I'm taking a college course!Whoot!
Linda gave me a flyer from the district advertising a class they were offering. When I complete it I earn 3 credits, can make $15 more a month and earn the title of para professional 1. The classes are being held where I work, how easy is that? I don't have to go to the damn college and fight/pay for parking. The class is held 2 nights a week for 3 hours. I also got to apply on line.
I've got more good news barflies. Starting next semester I won't be working with those dooshbags in P2 any more. Linda went to bat for me and pointed out the fact that the school screwed up putting all those little assholes in one class. It was not fair that I should have to be the aid to shoulder the burden of going in there. Next semester the other aids will have the joy of working in that class in a rotating schedual. I swear those little dooshbags are energy vampires.
Pudd'n is at my mom's again. He's pretty sick, my poor baby. I guess I'll go walk the dogs before going to work.