My favorite Hawt Asian Chick tagged my happy ass with a meme.The rules are:
* link to the person who tagged you
* post the rules on your blog
* share six non-important things/ habits/ quirks about yourself
* tag at least 3 people at the end of the post and link to their blogs
* let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Okay, in no particular order, here we go!
1. Seeing a priest in public skeeves me out. I have no frick'n clue as to why either. If I see one,I literally want to hiss at him and give him the evil eye.
I'm ok to see them in church at the alter, I still get the heebie jeebies, though not as bad.
2. I have five tattoos and want more!
3. My navel was pierced when I was in my 20's.
4. I was 14 when I started drinking whiskey.
5. I bought my 2nd horse (whom I named Whiskey, go figure) for $1.00. He was on his way to becoming a can of dog food when I got him. I only had him for 7 short, wonderful years before cancer took him.
I miss that horse.
6. I had my last paranormal expierience a few months after my dog Jack died. I awoke to a heavy sensation on my chest. As I started to fully wake up I heard Jack barking right in my face.
Now who to tag??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............
My brain hurts too much from trying to think up six things. So consider your self tagged if you come here to read my drivel!