No wonder I drink some days.
Like the new look barflies? The lovely and lush Chickie spruced things up a bit for me! Thank you so much! :)GP's ears are all clear. I'm still going to have to go back for a health cert. for when we fly. You have to get one of those ten days before you fly. I don't mind, I wanted to make sure his ears were all clear before we got on a plane. The new vet seemed nice enough. It is a new facility and pretty impressive looking.
I'm ready for a nice neat glass of Crown Royal compliments of Chickie after the visit though. GP does not like the vets and tries to get his largess (100 lbs) in to my lap. Then of course you have Pudd'n who can't stand doctors of any kind. I have to bring several things to occupy him and then to have GP all up and under me.