Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Ack!The day started out good and went to shit pretty damn quick for me. Pudd'n and I slept in until 8am. That is rare! I managed to get do some yoga and color my hair. I then loaded up pudd'n & the goat and went out for a snack. We went to the park and was having a good time until some other kids joined us. Pudd'n would not move out of the way so a little boy could slide down. I asked Pudd'n to move. He would not. I explained to Pudd'n he needed to move and then we'd continue our game. Pudd'n wouldn't move. So I moved him.This resulted in one huge tempertantrum. I dragged his ass all the way back to the pic nic table and told him to sit there. He tantrumed some more there. My back and neck are killing me now from having to fight with him to get him away from those other kids. Last thing I need is a repeat of the shoe shopping debacle. He calmed down after about 20 minutes and then asked to leave. Fine by me. We then go down to visit the horses and feed them some goodies. He was in a better mood then. Lucky for me, we saw the chiropractor after the horses. My nerves are shot and I'm sore as hell. I'm glad I declined C.C. ritual tonight. I'm really not in the mood to deal with people and this heat is not helping. I will just quietly do ritual in my yard tonight to celebrate Lammas.