I lifted this from Eric over at Straight White Guy.
20 things about moi!
1. What is your best memory?: The day my son was born.
2. Most terrible day?: The day he was diagnosed with Autism.
3. What is your birth city?: Ann Arbor
4. Favorite thing to do?: Go horseback riding.
5. City I want to visit most and why: Any of them in Ireland. It's the "mother" country, I must go!
6.Who is your Hollywood crush?: Johnny Depp
7. What is your favorite food: Mexican or men covered in chocolate.
8. What dream or fantasy do you want to come true?: For my son to emerge from his Autism and lead a normal life.
9. What is your favorite sport?: Duh......hockey.
10. How long have you been married?: 13 years this Oct
11. What is your favorite song and why?: Oh hell, too many to pick from.
12. Who do you admire?: My mother.
13. Who do you hate and why?: I hate any one that abuses children and animals.
14. Who is your secret crush?: If I told you, it would not be a secret now would it?
15. 1-2 rules to live by?: Be kind unto others and don't litter.
16.Do you believe in God?: Yes, I believe in MANY Gods....and Goddess'
17. Do you have a dark seceret?: Yes.
18. What is your most treasured item?: My son.
19. If you could turn back time, what would you do?: I would of gone back to when I had that stupid, dumb ass cunt of an HMO Dr. I would not of listened to her adivice of "oh let's wait and see, boys develope slower" I KNEW something was wrong with Pudd'n, I didn't know what it was though.
20. What kind of work do you do and do you like it?: I am a teacher's aid for R.S.P English during the day. I LOVE it! I also waitress/bartend at nights. That's ok too, money is decent, but I'd rather be at home at nights with my boys.