
You. don' fuck. with. me.
Fucktards #1.
People at the members counter, they get what they need and in stead of moving off to the side so some one else can come up and conduct business; they STAND in front of the counter. They read what coupons they have, load up purses and THEN load up a baby.
Motherfuckers..........the world does NOT revolve around you. MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY.
Fucktard #2:
We go to our usual bathroom because Goddess forbid we deviate from our routine. Some yuppy mother is in the handicap stall with her perfect child.
This is a SMALL restroom, it is filling up quickly with small children that are delighting in the fact that there is a 100 lb love sponge in there. I make the remark several times LOUDLY "please don't pet the dog, he's working" and "go ahead, I'm WAITING for the handi cap stall".
And yes, fucktard #2 does speak English because she's telling her kid "wash hands good honey".
Yeah bitch, there is a row of fucking sinks out here! Get your preppy ass out of there before me and my kid piss our pants.
Fucktard #3 that really was lucky I didn't have a gun:
We are waiting in another damn line for food. Pudd'n has to eat right after visiting the bathroom when we get to the zoo (gotta love autism and its rituals)
There is two women with children already at a window to order. They open another window and announce "next in line!"
What does one of the fucking bitches at the first window do??!!!???
She jumps over to the next window!
That is when I said: "Are you joking me lady???!!!!"
She glances over her shoulder and sees the look of "I'm going to beat your ass senless look" on my face or a.k.a. "the look of death".
She quickly turns around and trys to pretend she does not see me.
After another few minutes they open another window and I place our order.
Dumb ass bitch had to pass by our table and I delighted in "mad dogging" her as she walked by with her friend.
Fucktards #4
When I walk past you with my serivce dog, do not jump out of the way or on top of things screaming. My dog could care less about you or your damn phobias.
Fucking DEAL with it.
And yes, you would be amazed at how many people do this shit.
That is all.........leave copious offerings of whiskey and I won't get all postal on your asses.