Finding a lost love.
We all know the shitty month I had in Dec. I did a lot of emotional eating and drinking. The results of this self medicating is really shown up. My ass has its own zip code again. I had let my gym membership go because they closed up and moved to a different location that was not conducive.One night while flipping through channels, Steve found an exersize channel and they had BELLY DANCING on!
Now I normally don't dance (unless I'm in the arms of another for a nice waltz, two step or fox trot). I look like a dam frog in a blender when I attempt to dance by myself.
Except for belly dancing. I love to belly dance! Steve recorded a few of their programs for me and I put one on this morning. I like the girls they use too. They are not some anorexic things, these girls have curves.
Dangerous curves! Whoooot!
They look healthy and beautiful. I now have something to look forward to every morning.