I lust, I MUST have!
I found a new perfume to lust over and collect a boat load of samples of. Gwe.n Steff*ani has a new perfume out and it smells divine. It looks like I'll be taking lots of trips up to the mall to squirrel away samples.The waves at the beach have been sucking big time. Pudd'n has only been wanting to stay one and half hours there. Very different from our martathons of four to five hours. I can't say I blame him, it is no fun when the waves are so bad you can't go in.
Tuesday finds school starting for both of us. I still don't know my hours that I'll be working. Pudd'n will be taking the bus to school this year, I'll still be picking him up.
Not looking forward to having to make lunches again. I'm excited to see what kind of freshmen I have to terrorize this year and I look forward to seeing my former students.