Saturday, January 20, 2007
Tactile defensive..........In laymen's terms it means you can't handle the feeling of certin subtances. Lotion is usually the biggest offender.Steve can't hang with sun screen, body oil or any thing like that. Pudd'n is the same way.(Yeah, tell me he didn't get the autism from his father......*snort*)Any way, during the summer I have to fight tooth and nail to get Pudd'n to wear sunscreen. We spend 3-6 hours at the beach on a daily basis, the kid is NOT going with out sunscreen. What is Pudd'ns favorite game at the moment?Chase him with regular body lotion and try to smear it on him. I can go through half a bottle of lotion in 20 mins. Pudd'n is like a greased pig. He loves it, thinks it is funnier than shit. Go figure.