Tonight for a fine gourmet meal we took Pudd'n to the restaurant that boasts a large rodent and cardboard pizza. Oh yeah, a kid can be a kid.Loosely translated: my kid looks normal stemming about with the other kids. As I was sitting there waiting for our meal, Steve was off helping Pudd'n with the video games. Steve catches my eye and directs me to a very tall, dark man.The man turns.OH. MY. GAWD.!!!!It is K. Carney formally of the Ducks. I love me some K. Carney and I'm a very bitter witch those bastards traded him. I have several photos of him & Pudd'n from games and when Mr. Carney did the Walk Now for autism a few years back. My greedy eyes devoured him as he walked about playing games with his kids. I think I started visibly drooling when I started to picture him nekkid. I casually remarked that maybe I would go over and say "Hi".Steve told me not to, I'd probably end up dry humping the guys leg and that would not look too good in front of his kids. (Mommy? What is that lady doing to daddy's leg???)Labels: Gotdamn I love me some hockey plaers