Yesterday I made it to my regular doctor. The medicine he gave me started working instantly on the pain & pressure in my head. I've got a sinus infection and pink eye. Oh joy!
It just reinforces my belief that most of those doctors that work in walk in clinics don't know jack shit.
Speaking of idiots...............
The district "lost" my application for summer school. The only opening they had was at my current place of employment.
Now mind you, I'd rather work with the high schoolers, but high school starts at 8 am.
Middle school where Pudd'n will be going starts at 8:45 am and now I will have to drive to two different locations. High school also goes a week longer than middle school which means I'll have to find a sub for that last week because that is when Chickie will be here. I've got a message in to the AP on what she wants to do. There is no openings at the middle school Pudd'n will be at.
I hope I hear from her today. Summer school starts on Monday.
Labels: drugs and school drama