World's Worst Guest Blogger.
I have to admit I kind of regret telling Maeve that I would guest blog....Can I be totally honest here?
I think I'm in the middle of a some sort of breakdown. I've never had one before so I'm not sure how this works.
Is it normal to chunk hammers and screwdrivers out a window just because you can't get a drawer to work?
Remember the movie; "The Exorcist"....yeah well when young Linda Blair's body was taken over by the Devil she took on his evil voice.
Well...that was pretty much me yesterday. All except for the green projectile vomiting that is.
I totally snapped for a few minutes.
I don't know.
I'm just tired I guess. My husband is on his second deployment in two years. I haven't heard from him in a few days. I'm hearing about 14 troops who were killed last night. I have no idea where my husband is in Iraq because his particular mission is sorta "hush hush" so he could be ANYWHERE.
Since he's been gone everything that could break in this house has. A very dear and close friend of mine died from cancer and she was here so I got to see that.
I had my own brother arrested while I was in the states on VACATION. Yeah that was a wasted 2 thousand bucks. Can I get my money back on plane tickets if the trip just totally sucks ASS?
I need a haircut and I know that's not a huge deal but Split Ends can be serious.
Oh and I've gained like a ZILLION pounds so now I actually jiggle when I walk. My ass is like a semi set bowl of fucking pudding. Bill Cosby needs to come over here and do a commercial on MY ASS. J-E-L-L-O!'s all off my chest.
I'm the World's Worst Fucking Guest Blogger ever.
Maybe it'll be better tomorrow....who knows? I might chunk something bigger out the window.
Hope you all are having a GREAT DAY!