This was the best shot I got today. Steve was slaving away working O/T again, so I took Pudd'n whale watching. I had tickets left over from when my sister came out for a visit in '00. We did not see any whales then and they told us to keep our tickets, they never expire. So I pulled those puppies out and took my kid down to the harbor.
This whale was very playful. He was having a grand time with several dolphins. He kept flipping over on his back and doing all sorts of cool shit. Too bad I didn't get any of it! I was standing there in awe when it dawned on me "hey dumb shit! take a picture of this!!" and by the time I moved out of my stupor. I missed the really good shots.
Pudd'n had a nice time, he enjoyed the boat ride. Could of cared less about the dolphins or whales. It was a nice 2 hours in the fresh air.