Happy Thoughts
Guess what time it is barflies?
Time for your bartender to get raging PMS. Lucky me/you/Steve.
In fact, aunt flo is supposed to make her arrive THE DAY OF MY SISTER'S WEDDING.
So after my last depressing post about my beloved Jack dog, I knew I needed to think of things that make me happy before I slide head first in to the black abyss.
So what did I think of to turn my frown upside down?
1. Well, remembering Spaz (in photo) dancing and singing into her hair brush. We always do stoopid shit like this when we get together. We are 12 years old all over again. This picture was taken last year in the hotel at my brother's wedding. I'm sure I'll have more blackmail wholesome photos from my sister's wedding.
2. Realizing that tomorrow I'll be seeing my bitch Venus, she'll be in from AZ and we are meeting up with Lili. I think the last time the three of us were together was Lili's wedding day 3 years ago. Much alcohol will be consumed and I'm sure I won't make it home again.
3.Looking at the pictures from Chickie's visit. Medieval times was a blast.
4."I'm a sexay beast!!" Jack over at Incoherant Ramblings has his hands full with two young boys. His son "Bug" always delcares that he is a "Sexy Beast". I am going to borrow that phrase and keeping saying to myself as I feel all bloated and unattractive this next week. 5. And of course looking at my Pudd'ns face. That kid brings me more joy than he knows. I think I'll go kiss that sweet face right now.