Wednesday, January 31, 2007
We lost another bus boy last night and we were busy too. Sure it is great not having to tip out, but damn do you bust your ass! Some asian women (4 of them) were there and one was all over Slappy like white on rice. Lucky for me, the owners came in at one point, so Slappy had to stop playing with his new toy (the asian woman)and finally help me. And of course soon as they left he was slobbering all over her again. The only positive thing about those women was Slappy's toy keeping my friend Babs in stiches. She joined Babs at the bar and entertained her since I was busy and Slappy had to look like he was doing something other than playing with his dick. The toy was lucky too that I didn't smack the shit out of her friend. Her friend was really snotty to me and she's lucky I wasn't serving her food other wise I'd have to put some "special sauce" in her meal. Those women were there from 1-7 pm. I kid you not. They also did not pay for a single thing.