Thursday, September 14, 2006
My favorite freak of nature; Vman has a picture of a big black vibrator up at his place. It gave me a flash back to when I worked at Bob's Big Boy (Elias Bro's to my east coast peeps). My friend Adela was having a birthday (as we all do) and I wanted to get her something special. Another co worker Dawn was going to have a sex toy party, so I got the bright idea to get Adela a new toy. With her hub being a marine and out of the state for a while, she broke her other vibrator. Well, the big day came and in the break room I presented Adela with her new best friend. A big black vibrator, it even had a "fore skin" on it too! I put the vibrator in a sandwich roll, put it on a plate and sang happy birthday to her. I thought she was going to pee her pants she was laughing so hard. All she could do was squeal "it's black! it's black!". The dish boy came in to see what was going on and Adela proceeded to chase the poor kid around the place with it. Ahhhhh the memories of working at Bob's. All the shit we used to pull, the parties we had.............