I miss my Jack dog.
I miss him.
Jack was very
He did not.
His hearing was going and I believe he was stone deaf by the time I had to put him down a year after the back surgery. The surgery screwed up my dog. He now had a hard time getting up or laying down. He was no longer the guard dog. He no longer bounced all over the place when you walked in the door. He no longer ran around the corral as I rode my horse. In fact, he started coming in and walking right in the path of my horse.
GP misses Jack too. The few times we've come across one GP gets all excited thinking it is Jack until he gets the scent of the dog. Then his whole demeanor changes when he realizes it is not his long lost friend. I swear that dog actually looks sad when it hits him that the aussie dog in front of him is not his beloved Jack.
I miss my gooby dog.