Okay, I know I totally suck for unloading my crap onto a bunch of people who don't even read me at my own blog...This Guest Blogging sucks don't it?
Anyway...I finally heard from my husband. He is alive and well.
I got my haircut.
Ooopa Jack came and fixed everything that was broken in my house.
My daughter is GONE for the evening.
I have 3lbs of fresh greens beans I need to do something with and I have WINE.
Do you know what that means in this house?
Momma slaps on the apron, goes barefoot, cranks up the stereo and gets slightly drunk while slaving over a hot stove.
It's my idea of what Paradise must be like.
I'll see you all in the morning....leave out some aspirin because damn it almighty WINE gives me a headache but I keep drinking the shit!
Hope you all have a great night!