Good Times!
What a great time we had last night. The food was fabulous, conversation stimulating and the company a riot. Athena ordered this fancy blue drink and when the waitress brought it, the first thing that popped out of my mouth was "it looks like a big blue dildo!". Athena drank four of those suckers. Aussie drank her key lime martinis like they were water. Damn those things were good! Aussie got some great pressies and we hammed it up for the camera. Soon as I get off my lazy ass, I'll down load a few photos. I gave the girls thier Yule gifts from Dru and told them of the darling beer stines she got me. They have gargoyles on them ( I like them as much as I do goats!)
Maybe now that Athena has some time on her hands, we can get together more often.
Well, it's nap time before I have to make dinner and go off to work.
Later gators.