Wednesday, April 26, 2006
AAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrGGGGGGGGhhhhhhhhh!I've been tagged!5 things in my fridge.1. Milk2. lots of leafy green veggies3. salsa (can't live with out that)4. eggs5. a zillion condiments so when every I need to whip up something I always have the ingredients on hand.My closet:1. Many, many purses. I think they are breeding in there.2. My over stock of books on witchy type things3. Enough clothes to open my own store thanks to Lili.4. Dust5. My special witches hat that I only wear on All Hallows Eve.My car:1. Not enough cds2. paper towels to clean up any behavior vomiting.3. spare wine & beer opener 4. extra dog leash for the goat puppy5.hand creamWell, that' s it. Boring aint I? Now who shall I tag? How about:SandyAthena LLGuyJames